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Professor Sung Yong Kim Appointed as Committee Member to Serve PICES
The Pacific International Council for the Exploration of the Sea: North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) is an intergovernmental organization, which was established in 1992 to promote and coordinate marine research in the North Pacific and adjacent areas. Currently, the United States, Canada, Japan, China, Russia, and Korea are members of the organization. Professor Sung Yong Kim of Ocean Systems Engineering, KAIST, has been appointed to serve the Scientific and Technical Committees of PICES. He will begin his stint from July 1, 2014. During his assignment, Professor Kim will identify the need for observation of the North Pacific marine environment, develop observation methodology, and publish an annual report on the observation. Professor Kim is an expert in marine physics and environmental fluids, with a focus on coastal circulation and dynamics, mesoscale and submesoscale eddies, integrated coastal ocean observing system, and statistical and dynamic data analysis.
View 7266
Professor Yang Receives Academic Award
By Ki-beom Lee / Reporter The KAIST Herald December 3, 2003 The Professor Dong-yol Yang of the Department of Mechanical Engineering received the Sang-woo Academic Award last month. Unlike other awards of similar nature, this award is given to one of many leading scientists who has written six to seven papers in the previous year. This award is special in that Professor Yang retired as chairman of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity in December 2002. Professor Yang received a prize on the research of the anisotropic pressing out process. He has also written papers based on the twenty-five years of research at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and has researched high-speed modeling for the first time in Korea.
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