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Information Sharing Webzine "You'reKA"​
View : 7040 Date : 2012-01-31 Writer : ed_news

KAIST will be opening “You’reKA” to improve communication between staff members and between KAIST family members. “You’reKA” will primarily deal with school policies, research successes, news of KAIST family members, opinions, and other on, off campus news.

“You’reKA” is a shortened form of “You are KAIST” and is a homonym of ‘Eureka’ an expression used for scientific discovery and is supposed to instill pride as KAISTians.

The webzine is set to be opened in January of this year and will showcase 5 menus: “We Ask KAIST the Way”, “KAIST Report”, “Issue Briefing”, “Opinion” and “You”.

“We Ask KAIST the Way” introduces messages from the President and Vice President of KAIST and is a corner where honest opinions regarding the university’s vision and leadership are shared. It will be run as a Q&A corner that includes major publications and comments along with interviews, external experts, and staff members.

Under the “KAIST Report” menu, there will be ‘KAIST Today’ section where up to date research and experiment successes are posted, and a ‘KAIST Yard’ where various event information and news of KAIST members are shared.

“Issue Briefing” will introduce an overall assessment of various university management policies and issues and provide a complete scan of information. “Opinion” will allow visitors to the webzine to read up on various perspectives and comments from Professors and experts on Science and Technology.

The “You” menu will introduce various stories, activities, and expertise of KAIST staff members and their families.
“You’reKA” is expected to bring the campus closer together and provide an agora of sorts where ideas can be exchanged and bring down the differences between each member of KAIST.

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