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No Title Writer File Hits Date
165 Neuromorphic memory device simulates neurons and synapses NewsWise 4 2022.05.20
164 Neuromorphic memory device simulates neurons and synapses Science Daily 2 2022.05.20
163 Neuromorphic memory device simulates neurons and synapses TechXplore 2 2022.05.20
162 Energy-Efficient AI Hardware Technology Via A Brain-Inspired Stashing System Verve Times 2 2022.05.19
161 Energy-efficient AI hardware technology via a brain-inspired stashing system TechXplore 2 2022.05.18
160 Computing: Resilient system using only non-volatile memory Science Daily 2 2022.04.25
159 Tomographic measurement of dielectric tensors? Science Daily 7 2022.03.22
158 Tomographic measurement of dielectric tensors Physorg 5 2022.03.22
157 Neural signals decoded to control robotic arm The Engineer 6 2022.03.21
156 Novel Electrocorticography Decoder for Brain–Machine Interface Employs Echo State Networks and Gaussian Readouts AZoRobotics 5 2022.03.21
155 Decoding brain signals to control a robotic arm NanoWerk 4 2022.03.18
154 Decoding brain signals to control a robotic arm Tech Xplore 4 2022.03.18
153 CXL-based memory disaggregation technology opens up a new direction for big data solution frameworks Tech Explore 6 2022.03.16
152 Research finds digital music streaming dropped due to COVID-19, lockdowns The Print 4 2022.02.16
151 AI-based holographic microscopy allows molecular imaging without introducing exogenous labeling agents Nanowerk 4 2022.02.11