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Next-Generation Small Satellite Starts Operations​
View : 2200 Date : 2019-04-16 Writer : ed_camnews

Korea’s next generation small satellite developed by KAIST started its space observation missions after completing its performance checkup, the Ministry of Science and ICT announced on April 16.

The Ministry said that the Next Sat-1, launched on Dec. 4, has successfully deployed its solar panels, adjusted its posture and carried out internal checks to see if all system were functioning normally. The Next Sat-1, expected to be operation for some two years, is the first locally made satellite to have instruments for the Study of Space Storms (ISSS) that can check the impact of solar storms on the magnetic field of the pole areas. It can be further used to detect changes to the Earth's ionosphere in low longitude regions.

The ministry said the satellite's near-infrared imaging spectrometer (NISS) camera will be used to peer into space with one of tasks to determine the brightness of the M95 barred spiral galaxy in the constellation Leo.

KAIST built the large capacity memory and communication equipment with others, like Asia Pacific Satellite Inc., building star tracking sensors, computers and high speed data processors specifically designed for space.

The satellite weighs 100 kg and is in orbit 575 km from the surface of the Earth. “Everything has been checked to be in working order with initial tests utilizing its sensors and camera revealing positive results,” the Ministry said in a statement. (Yonhap News)

(The photos shows details of the Next Sat-1 satellite.)

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