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Household Scale Indoor Position Tracking Technology Developed​
View : 7387 Date : 2012-12-21 Writer : ed_news

Technology that will allow household scale position tracking of smartphones indoors, where GPS signals do not reach, has been developed. It is anticipated that the newly developed technology will enable the tracking of persons indoors in an emergency situation or aid in the finding of a lost smartphone.
Professor Han Dong Soo (Department of Computer Sciences) and his research team has developed the technology that enables tracking a smartphone’s location indoors using wireless LAN signals accurate to 10 meters.
Because the technology utilizes wireless LAN signals and the address of smartphone users, the technology can be implemented for a low cost all over the world.
Conventionally the location of a lost smartphone can be found through a telecommunications company. However the location found using the base station is only accurate to 500m~700m and therefore reclaiming lost smartphones is nearly impossible.
In addition, there have been unfortunate events where the kidnapped victim called the police but was murdered due to the inaccuracy of smartphone location tracking.
The newly developed technology by Professor Han’s team remedies the inaccuracy of smartphone location tracking.
Professor Han’s team collected wireless LAN data recorded in the smartphones for a week to analyze the patterns to distinguish patterns between signals recorded in the workplace and in the household.
The stability and accuracy of the technology was verified over a period of five months in various locations across Korea with varying population densities.
The result was when the total amount of data collected passes 50% of the number of households, the technology show accuracy to 10 meters. The result showed that the new technology can track the location of the smartphone to 10 meters on a household scale. In addition it was possible to distinguish which floor the smartphone was located.
The technology is anticipated to improve smartphone positioning. However caution needs to be practiced as the technology requires the address of the user’s workplace and home.

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