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A stream of generous donations to KAIST continues to grow.​
View : 8896 Date : 2010-07-21 Writer : ed_news

Yi-Won Oh is nothing but an ordinary person who lives in Seoul. Ever since retirement, she has looked into ways to donate her savings for a bigger cause that will benefit the people in need and the nation as a whole.

On the inauguration day of President Nam Pyo Suh who took his second term in office, Ms. Oh joined the ceremony and pledged to donate her savings to KAIST, which amounted to 10 billion won.

“I’ve always thought that the best way for our country to become a developed nation that lacks natural resources and has a small land is to develop science and technology by producing excellent manpower through a quality education. I talked to President Suh a couple of times, and we shared our common belief that the future of our nation hinges on the advancement of science and technology in Korea,” said Ms. Oh.

She added, “I support for President Suh’s vision and leadership, who has brought reformative and innovative changes to KAIST. I have no doubt that KAIST will become a leading research university in the world and play an important role in the development of our nation. It is indeed my pleasure that I can make announcement to donate my money to KAIST on the day President Suh is assigned to lead such a distinguished university one more time.”

KAIST plans to create and operate a fund dubbed “Yi-Won Oh Scholarship and Grant for Young Chair Professors.” Through the fund, talented students suffering financial difficulties and promising, young professors will have a richer opportunity to study and research.

A stream of generous donations to KAIST continues to grow. 이미지
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