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KATT Tops at Appropriate Technology Competition​
View : 6442 Date : 2017-06-12 Writer : ed_camnews

The KAIST Appropriate Technology Team (KATT) consisting of KAIST international students received gold and bronze awards at ‘the 9th Creative Design Competition for the Other 90%’. This year’s competition was hosted by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning at Seoul National University’s Global Convention Plaza on May 26. Undergraduate and graduate students nationwide formed 65 teams to participate in the competition. 

The aim of the competition is to discover appropriate technology and sustainable design items to enhance quality of life for those with no or little access to science technology and its products around the world. This year’s competition categorized the designs into IT; water and energy; agriculture, hygiene, safety, and housing; and education. The teams were evaluated on their presentations and prototypes.

KATT produced alarm warning bracelets for people in developing countries and smart hybrid dryers for agricultural products. The alarm warning bracelets were designed for those living in tsunami risk zones; they use wireless communication technology to receive and transmit warning signals and can be produced for less than $4.

The smart hybrid dryers featured solar energy generation, aimed to help those with low income in subtropical, low-altitude regions with unstable climates, since there are currently no drying methods for agricultural products without direct exposure to sunlight. Therefore, the hybrid dryers allowed drying regardless of the weather, and thus increased the storage and distribution efficiency of agricultural products.

Ashar Alam from India who participated in developing the alarm warning bracelet said, “Through the appropriate technology club, I recognized problems in India that also affect neighboring countries such as Indonesia and Bangladesh. I wanted to actively use the science and technology knowledge I have accumulated in KAIST for the less fortunate.” He continued, “It was meaningful to develop the product using the respective talents of students from various countries with the spirit of developing appropriate technology.”

(Photo caption: Alarm warning bracelet team received the gold award)

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