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New director of National Nano Fab Center was named.​
View : 10198 Date : 2010-05-19 Writer : ed_news

Professor Ki-Ro Lee from the Electrical Engineering Department of KAIST has been appointed as the new Director of National Nano Fab Center, an affiliated institute to KAIST and will serve the position for three years beginning from May 4, 2010.

Director Lee graduated from Seoul National University in 1976 and received his doctoral degree from University of Minnesota, Twincities, the US, in 1983. He has taught at the Electrical Engineering Department since 1986. While at KAIST, he served as the dean of research affairs from 1998-200 and 2004-2005, respectively. From 2005 to 2007, he worked as the Director of LG Advanced Institute of Technology.

New director of National Nano Fab Center was named. 이미지
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