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Ph.D. Candidate Seo Wins the Human Tech Paper Award​
View : 7190 Date : 2016-02-06 Writer : ed_camnews

Hyun-Suk Seo, a doctoral student of KAIST’s Department of Electrical Engineering, received the grand prize of the “22nd Human Tech Paper Award” on February 3, 2016 from Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.


Seo was the first to receive this prize ever since the Human Tech Paper Award was established 22 years ago. Until last year, the highest prize awarded for KAIST was a gold one.


The “Human Tech Paper Award” was established in 1994 by Samsung Electronics to discover and support outstanding scientists in the field of electrical engineering.


Entitled “Self-Gated Cardiac Cine MRI Using Phase Information,” Seo’s paper presented a technology that would reduce discomforts and inconveniences experienced by patients who take a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).


This technology uses the speed changes of aorta and the abdominal movements of body to obtain the phase changes of magnetic resonance signals so that MRIs may be taken despite the organs’ movements.


Seo commented on his research, “I wanted to develop a technique that can make MRI a more comfortable experience. I will continue my research on this subject and hope to serve the needs of the society.”


In addition, the “Special Award,” which is given to schools, was awarded to KAIST. KAIST’s Department of Electrical Engineering has also been named the department that has received the second most awards (15 awards) this year.


Oh-Hyun Kwon, Vice President of Samsung Electronics, Steve Kang, President of KAIST, and Nak-In Seo, President of Seoul National University, participated in the event.


Picture: Hyun-Suk Seo (left), the recipient of the grand prize of the 2016 Human Tech Paper Award, and Oh-Hyun Kwon (right), Vice President of Samsung Electronics  


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