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Professor Jimin Park and Dr. Inho Kim join the ranks of the 2024 "35 Innovators Under 35" by the MIT Technology Review
< (From left) Professor Jimin Park of the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Dr. Inho Kim, a graduate of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering > KAIST (represented by President Kwang-Hyung Lee) announced on the 13th of September that Professor Jimin Park from KAIST’s Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Dr. Inho Kim, a graduate from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (currently a postdoctoral researcher at Caltech), were selected by the MIT Technology Review as the 2024 "35 Innovators Under 35”. The MIT Technology Review, first published in 1899 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is the world’s oldest and most influential magazine on science and technology, offering in-depth analysis across various technology fields, expanding knowledge and providing insights into cutting-edge technology trends. Since 1999, the magazine has annually named 35 innovators under the age of 35, recognizing young talents making groundbreaking contributions in modern technology fields. The recognition is globally considered a prestigious honor and a dream for young researchers in the science and technology community. < Image 1. Introduction for Professor Jimin Park at the Meet 35 Innovators Under 35 Summit 2024 > Professor Jimin Park is developing next-generation bio-interfaces that link artificial materials with living organisms, and is engaged in advanced research in areas such as digital healthcare and carbon-neutral compound manufacturing technologies. In 2014, Professor Park was also recognized as one of the ‘Asia Pacific Innovators Under 35’ by the MIT Technology Review, which highlights young scientists in the Asia-Pacific region. Professor Park responded, “It’s a great honor to be named as one of the young innovators by the MIT Technology Review, a symbol of innovation with a long history. I will continue to pursue challenging, interdisciplinary research to develop next-generation interfaces that seamlessly connect artificial materials and living organisms, from atomic to system levels.” < Image 2. Introduction for Dr. Inho Kim as the 2024 Innovator of Materials Science for 35 Innovators Under 35 > Dr. Inho Kim, who earned his PhD from KAIST in 2020 under the supervision of Professor Sang Ouk Kim from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, recently succeeded in developing a new artificial muscle using composite fibers. This new material is considered the most human-like muscle ever reported in scientific literature, while also being 17 times stronger than natural human muscle. Dr. Kim is researching the application of artificial muscle fibers in next-generation wearable assistive devices that move more naturally, like humans or animals, noting that the fibers are lightweight, flexible, and exhibit conductivity during contraction, enabling real-time feedback. Recognized for this potential, Dr. Inho Kim was named one of the '35 Innovators Under 35' this year, making him the first researcher to win the honor with the research conducted at KAIST and a PhD earned from Korea. Dr. Kim stated, “I aim to develop robots using these new materials that can replace today’s expensive and heavy exoskeleton suits by eliminating motors and rigid frames. This will significantly reduce costs and allow for better customization, making cutting-edge technology more accessible to those who need it most, like children with cerebral palsy.”
View 3190
Novel Via-Hole-Less Multilevel Metal Interconnection Methods
Forming reliable multi-level metal interconnections is a key technology for integrating devices into organic integrated circuits (ICs). The conventional approach, called “via-hole,” locally removes the insulator and utilizes metal interconnects through the holes. Due to the high sensitivity of organic materials to chemical solvents, heat, and photo-radiation used in conventional “via-hole” methods, alternative printing methods or laser drilling methods have been developed. However, finding a reliable and practical metal interconnection for organic ICs is still challenging. The research team of KAIST Professor Sung Gap Im and Postech Professor Kim Jae-Joon reported a new interconnection method that does not require via-hole formation, “via-hole-less metal interconnection,” in Nature Communications on June 3. Metal electrodes in different layers can be isolated from each other by patterned dielectric layers, where they then can be interconnected to others in the open area where the dielectric layer is not present. See the images below. Vapor phase deposition and in-situ patterning of dielectric layer using iCVD (initiated chemical vapor deposition), used in the “via-hole-less” method, ensure a damage-free process for organic semiconductor materials and result in outstanding performance of the organic devices as multilevel metal interconnects are reliably formed. The team successfully demonstrated three-dimensional (3D) stacking of five organic transistors and integrated circuits using the proposed via-hole-less interconnect method. See the image below. Vapor phase deposition and in-situ patterning of dielectric layer using iCVD (initiated chemical vapor deposition), used in the “via-hole-less” method, ensure a damage-free process for organic semiconductor materials and result in outstanding performance of the organic devices as multilevel metal interconnects are reliably formed. The team successfully demonstrated three-dimensional (3D) stacking of five organic transistors and integrated circuits using the proposed via-hole-less interconnect method. See the image below. Professor Kim explained, “Our proposed via-hole-less interconnect method using a selectively patterned dielectric overcomes the limitations of the previous time-consuming, one-by-one via-hole formation process and provides reliable methods for creating metal interconnects in organic ICs. We expect the via-hole-less scheme to bring advances to organic IC technology.”
View 43094
MoU by KAIST-Seoul-Seocho-gu for the 4th Industrial Revolution
The opening ceremony of the Yangjae R&CD Innovation Hub was held in Seoul on December 5. More than 400 guests came to the ceremony from major institutes and companies that are based in the hub. KAIST President Sung-Chul Shin, the Mayor of Seoul, Won-soon Park, and the Mayor of Seocho-gu, Eun Hee Cho, signed an MoU for Seoul to be the leading city for successfully realizing the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The three organizations aim to cooperate with one another in various areas, including an economic boost for local job creation, technology development, and the promotion of projects through an industry-academia-institute network and fostering manpower. Yangjae R&CD is the first facility specializing in and dedicated for Artificial Intelligence, which is the major topic of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The hub is comprised of enterprises specializing in AI, open co-work spaces, conference rooms, an open networking lounge, and spaces for fostering professional manpower. The hub will recruit additional enterprises and individuals who wish to move in. KAIST, an institute containing professors and researchers in the field of AI, and Modulabs, an organization becoming distinguished in AI research, will be in charge of operating the facility together. The Yangjae R&CD Innovation Hub will operate a professional training program with participation from KAIST professors, which aims to produce 500 professionals in AI research and development by 2020. It will also provide inexpensive space as well as consultations and venture capital to startup and venture companies. It plans to find and foster 50 innovation companies by 2020. In particular, the hub will operate a course for new AI business models 24 times over three years. The hub also offers job consultations, academic conferences, public space for companies residing in the hub, a free GPU cluster server, technical training, seminars, forums, investment attraction, overseas expansion, and one-to-one technical consultations. The Yangjae R&CD Zone is the place established for the Fourth Industrial Revolution by Seoul. R&CD is a concept combining Research and Development, Connection, Companies, Community, and Culture. Seoul aims to create the Yangjae Zone as an urban innovation hub for facilitating industry-academia linkage as well as establishing a startup-settlement-growth technical ecosystem.
View 8839
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