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Newsletter Vol.26
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KAIST Team Reaching Out with Appropriate Technology
(The gold prize winning team of KATT) The KAIST Appropriate Technology Team (KATT) consisting of international students at KAIST won the gold and silver prizes at ‘The 10th Creative Design Competition for the Other 90 Percent.’ More than 218 students from 50 teams nationwide participated in the competition hosted by the Ministry of Science and ICT last month. The competition was created to discover appropriate technology and sustainable design items to enhance the quality of life for those with no or few accessible technologies. A team led by Juan Luis Gonzalez Bello, graduate student from the School of Electrical Engineering received the gold prize for presenting a prosthetic arm. Their artificial arm was highly recognized for its affordability and good manageability. The team said that it cost less than 10 US dollars to construct from materials available in underprivileged regions and was easy to assemble. Sophomore Hutomo Calvin from the Department of Materials Science & Engineering also worked on the prosthetic arm project with freshmen Bella Godiva, Stephanie Tan, and Koptieuov Yearbola. Alexandra Tran, senior from the School of Electrical Engineering led the silver prize winning team. Her team developed a portable weather monitor, ‘Breathe Easy’. She worked with Alisher Tortay, senior from the School of Computing, Ashar Alam, senior from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bereket Eshete, junior from the School of Computing, and Marthens Hakzimana, sophomore from the Department of Mechanical Engineering. This weather monitor is a low-cost but efficient air quality monitor. The team said it just cost less than seven US dollars to construct the monitor.KAIST students have now won the gold prize for two consecutive years.
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KAIST International Students Organize KAIST ONE Program
International Students at KAIST are running a program called “KAIST ONE” (Overseas Networking Exchange) in order to promote an active exchange between students and to present their cultures. Originally an international cultural activity at the ICU (then the Information and Communications University) in 2007, the program changed its name to “KAIST ONE” and was continued after the merging of the university with KAIST. Students of about 40 different countries have participated to date, and each annual event attracts more than 150 students. Over 700 international students from 70 different countries around the world spontaneously organize and manage the KAIST ONE program, which is run five times this semester, every other Thursday from 7p.m. to 9p.m. at the KAIST International Center. The 11th of last month and the 1st of this month witnessed an enthusiastic response from about 150 participants who joined the Columbian and the Saudi Arabian students in introducing their cultures, presenting traditional cultural performances, and sharing traditional foods. The next in line are Danish, Ugandan, and Cameroonian students who are set to have their turns on this month’s 15th, 29th, and next month’s 6th, respectively. Also notable is the active attention and support from foreign embassies such as the participation of Tunisian, Brazilian, Pakistani, Azerbaijani, Thai, and German ambassadors in the program since last year to provide food and introductory guides to cultures. The director of this year’s program, Karim Charfi (Tunisian, 3rd year Electrical Engineering) said, “During the selection stage of each semester, everyone competes for the chance to present their country,” and “KAIST ONE has established itself as a unique and exotic cultural event at KAIST since it networks about 40 of the relatively less known countries such as Uganda, Cameroon, Tunisia, and Chile and the people with diverse cultures.” The supervisor of the program, Chang Dong Yoo of the Office of Special Projects and Institutional Relations said, “KAIST ONE is an opportunity for international students to acquaint people with their cultures, and it is also a site of cultural exchange and of building friendships among KAIST students and international students,” and “we plan to extend the event such that not only the KAIST members but also the local residents can join in.” The program welcomes KAIST students as well as the general public.
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'KAIST ONE" program run by international students
International Students at KAIST are currently running the ‘KAIST ONE (Overseas Networking Exchange)’ program which promotes cultural exchange with other students. The program started in 2007 at ICU and continues on as the ‘KAIST ONE’ event, after the school was integrated into KAIST. Students from over 40 different nationalities have participated in the program and an average of 150 students participates in each event. The ‘KAIST ONE’ event is held every other Thursday at the KAIST international center from 7 to 9pm. Columbian and Saudi Arabian students hosted the event in October and November respectively and displayed their traditional culture and food. Students from Denmark, Uganda and Cameroon will host the event on November 15th, 19th and on December 6th respectively. Since last year, the event has received great interest from many different embassies, with foreign ambassadors participating in the events. Karim Charfi (Tunisia, Junior at the Department of Electrical Engineering), who planned the event, said that “KAIST ONE is a great opportunity to introduce foreign to other students” and that “it has become a unique event that can only be experienced at KAIST”. Anyone can participate in the program, from KAIST students to outsiders.
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