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Academic Notice

Notice for Paying Tuition Fees for 2014 Fall Semester (Freshmen of Graduate Students)

Writer admin Date 2014.07.14 HIT834

Please pay tuition fees for 2014 Fall Semester during a designated period as follows.

1. Payment Period

  • August 4 (Mon) 2014 ~ August 11 (Mon) 2014, 18:00

    ※ Please note that bank accounts for paying on the last day(Aug. 11) will be activated by 6pm.

    Payment Bill can be seen on KAIST portal after July 25 (Date is subject to change)

2. How to Check Your Bill to be paid

A. Visit the following website GO → Put student ID and social security number
  • Accessible to all people
B. Visit the following website GO → Log in with portal ID and password → Click ‘Academic System’ → Click ‘Payment’
  • Accessible only to students

3. How to check payment status you have made

Visit the website mentioned above and click 'Payment Receipt'
You can check a receipt the day after you make a payment

4. Payment Procedure

A. Students on Government Scholarship and International Students
  • After checking/printing details of tuition fees through means listed above, you can make the payment to your personal virtual account number assigned to you by depositing, Internet banking, Telebanking, or CD/ATM etc. no matter what kind of banking institutions you use. (E.g. Any Korean bank across the country, Nonghyup, Korea Post, etc.)
B. KAIST Scholarship students
  • Students on KAIST scholarship have two different virtual account numbers. (one assigned to a student and the other to his/her academic advisor)
① Tuition fees on your own

After checking/printing details of tuition fees through means listed above, you can make the payment to your personal virtual account number assigned to you by depositing, Internet banking, Telebanking, or CD/ATM etc. no matter what kind of banking institutions you use. (E.g. Any Korean bank across the country, Nonghyup, Korea Post, etc.)

② Tuition fees sponsored by academic advisors

The team of Academic Registrar's will send tuition bills to academic advisors so that they may make payment on behalf of students.

C. Students on General Scholarship
  • Students on general scholarship have two different virtual account numbers. (one assigned to a student and the other to his/her sponsoring company/organization)
    Each party should check the amount of tuition fees assigned and make the proper payment to the virtual accounts assigned to each.
  • If a sponsoring company/organization pays tuition fees of a student, a person in charge in the company can check “Notice/Bill of Tuition & Fees” and pay it accordingly.

    → Visit the following website GO → Put in the student ID and social security No.

5. Refund Tuition fees

  • Students who want to request a refund due to admission cancellation, temporary academic leave of absence or voluntary permanent academic leave, etc. should fill out the application form(attachment 1. Request form for Refunding) and submit it with a copy of bankbook to the Team of Academic Registrar's.

    [Email : registrar@kaist.ac.kr or Fax: 042-350-2360)

  • It mostly takes 10days to get a refund after request.

Full refund will be made for students who cancel admission after making a payment of tuition
Table for refunding tuition fees due to temporary academic leave of absence or voluntary permanent academic leave, etc

Table for refunding tuition fees due to temporary academic leave of absence or voluntary permanent academic leave, etc
Class Reference Date Amount to be refuded
Full Refund Before the beginning of 2014 Fall Full refund
Partial Refund Up to 30th day as from the beginning of 2014 Fall 5/6 of amount paid
(Admission fee, Health Association fee, and Student Association fee are not refundable)
Up to 61st day from 31st day as from the beginning of 2014 Fall 2/3 of amount paid
(Admission fee, Health Association fee, and Student Association fee are not refundable)
Up to 90th day from 61st day as from the beginning of 2014 Fall 1/2 of amount paid
(Admission fee, Health Association fee, and Student Association fee are not refundable)
No Refund From 91th day as from the beginning of 2014 Fall No refund
In case those who request to carry the amount paid over to the returning semester after temporary academic leave of absence due to military service, baby delivery, or infant-care, the full amount paid is carried over to the relevant semester.

6. Measures on Non-payment

  • Non-payment for tuition fees during the designated period results in expulsion based on KAIST academic rules

    1) Article 34 and Article 87 in Academic rules
    2) Article 4 in Collection of Tuition Fees rules
    3) Article 3 in Guidelines on Matriculation and Registration of Courses

  • Those who can not pay during the designated period should submit the application form (Attachment 2. Petition form for Postponement) to the Team of Academic Registrar's by the deadline(2014. Aug. 11.) and are allowed to delay payment until maximum 1month. (2014. Sep. 3.)

7. Note

A. Virtual account numbers are NOT possible to use for withdrawals.
B. Virtual account numbers are only available during the designated period and cannot be used afterwards.

Payment cannot be made if one of the following cases happens.

[case 1] You do not pay the amount of tuition notified.
[case 2] The virtual account numbers are wrong when you make the payment.

C. Student Health Insurance, Student Association Fees are optional payment.

For more Inquiries

  • Division of Academic Affairs, Academic Registrar’s Team:
    Son, Jisoo(Ms.) (Tel: +82-42-350-2363 / Email: registrar@kaist.ac.kr)

Please check your account numbers and the amount of tuition fees one more time before making the payment.

1. Request form for Refunding Tuition fees
2. Petition form for Postponement of Tuition fees payment
3. Guideline to Check How Much You Have Paid Tuition Fees