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Center for Global Strategies and Planning Hosts Successful Virtual KAIST U.S. Alumni Connection Event
< Screen capture of the KAIST U.S. Alumni meeting held online on December 8 > On December 8th, the Center for Global Strategies and Planning at KAIST, led by Vice President Man-Sung Yim of the International Office, conducted a virtual event to bring together KAIST alumni in the United States. The purpose of this event was to showcase KAIST's current initiatives in the U.S., facilitate information exchanges among U.S. alumni, and foster networking opportunities. Over 130 KAIST alumni based in the U.S. registered and attended the event. The event began with a warm welcome from President Kwang-Hyung Lee, followed by a presentation from Vice President Man-Sung Yim on the current status and vision of KAIST's U.S. collaboration project as well as that of KAIST U.S. Foundation, Inc. Additionally, a distinguished KAIST alumnus, Seok-Hyun Yun, a professor from Harvard Medical School, delivered a keynote speech that highlighted the development of collaborative projects between KAIST and the United States. Alumni Hyun Gook Yoon, a manager at Ford Motor Company, and Eunkwang Joo, CEO of Wasder, also presented recent technological trends in the fields of batteries and blockchain, respectively. President Kwang-Hyung Lee said, "This event serves as a crucial opportunity to enhance exchanges between KAIST and the U.S., playing a pivotal role in expanding KAIST's global presence." The event also featured small group discussions and networking sessions focusing on revitalizing collaborative efforts between KAIST and the United States. After the small group discussions, a KAIST alumna and the current president of the Boston KAIST Alumni Association, Jiyoung Lee, shared her belief that the event will provide a meaningful opportunity for KAIST alumni from across the U.S. to come together and build a strong alumni community. Vice President Man-Sung Yim said, "Because collaboration with KAIST alumni in the U.S. is essential for the development of KAIST and innovative science and technology at the global level, we are committed to sustainably organizing meaningful events." This virtual event for KAIST U.S. alumni has set a new milestone for global networking, marking the beginning of future collaborations and development.
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