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Times Higher Education magazine features KAIST, July 2014​
View : 6521 Date : 2014-07-23 Writer : ed_news

The Times Higher Education (THE) has featured KAIST in an article entitled “Young Universities’ Secrets of Success” dated on July 17, 2014. 


The magazine chose five universities from the Times Higher Education's 100 Under 50 2014 rankings: KAIST, Koç University in Turkey, Maastricht University in Netherlands, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, and Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China. These universities are less than 50 years old.  

The article highlighted some of their current efforts to deliver quality administrative service for students and professors as well as innovative education and research programs to set them apart from long-established elite universities such as Harvard and Cambridge.


For the full text, please visit the link below:

Times Higher Education, July 17, 2014

“Young Universities’ Secret of Success”

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