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KAIST rated 1st consistently for four years running, according to the Korean universities ranking compiled by Joongang Daily​
View : 8016 Date : 2011-10-10 Writer : ed_news

KAIST scored 293 points out of a possible 350 points in the 2011 Joongag Daily survey on the assessment of Korean universities and solidified its position as the nation’s best university by being ranked “number one” for four consecutive years.

POSTECH, Seoul National University, Yonsei University, Korea University, and SungKyunKwan University followed.

The Joongang Daily Korean Universities Assessment began in 1994, which covers all four-year universities. KAIST has been rated 1st in Korea a total of nine times, and it is KAIST’s second time being rated 1st four years in a row. KAIST was assessed especially highly in quality of education, finances, and professor research categories.

Joongang Daily assessed a total of 100 universities (compared to 93 of last year). The maximum number of points is 350 points comprising of quality of education (110 points), globalization (60 points), professor research (110 points), and public reputation/interaction with public (70 points).

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