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KAIST and Hynix Semiconductor Jointly Foster Manpower​
View : 12731 Date : 2006-12-11 Writer : ed_news

KAIST and Hynix Semiconductor Jointly Foster Manpower


- Joint running of industry-academy programs for excellent semiconductor manpower training

- Regular mutual manpower exchange for on-site education and research 

KAIST Department of Raw Material Science and Engineering and Hynix Semiconductor concluded an agreement to manage a ‘joint industry-academy business group’, Wednesday, December 6. 

The both bodies reached an agreement to jointly promote the first step of ‘the excellent semiconductor manpower training program’ for 4 years beginning 2007. 

KAIST plans to foster creative and excellent semiconductor manpower possessing both of theories and technologies through research topics and lectures that reflect Hynix Semiconductor’s necessities, and will promote regular manpower exchanges with Hynix Semiconductor to enhance trainees’ on-site adaptabilities. 

Hynix Semiconductor will actively participate in the researches and support the expenses for research and education and high-cost equipment. Furthermore, Hynix Semiconductors will dispatch its researchers to KAIST as adjunct professors to educate doctorate students, who join the researches, and assist on-site education.