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해외석학 초청 특별강의[07.1.15-1.26]

작성자 관리자 작성일 2006.12.22 조회수26762

-- 해외석학 초청 특별강의--

▣ 강의명 :  Short Course on  Materials Aspects of Electrochemical Energy

▣ 강사 :  Professor Robert A. Huggins

(Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University)

▣ 일정 : 2007년 1월 15일 - 1월 26일 (월 - 금, 오전 9:30-11:30)

▣ 장소 : KAIST 신소재공학과 2427호 (W1-1)

▣ 수강료 : 무료(KAIST 학생), 10만원(외부학생), 30만원(기타)

▣ 신청 : KAIST 신소재공학과 (psm7@kaist.ac.kr, 042-869-3304)

         http://mse.kaist.ac.kr (신청마감 : 2006년 12월 31일)

▣ Table of Contents

Part I

A.  Fundamentals of Electrochemical Storage

B.  Relationships Between Electrochemical and Thermodynamic Quantities.

C.  Binary Systems: Coulometric Titration Technique

D. Ternary Systems

E.  Electrode Reactions That Deviate From Complete Equilibrium

Part II

F.  Insertion Reaction Electrodes

G.  Negative Electrodes in Lithium Cells, the “Carbon Electrode”

H.  Metal-Metal and Metal-Metalloid Alloy Electrodes in Lithium Systems

I.  Convertible Reactant Electrodes

J.  Positive Electrodes in Lithium Systems

K.  Negative Electrodes in Aqueous Systems ? Zn, Metal Hydrides

L.  Positive Electrodes in Aqueous Systems ? MnO2, the “Nickel” and “Oxygen” Electrodes

M. The “Memory Effect” in “Nickel” Electrodes

N. Mixed-Conducting Host Structures Into Which Both Cations and Anions Can Be Inserted.

O.  Measurement Methods to Evaluate the Critical Properties of Electrodes

P.  Potential Scales and Reference Electrodes

Q.  Electrolyte Stability Windows ? Extension of Stability Regimes

R.  Liquid and Solid Electrolytes

S.  Evaluation of Majority and Minority Carrier Transport in Electrolytes

T.  Use of Polymeric Materials as Electrolyte and Electrode Components

V.  Reactive Electrolyte Systems and Electrolyte Displacement Reactions

W.  Composite Electrolytes and Electrodes

▣ 주최 : KAIST 신소재공학과, BK21 재료사업단