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Academic Notice

Academic Reinstatement for the 2020 Spring Semester

Writer admin Date 2019.12.26 HIT482

Academic Reinstatement for the 2020 Spring Semester

Students expected to return to school 2020 Spring Semester must apply reinstatement during the designated period(Monday, Feb. 3, 2020~ Friday, Feb. 7, 2020) with approval of your academic advisor and the head of your department/program on the Academic System. (According to the Academic Rules and Regulation Section 4, Article 34,returning students failing to register reinstatement during the designated period (Monday, Feb. 3, 2020~ Friday, Feb. 7, 2020) / and to pay their tuition fees during the registration period(Monday, Feb. 17, 2020~ Friday, Feb.21, 2020) are subject to dismissal from their program. )

* 2020 Spring Semester begins on Monday, March, 2

1. Application of Reinstatement

A. Reinstatement Application period: Monday, Feb. 3, 2020~ Friday, Feb. 7, 2020
① Apply reinstatement on the Academic System (Academic Records- Apply School register change ) during the designated period (Monday, Feb. 3, 2020~ Friday, Feb. 7, 2020) after completing the “Mental health screening for returning students” at the KAIST Clinic website ( https://clinic.kaist.ac.kr/eng/checkup )
② Get approvals from your advisor and the head of department through the Academic System.
Students failing to apply reinstatement will be dismissed in accordance with the Academic Rules and Regulations
Mental health checkups for returning students : KAIST Clinic website login by KAIST portal login → Health Checkup → Mental health Screening → Mental health Screening for returning students → Result will be available after the test is completed (58 questions, takes about 10 minutes)
Main Campus(Daejeon) Regarding dormitory application, please submit a physical check-up or chest x-ray report (examined after 2019.9.1.) to healthmanager@kaist.ac.kr (☎042-350-0525) by 2020.1.14(Tue).

B. Students who are on leave of absence due to their military service must attach one copy of their resident certificate or the certificate of discharge/ military service on which their duration of the service and the date of discharge are written on the Academic System.
Students expected to be discharged from the military service should apply for reinstatement along with the certificate of discharge or the certificate of military service, or other documents which can prove their service issued by their military unit on the Academic System.

C. Information of a guarantor who approve the reinstatement, must be included in the Reinstatement application. After a student applies for it, he/she should get approvals of an academic advisor and the head of department on the Academic System.
Guarantor information
1) Undergraduates: their parent's information
2) Master's and Doctoral students
  - General scholarship: information of the head of organization granting the scholarship
  - National scholarship, or KAIST scholarship: their parent's information

2. Tuition payment (via internet or electronic bank service)

Payment methods and individual payment status will be announced on [Aademic Notices] of the KAIST Home Page after early February. Students can pay the fees using internet banking or CD/ATM.

3. Matters to be attended to for students on leave of absence due to military service

A. Military leave of absence: If students are discharged from military service earlier than the approved deadline of their leave of absence, they have to return to school the semester immediately before the semester in which the date of discharge Falls.
B. If the date of discharge happens to be later than the deadline of leave of absence, the certificate of military service(signed by a commander of their military unit) should be attached along with the leave of absence(extend) application on the Academic System.
C. Students on military leave of absence (who completed their military service) wanting to return to school during the semester can return to school and register for courses until the last day of Add/drop period. Registration is not possible after the Add/drop period.

4. Miscellaneous

Notices regarding reinstatement will be announced on KAIST Homepage News- Notice( http://www.kaist.ac.kr ) or Portal Notice( https://portal.kaist.ac.kr ). No e-mail will be sent to individual student.
Course registration period: Monday, Jan. 13, 2020~ Friday, Jan. 17, 2020
<1st period> 12:30 ~ 23:59 on Jan. 13(Mon) (Open enrollment without ceilings for all the courses)
* Jan. 14(Tue): No registration is possible
* Final student lists for the courses will be announced before 12:00, Jan. 15(Wed)
→ Students will be randomly selected for the courses that exceed their enrollment ceilings; final student lists for the courses will be announced.(on portal)
<2nd period> 12:30 on Jan. 15(Wed)~ 23:59 on Jan. 17(Fri)
→ Students may register for the remaining courses on a first-come first-serve basis.
※Add/Drop Period: Monday, Feb. 24, 2020~ Monday, Mar. 9, 2020
1) Undergraduate program
→ Opening hours of course registration system : Time slots for course drop and course registration will be given separately every day during the period.
* Course drop 00:00(night) ~ 12:00(daytime)
* Course registration 12:30(daytime) ~ 23:59(night)
2) Graduate program
→ The registration system opens from 00:00 on February 24 to before 23:59 on March 9
(Course registration is available in Portal System only– not available on mobile devices.)

5. Please contact the team involved for more information

1) Daejeon Campus: Office of Academic Affairs_ Academic Registrar's Team
(Undergraduate program: T. 042-350-2364/ Graduate program (master's and doctoral): T. 042-350-2365)
2) Seoul Campus: College of Business_ Academic & Student Affairs Team ( T. 02-958-3211)