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A stream of generous donations to KAIST continues to grow.
Yi-Won Oh is nothing but an ordinary person who lives in Seoul. Ever since retirement, she has looked into ways to donate her savings for a bigger cause that will benefit the people in need and the nation as a whole. On the inauguration day of President Nam Pyo Suh who took his second term in office, Ms. Oh joined the ceremony and pledged to donate her savings to KAIST, which amounted to 10 billion won. “I’ve always thought that the best way for our country to become a developed nation that lacks natural resources and has a small land is to develop science and technology by producing excellent manpower through a quality education. I talked to President Suh a couple of times, and we shared our common belief that the future of our nation hinges on the advancement of science and technology in Korea,” said Ms. Oh. She added, “I support for President Suh’s vision and leadership, who has brought reformative and innovative changes to KAIST. I have no doubt that KAIST will become a leading research university in the world and play an important role in the development of our nation. It is indeed my pleasure that I can make announcement to donate my money to KAIST on the day President Suh is assigned to lead such a distinguished university one more time.” KAIST plans to create and operate a fund dubbed “Yi-Won Oh Scholarship and Grant for Young Chair Professors.” Through the fund, talented students suffering financial difficulties and promising, young professors will have a richer opportunity to study and research.
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Computer Security Guru Ahn to Become Chair Professor at KAIST
Chul-Soo Ahn, founder of AhnLab Inc., Korea"s largest computer security company, will become a chair professor of KAIST, university authorities said on Monday (April 7). Ahn, 46, who is currently taking an executive education course at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in the United States, will start teaching computer science students this fall. In 1988 when he was a doctorate student at the Medical School of Seoul National University, Ahn developed a computer virus vaccine program and created a sensation in the fledgling computer security market. In 1995, he founded AhnLab and served as CEO for ten years. In 2005, he stepped down as CEO of AhnLab and left for the U.S. Currently, he is serving as chairman of the board of directors of AhnLab. University authorities said that KAIST decided to appoint Ahn as a chair professor in recognition of his profound knowledge in computer technology as well as extensive experiences in corporate management .
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Bently Pressurized Bearing Company donates 1 million dollars to KAIST to establish a new chair professorship
KAIST has announced that it recently received an endowment of 1 million US dollars from an American company, Bently Pressurized Bearing Co., earmarked to establish a chair professorship, and appointed Professor Jong Hyun Kim of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering Department as Donald E. Bently and Agnes Muszynska Endowed Chair Professor. Professor Kim is a world-renowned expert in thermal and fluids sciences applied to energy systems and an authority on their applications to rotating machinery and nuclear safety analysis. He did his research in these areas at EPRI, GE, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and Penn State University. He is a Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and of American Nuclear Society, and is currently Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Transport Phenomena. Bently Pressurized Bearing Co. (BPB) is pioneering fully lubricated, pressurized bearing to improve energy efficiency in rotating machinery. Mr. Donald E. Bently, Chairman and CEO of BPB, is an international authority on vibration monitoring and diagnostics of rotating machinery, published widely on these topics and holds patents. A philanthropist deeply interested in technology and science education, Mr. Bently made generous donations to a number of universities. He received numerous honors and awards, including those from ASME, the Pacific Center of Thermal-Fluids Engineering, University of Iowa, and received Nevada’s Outstanding Inventor Award. He was conferred an Honorary Doctorate Degree by the University of Nevada and is a Fellow of ASME. Dr. Agnes Muszynska is a world-renowned scientist in the area of rotating machinery dynamics in which she published 300 papers and a book. She was in responsible charge of research and development at Bently’s companies for many years. She was conferred the prestigious national title of Professor granted by the President of Poland. Dr. Muszynska is a Fellow of ASME. Professor Kim said, “I am pleased that KAIST received this endowment, which can be interpreted as an international recognition for the research standard of KAIST. The chair named after the two prominent engineers means a lot to me, as they are familiar with my research activities. I feel particularly honored because the endowment came from overseas.” KAIST has raised its eyesight to become a global leader in technology and science and recently lured a Nobel Laureate from Stanford University, Dr. Robert Laughlin, to head the institute. The school is striving to accelerate the pace for globalizing itself. The establishment of this chair professorship through a foreign endowment is in concert with the KAIST’s grand vision. Resume for Jong Hyun Kim, Ph.D. Donald E. Bently and Agnes Muszynska Endowed Chair Professor Education 1966 BS in Mechanical Engineering, Seoul National University 1967 MS in Mechanical Engineering, University of Missouri 1971 Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Californian Institute of Technology Professional Career 2002 - present Professor, Dept. of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering, KAIST 2001 - 2002 Distinguished Chair Professor, Dept. of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, GyeongSang National University 1980 - 2000 Project Manager, EPRI 1977 - 1980 Senior Engineer, GE 1975 - 1977 Associate Engineer, Brookhaven National Laboratory 1973 - 1975 Research Associate, Applied Research Laboratory, Penn State University 1971 - 1973 Research Fellow, California Institute of Technology Achievements/Recognitions Fellow, American Nuclear Society Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers National Academy of Engineering of Korea: overseas Korean member Research: - Total 185 publications: 117 papers, 11 books, 16 symposia volumes, and others - Professor Kim’s research products helped nuclear industry save a few hundred million dollars Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Transport Phenomena Chairman, Thermal Hydraulics Division, American Nuclear Society (2002-2003) Chairman, Heat Transfer Division. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (2001-2002) UC Berkeley, Adjunct Professor in Mechanical Engineering (1993-1995)Stanford University, Consulting Professor in Mechanical Engineering (1988-1995) About Donald E. Bently and Agnes Muszynska Donald E. Bently, Chairman & CEO of Bently Pressurized Bearing Company, Minden, Nevada, is an engineer, inventor, entrepreneur, agriculturist, environmental conservationist, and visionary who is also a philanthropist. Entrepreneurial Accomplishments Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Bently Nevada Corp., the world"s leading supplier of condition monitoring instrumentation and services for rotating machinery until it was sold to GE in 2002 Founder of Bently Rotor Dynamics Research Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Bently Nevada, where the basic ideas for his bearing technology were pioneered Pioneered the first commercially successful eddy current proximity transducer and introduced its use to measure vibration and other critical parameters in rotating machinery. Today, he is actively pioneering fully lubricated, pressurized bearing technology. His Bently Agrowdynamics practices environmentally sustainable agriculture through the innovative use of renewable resources and conducts research and development of biofuels such as biodiesel, which can be used in conventional diesel engines. In addition, Donald E. Bently owns a diverse portfolio of other businesses including National Tribology Services, Inc., Gibson Tool & Supply, and Bently Holdings California, LP. Scientific and Technological Contributions Mr. Bently is an international authority on rotor dynamics as well as vibration monitoring and diagnostics. He has authored or co-authored more than 140 papers and a book on these subjects, Fundamentals of Rotating Machinery Diagnostics, and is the holder of two patents. Honors and Awards 2003: Distinguished Service Award, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. 2002: Distinguished Nevadan Award, the University of Nevada, Reno. Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 2001: Inducted into the University of Iowa"s Distinguished Engineering Alumni Academy 2000: Frederick P. Smarro Award, American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1999: R. Tom Sawyer Award, American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1997: N.O. Myklestad Award, ASME Design Engineering Division 1995: ISROMAC Award for his distinguished research achievements in the field of rotating machinery, the Pacific Center of Thermal-Fluids Engineering 1992: Elected a Foreign Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Engineering in Russia Visiting Scholar, Tsinghua University, China The first recipient of the Vibration Institute"s DECADE Award 1983: Nevada"s outstanding inventor award, the Nevada Innovation and Technology Council 1945-1946: Received four battle stars while on an amphibious landing team in the Pacific as a member of the U.S. Navy Seabees during World War II Educational and Professional Credentials Registered Professional Engineer in Electrical Engineering, Nevada and California A senior member of IEEE and a Fellow of ASME A member of honorary societies Sigma Xi, Eta Kappa Nu, and Tau Beta Pi B.S. in Electrical Engineering (with Distinction), University of Iowa, 1949 M.S. in Electrical Engineering, University of Iowa, 1950 Honorary Doctorate in Engineering, University of Nevada at Reno, 1987 Honorary AA Degree, Western Nevada Community College, 1998 Agnes Muszynska, President, A.M. Consulting Co. Dr. Agnes Muszynska, a native of Poland, is a world-renowned scientist in the area of rotating machinery dynamics. She worked for 18 years as a Senior Research Scientist and Research Manager at Bently Nevada Corporation and Bently Rotor Dynamics Research Corporation. For more than 40 years, Dr. Muszynska had conducted theoretical and experimental research on rotating machine dynamics. Dr. Muszynska received B.S. and M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Technical University of Warsaw, Poland. She received her Ph.D. from Polish Academy of Sciences and the prestigious title of Professor granted by the President of Poland. She is author or co-author of almost 300 scientific publications including a comprehensive book on rotordynamics. Several of her papers received awards from ASME, NASA, and ASEM. She also received the Distinguished Research Award for research achievements from the Pacific Center of Thermal-Fluids Engineering. Dr. Muszynska is currently the owner and President of A.M. Consulting Company. She is a Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Mr. Donald Bently and Dr. Agnes Muszynska fruitfully collaborated on rotating machinery dynamics and diagnostics for many years.
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