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KAIST ranked first place in National University Assessment 2006 by ChungAng Daily​
View : 11597 Date : 2006-09-27 Writer : ed_news

KAIST ranked first place in National University Assessment 2006 by ChungAng Daily

KAIST is ranked at the first place in the National University Assessment 2006 performed by ChungAng Daily. KAIST occupies the top place in the sections of globalization, faculty researches, and improvement. Particularly, university innovation and globalization, which have been promoted by KAIST, played substantial roles in taking the top place in the assessment. KAIST is evaluated the best at the items in the section of education atmosphere and finance such as the amount of scholarship per student, the rate of scholarship beneficiaries, and the rate of scholarship to tuition fee, and at the items in the section of faculty researches such as the number of papers published in SCI by professor, and the number of intellectual properties possessed by professors. In the section of globalization, KAIST gained high scores throughout the four items such as the rate of foreign professors, the rate of English-spoken class, and so on.


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