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International Student Conference (ICISTS-KAIST) to be Held in August
- 300 participants including university students worldwide and renowned speakers expected to gather - Ideal coexistence of science & technology and society explored under the theme of “Perfect Alliance” Science & technology and society are at the core of 21st century’s development. ICISTS-KAIST 2013, international conference for university students, seeks ways for the two to coexist harmoniously and is to be held from August 5 to 9 on KAIST campus as well as at Daejeon Convention Center. ICISTS stands for International Conference for the Integration of Science, Technology and Society. ICISTS-KAIST is a non-profit organization run by KAIST students who are directly engaged in the coordination, planning, finance, public relations, and management of this academic event. The upcoming ninth annual event of ICISTS (www.icists.org) 2013 is centered around the theme, “Perfect Alliance: Coexistence for Human Society.” The conference will last for four nights and five days; scholars and students across various academic backgrounds gather to narrow the gap between fields of study and discuss possible solutions to the problems in today’s society. The annual conference, ICISTS-KAIST attracts hundreds of participants from all over the world to KAIST, Daejeon and its most recent event last year witnessed discussions among some 300 students from 22 countries hearing the lectures from 40 academics and scholars. This year’s event will welcome the 16-year old inventor, scientist, and cancer researcher Jack Thomas Andraka, the founder of the “One Laptop Per Child” project Walter Bender, Chemistry Nobel Prize laureate Harold Walter Kroto, and many more. The application period for ICISTS-KAIST 2013 runs from May 20 to July 12, and applications are received through the website at www.icists.org. ICISTS-KAIST 2013 Promgram Summary Event Title: International Conference for the Integration of Science, Technology and Society 2013 (ICISTS-KAIST 2013) Theme: Perfect Alliance: Coexistence for Human Society Date and Venue: 2013 Aug. 5 (Mon.) ~ Aug. 9 (Fri.), KAIST Campus and Daejeon Convention Center Host and Organizer: ICISTS KAIST Sponsor: Korean National Commission for UNESCO, Korea Tourism Organization, Korea Ministry of Education, Science & Technology, KOFST Session Description: Keynote Speech - Keynote address on fundamental approach to coexistence Parallel Session - Multiple simultaneous lecture of delegates’ choice Group Discussion - Small group discussions among delegates and speakers Panel Discussion - In-depth and thought-revealing discussion among speakers Experience Session - First-person experience on relevant technology Team Project & Poster Fair - Team mission, poster exhibition and evaluation Subtopics: - New Values from Coexistence of Science & Technology and Society - Synergetic Resolution via Coexistence of Science & Technology and Society - Essential Communication for Coexistence of Science & Technology and Society Notable Speakers: - Gretchen Kalonji: Assistant to Director-General at UNESCO - Sheila Jasanoff: Director of STS Program at Harvard Kennedy School - Walter Bender: Former Director of MIT Media Lab and One Laptop Per Child- Jack Andraka: 16-year old Cancer Resesarcher
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