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Information on (specialty) interview for the first collection of undergraduate students 2007​
View : 11702 Date : 2006-10-10 Writer : ed_news

Information on (specialty) interview for the first collection of undergraduate students 2007

·   Time and place (for interviewees on October 13 and 14)

o    Time: 8:30 am on a designated day

o    Place: Creative Learning Building (E11)

o    Interview room: designated rooms in Creative Learning Building

·    Notice

o    Interviewees are required to bring basic data for interview, application card, and writing tools.

o    Interviewees are required to submit basic data for interview at the interview of selective (science) subject

·    With respect to specialty interview

o    Subjects:

·     Math and Science (select one among Physics, Biology, and Chemistry)

o    Schedule:

(1) Interview will be conducted for one subject in the morning and the other in the afternoon.

(2) Interview schedule will be taught on the interview day.

o    Details:

Interviewees arrive at the designated place (Creative Learning Building)

- move to a waiting room of each subject (Math or Science)

- move to a preparation room of each subject in order of designated number

- solve test problems for interview for 30 minutes

- interview with interviewer (three members) for 20 minutes

o    After morning interview

Interviewees can enjoy free time after morning interview, but should be back to Creative Learning Building no later than 1: 20 pm for afternoon interview.

o    Afternoon interview will be conducted in the same sequence as the morning one.

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