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Education 3.0: Student Centered, Innovative Education​
View : 8773 Date : 2012-04-04 Writer : ed_news

Education 3.0 is a teaching method development program aiming to raise the quality and efficiency of education through innovating the existing one-sided professor-student lecture approach.

Students will be able to study regardless of the time and space restrictions thanks to the IT-based curriculum, and will be able to conduct independent studies. Also, the lectures and contents will become internationalized through sharing them with other advanced universities. The lectures will take on an integrated format where students and professors will be discussing things together.

KAIST will be testing this program on the three courses of calculus, general chemistry, and freshmen design, and will further expand the use of this program.

Participants have been chosen from the freshmen this year, and 201 students have signed up for calculus and 163 for general chemistry, showing great enthusiasm on the new program. 48 students have been selected for each course out of the volunteers.

Class will take on both the form of an online and offline lecture.

Students must first log on to the KLMS(KAIST Learning Management System) and then review the lecture video, slides, multimedia, online lab, outside video resources, and other digital content prepared by the professors, and learn according to one’s own pace. Questions can be asked online, and assignments are also to be submitted online.

The offline lectures will take place at least once a week, and students are to discuss and question the material together and form groups to solve problems on their own. The professor and TAs are to interact with the students in the method seen as appropriate for the course.

For this Education 3.0 program, KAIST has installed a lecture system, video tracking system, A/V system, circular desks, glass boards, and other state-of-the-art facilities into a classroom in the Creative Learning Building. The KLMS(KAIST Learning Management System) which will serve as a learning platform has also been developed.

The reason why KAIST has been spending so much resources on education innovation has been that KAIST can not produce the talented personnel required by the future society with the current ‘one-way lecture’.

Tae-Eog Lee, the head of the Education 3.0 program said, “The current lecture method targeted for mass education can not created the leaders for the future society and companies. The lecture and education paradigm must shift in the science and engineering fields for the production of talented individuals with problem-solving abilities and creativity.”

He also stated, “The KAIST education 3.0 program is a student focused education method where the students who are the receivers of the education are the focus of the education, as well as a future-oriented method where the lectures are to become discussion-focused.”

While all the top notch universities are conducting education innovations, MIT has proposed an MITX program where it even gives students certificates for some classes just for listening to classes online and passing the test.

MIT is being evaluated as the leader of higher level education since through this everyone around the world will receive the chance to receive advanced education.

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