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KAIST Proposes AI Training Method that will Drastically Shorten Time for Complex Quantum Mechanical Calculations
- Professor Yong-Hoon Kim's team from the School of Electrical Engineering succeeded for the first time in accelerating quantum mechanical electronic structure calculations using a convolutional neural network (CNN) model - Presenting an AI learning principle of quantum mechanical 3D chemical bonding information, the work is expected to accelerate the computer-assisted designing of next-generation materials and devices The close relationship between AI and high-performance scientific computing can be seen in the fact that both the 2024 Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry were awarded to scientists for their AI-related research contributions in their respective fields of study. KAIST researchers succeeded in dramatically reducing the computation time for highly sophisticated quantum mechanical computer simulations by predicting atomic-level chemical bonding information distributed in 3D space using a novel AI approach. KAIST (President Kwang-Hyung Lee) announced on the 30th of October that Professor Yong-Hoon Kim's team from the School of Electrical Engineering developed a 3D computer vision artificial neural network-based computation methodology that bypasses the complex algorithms required for atomic-level quantum mechanical calculations traditionally performed using supercomputers to derive the properties of materials. < Figure 1. Various methodologies are utilized in the simulation of materials and materials, such as quantum mechanical calculations at the nanometer (nm) level, classical mechanical force fields at the scale of tens to hundreds of nanometers, continuum dynamics calculations at the macroscopic scale, and calculations that mix simulations at different scales. These simulations are already playing a key role in a wide range of basic research and application development fields in combination with informatics techniques. Recently, there have been active efforts to introduce machine learning techniques to radically accelerate simulations, but research on introducing machine learning techniques to quantum mechanical electronic structure calculations, which form the basis of high-scale simulations, is still insufficient. > The quantum mechanical density functional theory (DFT) calculations using supercomputers have become an essential and standard tool in a wide range of research and development fields, including advanced materials and drug design, as they allow fast and accurate prediction of material properties. *Density functional theory (DFT): A representative theory of ab initio (first principles) calculations that calculate quantum mechanical properties from the atomic level. However, practical DFT calculations require generating 3D electron density and solving quantum mechanical equations through a complex, iterative self-consistent field (SCF)* process that must be repeated tens to hundreds of times. This restricts its application to systems with only a few hundred to a few thousand atoms. *Self-consistent field (SCF): A scientific computing method widely used to solve complex many-body problems that must be described by a number of interconnected simultaneous differential equations. Professor Yong-Hoon Kim’s research team questioned whether recent advancements in AI techniques could be used to bypass the SCF process. As a result, they developed the DeepSCF model, which accelerates calculations by learning chemical bonding information distributed in a 3D space using neural network algorithms from the field of computer vision. < Figure 2. The deepSCF methodology developed in this study provides a way to rapidly accelerate DFT calculations by avoiding the self-consistent field process (orange box) that had to be performed repeatedly in traditional quantum mechanical electronic structure calculations through artificial neural network techniques (green box). The self-consistent field process is a process of predicting the 3D electron density, constructing the corresponding potential, and then solving the quantum mechanical Cohn-Sham equations, repeating tens to hundreds of times. The core idea of the deepSCF methodology is that the residual electron density (δρ), which is the difference between the electron density (ρ) and the sum of the electron densities of the constituent atoms (ρ0), corresponds to chemical bonding information, so the self-consistent field process is replaced with a 3D convolutional neural network model. > The research team focused on the fact that, according to density functional theory, electron density contains all quantum mechanical information of electrons, and that the residual electron density — the difference between the total electron density and the sum of the electron densities of the constituent atoms — contains chemical bonding information. They used this as the target for machine learning. They then adopted a dataset of organic molecules with various chemical bonding characteristics, and applied random rotations and deformations to the atomic structures of these molecules to further enhance the model’s accuracy and generalization capabilities. Ultimately, the research team demonstrated the validity and efficiency of the DeepSCF methodology on large, complex systems. < Figure 3. An example of applying the deepSCF methodology to a carbon nanotube-based DNA sequence analysis device model (top left). In addition to classical mechanical interatomic forces (bottom right), the residual electron density (top right) and quantum mechanical electronic structure properties such as the electronic density of states (DOS) (bottom left) containing information on chemical bonding are rapidly predicted with an accuracy corresponding to the standard DFT calculation results that perform the SCF process. > Professor Yong-Hoon Kim, who supervised the research, explained that his team had found a way to map quantum mechanical chemical bonding information in a 3D space onto artificial neural networks. He noted, “Since quantum mechanical electron structure calculations underpin materials simulations across all scales, this research establishes a foundational principle for accelerating material calculations using artificial intelligence.” Ryong-Gyu Lee, a PhD candidate in the School of Electrical Engineering, served as the first author of this research, which was published online on October 24 in Npj Computational Materials, a prestigious journal in the field of material computation. (Paper title: “Convolutional network learning of self-consistent electron density via grid-projected atomic fingerprints”) This research was conducted with support from the KAIST High-Risk Research Program for Graduate Students and the National Research Foundation of Korea’s Mid-career Researcher Support Program.
View 3206
KAIST Employs Image-recognition AI to Determine Battery Composition and Conditions
An international collaborative research team has developed an image recognition technology that can accurately determine the elemental composition and the number of charge and discharge cycles of a battery by examining only its surface morphology using AI learning. KAIST (President Kwang-Hyung Lee) announced on July 2nd that Professor Seungbum Hong from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, in collaboration with the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) and Drexel University in the United States, has developed a method to predict the major elemental composition and charge-discharge state of NCM cathode materials with 99.6% accuracy using convolutional neural networks (CNN)*. *Convolutional Neural Network (CNN): A type of multi-layer, feed-forward, artificial neural network used for analyzing visual images. The research team noted that while scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is used in semiconductor manufacturing to inspect wafer defects, it is rarely used in battery inspections. SEM is used for batteries to analyze the size of particles only at research sites, and reliability is predicted from the broken particles and the shape of the breakage in the case of deteriorated battery materials. The research team decided that it would be groundbreaking if an automated SEM can be used in the process of battery production, just like in the semiconductor manufacturing, to inspect the surface of the cathode material to determine whether it was synthesized according to the desired composition and that the lifespan would be reliable, thereby reducing the defect rate. < Figure 1. Example images of true cases and their grad-CAM overlays from the best trained network. > The researchers trained a CNN-based AI applicable to autonomous vehicles to learn the surface images of battery materials, enabling it to predict the major elemental composition and charge-discharge cycle states of the cathode materials. They found that while the method could accurately predict the composition of materials with additives, it had lower accuracy for predicting charge-discharge states. The team plans to further train the AI with various battery material morphologies produced through different processes and ultimately use it for inspecting the compositional uniformity and predicting the lifespan of next-generation batteries. Professor Joshua C. Agar, one of the collaborating researchers of the project from the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics of Drexel University, said, "In the future, artificial intelligence is expected to be applied not only to battery materials but also to various dynamic processes in functional materials synthesis, clean energy generation in fusion, and understanding foundations of particles and the universe." Professor Seungbum Hong from KAIST, who led the research, stated, "This research is significant as it is the first in the world to develop an AI-based methodology that can quickly and accurately predict the major elemental composition and the state of the battery from the structural data of micron-scale SEM images. The methodology developed in this study for identifying the composition and state of battery materials based on microscopic images is expected to play a crucial role in improving the performance and quality of battery materials in the future." < Figure 2. Accuracies of CNN Model predictions on SEM images of NCM cathode materials with additives under various conditions. > This research was conducted by KAIST’s Materials Science and Engineering Department graduates Dr. Jimin Oh and Dr. Jiwon Yeom, the co-first authors, in collaboration with Professor Josh Agar and Dr. Kwang Man Kim from ETRI. It was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea, the KAIST Global Singularity project, and international collaboration with the US research team. The results were published in the international journal npj Computational Materials on May 4. (Paper Title: “Composition and state prediction of lithium-ion cathode via convolutional neural network trained on scanning electron microscopy images”)
View 4275
KAIST team develops smart immune system that can pin down on malignant tumors
A joint research team led by Professor Jung Kyoon Choi of the KAIST Department of Bio and Brain Engineering and Professor Jong-Eun Park of the KAIST Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering (GSMSE) announced the development of the key technologies to treat cancers using smart immune cells designed based on AI and big data analysis. This technology is expected to be a next-generation immunotherapy that allows precision targeting of tumor cells by having the chimeric antigen receptors (CARs) operate through a logical circuit. Professor Hee Jung An of CHA Bundang Medical Center and Professor Hae-Ock Lee of the Catholic University of Korea also participated in this research to contribute joint effort. Professor Jung Kyoon Choi’s team built a gene expression database from millions of cells, and used this to successfully develop and verify a deep-learning algorithm that could detect the differences in gene expression patterns between tumor cells and normal cells through a logical circuit. CAR immune cells that were fitted with the logic circuits discovered through this methodology could distinguish between tumorous and normal cells as a computer would, and therefore showed potentials to strike only on tumor cells accurately without causing unwanted side effects. This research, conducted by co-first authors Dr. Joonha Kwon of the KAIST Department of Bio and Brain Engineering and Ph.D. candidate Junho Kang of KAIST GSMSE, was published by Nature Biotechnology on February 16, under the title Single-cell mapping of combinatorial target antigens for CAR switches using logic gates. An area in cancer research where the most attempts and advances have been made in recent years is immunotherapy. This field of treatment, which utilizes the patient’s own immune system in order to overcome cancer, has several methods including immune checkpoint inhibitors, cancer vaccines and cellular treatments. Immune cells like CAR-T or CAR-NK equipped with chimera antigen receptors, in particular, can recognize cancer antigens and directly destroy cancer cells. Starting with its success in blood cancer treatment, scientists have been trying to expand the application of CAR cell therapy to treat solid cancer. But there have been difficulties to develop CAR cells with effective killing abilities against solid cancer cells with minimized side effects. Accordingly, in recent years, the development of smarter CAR engineering technologies, i.e., computational logic gates such as AND, OR, and NOT, to effectively target cancer cells has been underway. At this point in time, the research team built a large-scale database for cancer and normal cells to discover the exact genes that are expressed only from cancer cells at a single-cell level. The team followed this up by developing an AI algorithm that could search for a combination of genes that best distinguishes cancer cells from normal cells. This algorithm, in particular, has been used to find a logic circuit that can specifically target cancer cells through cell-level simulations of all gene combinations. CAR-T cells equipped with logic circuits discovered through this methodology are expected to distinguish cancerous cells from normal cells like computers, thereby minimizing side effects and maximizing the effects of chemotherapy. Dr. Joonha Kwon, who is the first author of this paper, said, “this research suggests a new method that hasn’t been tried before. What’s particularly noteworthy is the process in which we found the optimal CAR cell circuit through simulations of millions of individual tumors and normal cells.” He added, “This is an innovative technology that can apply AI and computer logic circuits to immune cell engineering. It would contribute greatly to expanding CAR therapy, which is being successfully used for blood cancer, to solid cancers as well.” This research was funded by the Original Technology Development Project and Research Program for Next Generation Applied Omic of the Korea Research Foundation. Figure 1. A schematic diagram of manufacturing and administration process of CAR therapy and of cancer cell-specific dual targeting using CAR. Figure 2. Deep learning (convolutional neural networks, CNNs) algorithm for selection of dual targets based on gene combination (left) and algorithm for calculating expressing cell fractions by gene combination according to logical circuit (right).
View 8297
Face Recognition System 'K-Eye' Presented by KAIST
Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the key emerging technologies. Global IT companies are competitively launching the newest technologies and competition is heating up more than ever. However, most AI technologies focus on software and their operating speeds are low, making them a poor fit for mobile devices. Therefore, many big companies are investing to develop semiconductor chips for running AI programs with low power requirements but at high speeds. A research team led by Professor Hoi-Jun Yoo of the Department of Electrical Engineering has developed a semiconductor chip, CNNP (CNN Processor), that runs AI algorithms with ultra-low power, and K-Eye, a face recognition system using CNNP. The system was made in collaboration with a start-up company, UX Factory Co. The K-Eye series consists of two types: a wearable type and a dongle type. The wearable type device can be used with a smartphone via Bluetooth, and it can operate for more than 24 hours with its internal battery. Users hanging K-Eye around their necks can conveniently check information about people by using their smartphone or smart watch, which connects K-Eye and allows users to access a database via their smart devices. A smartphone with K-EyeQ, the dongle type device, can recognize and share information about users at any time. When recognizing that an authorized user is looking at its screen, the smartphone automatically turns on without a passcode, fingerprint, or iris authentication. Since it can distinguish whether an input face is coming from a saved photograph versus a real person, the smartphone cannot be tricked by the user’s photograph. The K-Eye series carries other distinct features. It can detect a face at first and then recognize it, and it is possible to maintain “Always-on” status with low power consumption of less than 1mW. To accomplish this, the research team proposed two key technologies: an image sensor with “Always-on” face detection and the CNNP face recognition chip. The first key technology, the “Always-on” image sensor, can determine if there is a face in its camera range. Then, it can capture frames and set the device to operate only when a face exists, reducing the standby power significantly. The face detection sensor combines analog and digital processing to reduce power consumption. With this approach, the analog processor, combined with the CMOS Image Sensor array, distinguishes the background area from the area likely to include a face, and the digital processor then detects the face only in the selected area. Hence, it becomes effective in terms of frame capture, face detection processing, and memory usage. The second key technology, CNNP, achieved incredibly low power consumption by optimizing a convolutional neural network (CNN) in the areas of circuitry, architecture, and algorithms. First, the on-chip memory integrated in CNNP is specially designed to enable data to be read in a vertical direction as well as in a horizontal direction. Second, it has immense computational power with 1024 multipliers and accumulators operating in parallel and is capable of directly transferring the temporal results to each other without accessing to the external memory or on-chip communication network. Third, convolution calculations with a two-dimensional filter in the CNN algorithm are approximated into two sequential calculations of one-dimensional filters to achieve higher speeds and lower power consumption. With these new technologies, CNNP achieved 97% high accuracy but consumed only 1/5000 power of the GPU. Face recognition can be performed with only 0.62mW of power consumption, and the chip can show higher performance than the GPU by using more power. These chips were developed by Kyeongryeol Bong, a Ph. D. student under Professor Yoo and presented at the International Solid-State Circuit Conference (ISSCC) held in San Francisco in February. CNNP, which has the lowest reported power consumption in the world, has achieved a great deal of attention and has led to the development of the present K-Eye series for face recognition. Professor Yoo said “AI - processors will lead the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. With the development of this AI chip, we expect Korea to take the lead in global AI technology.” The research team and UX Factory Co. are preparing to commercialize the K-Eye series by the end of this year. According to a market researcher IDC, the market scale of the AI industry will grow from $127 billion last year to $165 billion in this year. (Photo caption: Schematic diagram of K-Eye system)
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