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KAIST's Future Strategy Graduate School Holds Its 100th Public Forum​
View : 3408 Date : 2017-03-16 Writer : ed_camnews

The Graduate School of Future Strategy at KAIST has hosted regularly a public forum on Fridays at the Korea Telecom building in Seoul, to offer an open platform for policy discussions and exchange ideas since its establishment in 2012.

This Friday’s forum on March 17, 2017 will mark the hundredth of its kind.

The forum has served as a weekly meeting at which experts and citizens from various professional backgrounds gather together and share their views and insights on strategies and policies to help Korea advance toward a better future. As a result, the forum has implemented its role as a catalyst for “collected intellectualism.”

To date, over 200 participants have engaged in discussions and put forward suggestions on such issues as future strategies, a smart defense system, mid- and long-term national development, artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things, augmented reality, robotics, and future automotive technology. The forum has also taken the lead in identifying issues that will become important to national progress in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Among the notable topics discussed so far, the aftermath of the Al-embedded video game of Go, AlphpaGo’s match against a human player, which took place in March last year in Korea, attracted a great deal of attention from the public.

The Friday’s forum will discuss ways to unify the divisive public views over the recent political issue of the presidential impeachment and explore strategies to promote mutual growth and solidity. The event will be conducted in Korean only, and also be aired live via the Africa Web Television and Facebook for online participation.

Ideas proposed and suggested during discussions are compiled and published annually as a book entitled “The National Future Strategy for the Republic of Korea.”

Professor Kwang Hyung Lee of the Future Strategy Graduate School said, “When we first envisioned this setting for these discussions, no one at our school really thought that we would host the forum 100 times. It has lasted much longer than we could have imagined, and we hope that this will continue to remain relevant to society as a meaningful public venue to think about our nation’s future.”