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Newsletter Vol.26
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KAIST hosts the first Can Satellite (Cansat) competition
Figure: The cansat is sent up into the air using a balloon and then separated at a certain height. The cansat slowly descends and sends terrestrial observation or atmospheric information back to earth. KAIST will host the first ever Cansat Competition Korea, in which students from different age groups can participate in building and testing the performance of their custom satellites. The Satellite Technology Research Center (SaTReC) at KAIST announced that it will take applications for the Cansat Competition Korea until May 25th. A cansat is a can-sized educational satellite that contains the basic elements of a real satellite. It is fired up to a few hundred meters in the air using balloons or small rockets and then separated like a real satellite, collecting data and sending the information back to earth. Cansat competitions are regularly held in the United States or Europe, where they have advanced space development programs, but this is the first time this competition will be held in Korea. The competition caters to different age groups through a cansat experience science camp for elementary and middle school students and a cansat competition for high school and college students. The science camp will be held from August 7th to 9th at KAIST and Sejong City and will include satellite education, visits to space development centers (KAIST Satellite Technology Research Center and the Korea Aerospace Research Institute), hand-on experience with basic cansat kits, and other various programs. The science camp will consist of a maximum of 20 teams comprised of students from fifth to ninth grade. Each team will have an advisory teacher and 3 to 4 students and can apply for the competition at no cost. The cansat competition will test high school and college students on their personally designed and built can satellites along with the creativity of their mission and developmental outcome. The preliminary review will choose a maximum of 15 teams, while the secondary review will select the 5 teams that will make the final competition based on their design presentation. On August 9th, these 5 teams will be evaluated on their technical ability, mission capacity and presentation skills. The winning team will be given the KAIST presidential award along with a trophy and prize money. Doctor Park from KAIST SaTReC explained that countries with advanced space technology actively support cansat competitions to expand the base of the field. He emphasized Korea’s need for regular cansat competitions to actively promote potential space researchers. More information on the competition can be found on the homepage (http://cansat.kaist.ac.kr) or at the KAIST SaTReC (042-350-8613~4)
View 11925
KAIST to Publish Newsletter - 'KAISTAR'
KAIST to Publish Newsletter - ‘KAISTAR’ First edition on May 7To be issued every two weeks KAIST (President Nam Pyo Suh) will be publishing the first edition of a newsletter targeting high school students on May 7. The newsletter is named ‘KAISTAR’, combination of ‘KAIST’ and ‘STAR’, meaning any KAIST students can be a world-class star in scientific circles. The newsletter will be issued every two weeks, beginning May 7. KAISTAR is designed to convey a variety of happenings in KAIST to prospective students, thereby letting them know the excellences of KAIST and consequently attracting further talented students to the school. The newsletter will cover introduction of departments and student clubs, stories about graduates, and various events. KAIST is expecting the newsletter will play key roles in advertising the school to high school students. “The publication of KAISTAR is a brand-new challenge that informs the authentic aspects of KAIST to attract talented young boys and girls. I’m sure the authentic aspects of KAIST conveyed by KAISTAR will make prospective students and their parents ensure the excellences of KAIST,” said President Suh, giving his congratulatory remark to the publication. Free subscriptions are available and the newsletter can be seen on the official web site of the Admissions Team, http://admission.kaist.ac.kr.
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