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The 2010 International Forum on Electric Vehicle will be held at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in Daejeon, South Korea.​
View : 12412 Date : 2010-06-25 Writer : ed_news

Universities, industries, and governments from the world gathered to make an important endeavor for the commercialization of electric vehicles that has emerged as a strong option to replace conventional cars with an internal combustion engine.

With the potential benefit of electric cars, in view of environmental protection and less dependence of oil import, they still have limitations for the daily use in customers’ perspective. Electric cars are still very expensive to own with relatively short distance of driving with one charging and with the expensive and bulky nature of the batteries, in addition to the safety concerns with the Lithium batteries.

The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) will hold an international forum, at which it hopes to address a wide range of issues related to the development and commercialization of electric vehicles. The 2010 International Forum on Electric Vehicle will be held for three days at KAIST’s campus in Daejeon, South Korea, from June 17th to 19th, 2010.

Internationally renowned speakers from Korea and overseas will present their views and conduct a discussion forum on the technology, market, and policy on electric vehicles. The event is open to the public.

Major discussions, however, will take place on the second day, Friday, June 18, 2010, which will proceed with two sessions. In the first session, conference participants will discuss the topic of “policies and markets for electric vehicles,” and at the second session, they will take up the issue of “electric vehicle technologies.”

Dr. Andrew Brown, president of SAE International and the executive director and chief technologist of Delphi, is scheduled to give a key note speech. The SAE International is a global association of more than 128,000 engineers and related technical experts in the aerospace, automotive, and commercial vehicle industries.

Topics to be covered by Dr. Brown during his key note speech are, among other things, elements of market forces for hybrid electric vehicles, electric vehicles, or battery-powered vehicles; clean technologies necessary for sustainable development; pending issues facing the automotive industry to create a substantial share by electric cars and government aids to increase consumers’ buying power for expensive electric cars; technology innovation required for the improvement of batteries and power electronics; development of smart grids; and other key issues that would mature an ever-growing market for electric vehicles.

President Nam Pyo Suh of KAIST will also deliver a key note remark on the overall accomplishments of online electric vehicle (OLEV) developed by KAIST. While stressing the OLEV’s technological breakthrough to succeed in the wireless in-motion power transfer through electromagnetic induction, President Suh will review the necessity of developing electric cars as a corresponding measure against climate changes and address the issues of battery weight and lifespan, charging time, and the limited amount of reserved Lithium.

Dr. Steven Shladover from the California Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways (California PATH), established in 1986 in collaboration with the University of California in Berkeley and the California Transit, will attend the conference. California PATH is a multi-disciplinary program with universities statewide and cooperative projects with private industry, state and local agencies, and non-profit institutions to find solutions to the problems of California’s surface transportation systems through cutting edge research.

California PATH once implemented a bold, innovative research project in the early 1990s in order to overcome the most difficult technical hurdle to reduce the heavy dependence of batteries for electric cars by adopting a non-contact transfer of electric power during vehicles’ movement. Despite the research declared as “unsuccessful” by California PATH, the implications of their innovative approach to solve an important issue inspired many researches subsequently followed—one of them is KAIST’s OLEV project.

In addition, the Infineon Technologies AG, a leading semiconductor and system manufacturer based in Germany, which offers solutions for automotive, industrial and multimarket sectors for applications in communication and memory products, will come to the forum and present a paper on its expertise to develop the necessary components for electric vehicles.

On the last day of the forum, all participants will have a chance to ride the Online Electric Vehicle (OLEV) at KAIST’s campus.

For details of the event, please visit the website of “www.olev.co.kr/en/ifev or refer to the invitation attached herewith.

About KAIST’s Online Electric Vehicle:

The Online Electric Vehicle (OLEV) developed by KAIST is a dynamic plug-in electric car that receives electricity while running or stopping and thus acquired a complete mobility unlike other type of electric cars, whether hybrid or not. The OLEV reduces the size of a battery to one-fifth of the current battery installed in an electric car. Pure electric cars depend on a large bulky battery that has been a major obstacle to make the cars commercially accessible to the mass market. The OLEV gets charged wirelessly, a distinct difference to other dynamic plug-in electric cars including a tram or trolley, which directly picks up electricity from the road.

To explain it further, the OLEV is electrified through power lines buried underground; when flowing low frequency of currents, an electric magnetic field is created around the underground power lines, and the pick-up gadget installed underbody of an electric vehicle converts the field into electricity; and the vehicle then uses electricity either for operation or stores it at a battery to be used for running the road that is not equipped with the power lines. The electric power generated from the underground travels to the surface of the road above 20cm-25cm.

KAIST has succeeded to develop a commercial model of OLEV with a safe Electromagnetic Field (EMF), well below the international safeguard of 65mG. The actual model has been up and running at an amusement park in Seoul for the transportation of passengers. The non-contact charging method applied to the OLEV will accelerate the commercialization of electric cars by making a battery affordable and safer for a consumer.

The 2010 International Forum on Electric Vehicle will be held at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in Daejeon, South Korea. 이미지
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