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Professor Park at UPC-Barcelona Tech Receives Jeong Hun Cho Award​
View : 5712 Date : 2019-05-14 Writer : ed_camnews

< From left; Chan-Ho Song from KNUHS, PhD candidate Sang-Woo Chung at KAIST, Professor Hyuk Park at UPC-Barcelona Tech, and Eun-Hee Kang at Korea University >

Professor Hyuk Park was honored to be the recipient of the Jeong Hun Cho Award which was presented at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona Tech. The award recognizes young scientists in the field of aerospace engineering.

Professor Park, a graduate of KAIST’s Department of Mechanical Engineering in 2001, earned his MS and PhD at the Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, and works at the Castelldefels School of Telecommunications and Aerospace Engineering at UPC-Barcelona Tech. He won this year’s award, which honors former PhD candidate Jeong Hun Cho at the Aerospace Engineering Department who died in a lab accident in 2003. Professor Park also received 25 million KRW prize money. Cho’s family endowed the award and scholarship in his memory. Since 2005, the scholarship has selected three young scholars every year who specialize in aerospace engineering from Cho’s alma maters of KAIST, Korea University, and Kongju National University High School.

Professor Park was selected as this year’s awardee in recognition of his studies of synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) satellite radiometer system, remote sensing radio frequency interference reduction system development, and 3CAT series research.

The Award Committee also chose three students for scholarships: PhD candidate Sang-Woo Chung from the Department of Aerospace Engineering at KAIST with 4 million KRW, PhD candidate Eun-Hee Kang from the School of Mechanical Engineering at Korea University with 4 million KRW, and Chan-Ho Song from Kongju National University High School with 3 million KRW.

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