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KAIST Position Openings​
View : 15682 Date : 2004-04-22 Writer : ed_news


Inviting field

Department of Physics

  nano physics/condensed matter theory, nano optics/nano   physics/condensed matter theory, nano optics/quantum   optics experiment, and biophysics/interdisciplinary fields   including complex systems

Department of Biological Sciences

  Biological Sciences including Neurobiology

Division of Mathematics

  All areas of Mathematics including Financial Mathematics   and Mathematical Informatics

Division of Applied Mathematics

  Computational Fluid Dynamics, Large Scale Computation   and Simulation

Department of Chemistry

  Organic Chemistry

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

  Structural Engineering(Structural  Mechanics, Steel   Structures)

Division of Mechanical Engineering

  Any fields in engineering and natural science which can be   integrated with mechanical engineering interdisciplinarily.

Division of Aerospace Engineering

  Aerospace Engineering Related Fields(Embedded Systems   and Software, MEMS, Micro Sensors & Actuators,   Biomedical Technology, and New Technologies)

Department of Biosystems

  Bio-Information System, Bio-Electronics System, Bio-Nano   System(MEMS)

Department of Industrial Engineering

  Human Engineering, Applied Statistics (Data Mining),
  Enterprise Information Systems

Department of Chemical and biomolecular Engineering

  Biomolecular Engineering
 (Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology,   Materials or FusionTechnology of BT and NT Areas)

Department of Materials Science & Engineering

  Chemical & display materials, biomaterials, organic and   inorganic materials, energy-related materials and   nanomaterials

Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering

  Nuclear Materials / Fuels
  Quantum / Nano Materials and Simulation

Division of Electrical Engineering

  Computer and System-on-Chip Design, 
  Wireless and Lightwave 
  Communications and Networks  
  Control and System
  Information Systems (Signal Processing)  
  Nano Devices and Integrated Systems

Division of Computer Science

  All areas of computer science including foundation of   computing, human-computer interaction, ubiqitous   computing, and embedded computing.

Graduate School of Management

  Marketing, Organizational Management/Human Resource   Management/Strategic Management, Accounting, Finance,   MIS/e-Busine

School of Humanities & Social Science

  Writing (Korean Modern Poetry)
  Western History
  Science and Technology Policy

Center for the Gifted Students

  Physical Chemistry
  Organic Chemistry
  Cell Biology
  Molecular Biology

 ■  Candidates should have a doctoral degree or be expected to obtain the appropriate degree before being employed by KAIST.
    * Candidates who are expected to obtain a doctoral degree should submit documents verifying successful completion of dissertation examination.
 ■  Candidates should be able to teach their lectures in English.

 ■  Completed application form 
 ■  All transcripts of results
 ■  Four letters of recommendation including one from academic advisor 
     (Two letters of recommendation including one from academic advisor for applicants for Center for Gifted Students) 
 ■  One curriculum vitae
 ■  Certificate(s) of previous employments
 ■  Original or certified copies of publications

 ■  Completed application form 
 ■  All transcripts of results
 ■  Four letters of recommendation including one from academic advisor 
     (Two letters of recommendation including one from academic advisor for applicants for Center for Gifted Students) 
 ■  One curriculum vitae
 ■  Certificate(s) of previous employments
 ■  Original or certified copies of publications

 ■  Friday, April 30, 2004

 ■  Academic Affairs Team, 373-1, Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 305-701, Republic of korea
     TEL: +82-42-869-2151, 2152  FAX: +82-42-869-2350


 ■  Application forms can be downloaded via KAISThomepage (http://www.kaist.edu). 
 ■  Application packages can be submitted either in person or by mail or third party. 
 ■  Application packages arriving after the deadline but prior to department"s reviewing date shall be accepted.
 ■  If there is (are) no successful candidate(s), the position(s) shall remain vacant.
 ■  Application packages will not be returned. If you have any questions, please contact the KAIST Academic Affairs Team. 

March 29, 2004     

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