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KAIST Conducts Safety Awareness Campaign for Research and Experiment​
View : 7287 Date : 2014-05-19 Writer : ed_news

Safety Awareness Campaign

KAIST had an opening ceremony to hold its first “Safety Awareness Campaign for Research and Experiment” on 13th May. Over 100 people attended the ceremony, including President Steve Kang, Provost Gyu-Ho Park, and the Dean of the Administration Office Jae-Nam Lee, as well as the Chief of the Department of Research Environment Safety from the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning, Republic of Korea.

On the day of the event, Year 2014 was proclaimed as the first year of accident-free KAIST research and laboratory facilities.

A certificate of merit was awarded to promote safe and comfortable research environments. The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, KAIST, was selected as the department with the best lab safety management and the Department of Mechanical Engineering as the second.

Along with the merit award ceremony, the results of the “7th Research and Laboratory Safety Campaign Contest” were announced: “Lady First When Dating, Safety First When Experimenting!” written by Jong-Su Bae from the Department of Mechanical Engineering was selected as the best slogan, and Hyeon-Chae Noh from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering received the award for best poster.

President Steve Kang said, “KAIST is constantly striving to establish a comprehensive safety management system and to promote a safe research and laboratory environment,” and “To ensure the safety of KAIST and its members, we will be as supportive as possible.”

Below is the winner of the poster from the 7th Research and Laboratory Safety Campaign Contest.

Poster from the 7th Research and Laboratory Safety Campaign Contest

What Would You Rather Wear? Gloves or Bandages?

Gloves worn in laboratories are protection from hazardous materials that students and researchers may come in contact with. The poster emphasizes the importance of wearing protective gloves when conducting research or experiment.

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