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2008 New Year's Message from President
New Year’s Greeting I would like to wish you and your family a prosperous and happy New Year. I also hope that 2008 will be a great year for KAIST. 2007: Year in Review Thanks to all of your hard work and dedication, 2007 has been a productive year for KAIST. We have undertaken many difficult and challenging tasks in order to make KAIST one of the leading universities in the world. As president, I would like to express my deep appreciation to all members of our community for your many contributions. You have all worked effectively and with great dedication toward accomplishing many of our goals. With your help, leadership, and support we have taken three major steps towards raising our standards. We have improved undergraduate education, created KAIST Institutes to undertake important interdisciplinary research, and improved our system of governance. I believe that these changes will make KAIST much stronger, increasing the intellectual productivity and performance of our students and faculty. But our job is not done yet. We have far to go before reaching our goal of making KAIST one of the best universities in the world. Goals of KAIST KAIST is a great university. Its students are among the brightest young people in the world. We have a first-rate faculty. We have hard working staff, and KAIST benefits from the generous support of the Korean people. It is clear we have what it takes to be one of the leading universities in the world. The history of science and technology teaches us that academia continually creates new intellectual fields to deal with emerging opportunities and to respond to societal needs. Universities that are most successful are those that are best at responding to our changing world. KAIST has the opportunity to become a leading university by searching for and solving important problems that require new approaches and new thinking. There are many reasons KAIST should strive to be the best. Doing so will enable the university to attract the best students and resources, in an increasingly competitive and global academic environment. This will create an atmosphere of intellectual excitement and vigor benefiting both faculty and students. This environment will put our faculty and students in league with the world’s other leading universities’ experts. Tasks Ahead To this end, we still face formidable obstacles. However, we can overcome them through great resolve, ingenuity, planning, and sacrifice. Without change, KAIST will of course continue to advance. But the world’s other leading universities are advancing exponentially faster. KAIST must do more to be in the same league. We must identify new opportunities in all areas, invest in innovative ideas, and lead the field in important areas of science and technology. What we have done in 2007 We have already made progress towards these goals in 2007. Some of our efforts have been difficult and painful to implement. a. Undergraduate education We introduced many measures to educate our students in a way that will prepare them to become future leaders. We have taken measures to make students more accountable for their actions, while also teaching them to be bi-modally functional in synthesis and analysis. We have also pursued international collaborations by establishing dual degree programs, which will begin in 2008 with Carnegie Mellon and Georgia Institute of Technology. We are currently working to establish similar programs with European and Asian universities as well. b. KAIST Institutes We have established research institutes to focus on KAIST’s current strengths. And we have also instituted “high risk/ high return” research-support programs to encourage creativity and innovation. c. EEWS In order to address the most pressing concerns of the 21st century, we have begun major research support in areas related to energy, the environment, water and sustainability. These global problems require international collaboration, which we are actively seeking. d. Governance We restructured KAIST into a department-centric system to enable those who know their fields best to be the primary decision makers. Departments will have the primary responsibility for personnel, finance, space, and education, all of which will be coordinated by the central administration for consistency and checks and balances. We will further develop this system, establishing deep roots in the years to come. e. Buildings and Generous Donors We were extremely fortunate to find generous donors who were willing to provide the financial support for KAIST. I am personally very grateful to Dr. & Mr. Byiung Joon Park for the KI building, and Dr. & Mrs. Neil Papparlardo for the hospital and medical center. We are hoping to find other generous donors for the Sports Complex and other important undertakings of KAIST. Tasks for 2008 In 2008, we must do the following: 1. Teach well. 2. Generate outstanding graduates who can function and compete in a global environment. 3. Produce outstanding research results by identifying important and challenging problems that require creative thinking, new ideas, and innovative paradigms to replace those that do not work any more. 4. Lead the field of science and engineering by anticipating future needs and opportunities. 5. Secure financial resources to compensate outstanding faculty and staff at a globally competitive scale and to maintain an infrastructure fit for research. 6. Increase the size of the faculty and student body to a more competitive level. 7. Recruit outstanding students, faculty and staff. 8. Build new facilities such as the Park Building for KAIST Institutes, the Pappalardo Hospital and Medical Center, the International House, and the Sports Complex. To achieve these tasks, we have created the Five-Year Development Plan and have implemented new programs and policies with the support of the faculty, the students and the staff. New Opportunities Ahead We may have new opportunities to make major contributions in a number of different areas. Before implementing any new programs and policies, the faculty, staff, and administration must consider them carefully and evaluate them thoroughly. I will discuss a few these opportunities that we should consider exploring: 1. Information Technology (IT) The fact that IT is an important area does not need any elaboration. Korea is a leading IT nation. IT has changed the way people communicate, live and produce. It has increased the productivity of the world. IT will continue to evolve and let us do things that cannot be done today. How will the field of IT change in the future? How should KAIST lead the change? Much of the IT revolution consists of hard technologies such as advances in semiconductors, wireless communications, fiber optics, displays, communications technology (switching, networking, etc.), and others. Although these hard technologies will continue to be important and occupy the minds of our brightest engineers, they may evolve in the way the computer field has evolved. For example, in the past, the limited and costly storage of data occupied much of the thinking in the computer science and engineering field. Also the speed of microprocessors was a major limiting factor in the use of computers. However, today the cost of data storage is almost insignificant in comparison to other costs. Advances in data storage have changed the practice and opportunities in the field of computers. Similarly, the current limiting factors involving hardware and data transmission may cease to drive the IT field in the future. What may be equally important is the management and engineering of content that are generated optically, by software, and by the users in a network. Examples of possible new directions in IT (in addition to traditional IT): (a) KAIST should explore whether or not we need to create a new curriculum and a department for “content creation, management and engineering” and generate new kinds of graduates. (b) Another topic that may be considered as being a part of the IT content management issue is the healthcare and management. In this field, Professors WonJoon Kim (BEP), BumSoon Park and SoYoung Kim (Culture Science), and Taesik Lee (Industrial Engineering) are exploring how to deal with health-related issues which will require a new use of IT as well as other disciplines such as design and social science 2. Ocean Systems Engineering and Science KAIST does not currently teach or conduct research on topics related to ocean, shipbuilding, and sea transportation systems, despite their importance in the 21st century. Two-thirds of the earth is covered by water. It is the arbitrator of earth’s climate and holds abundant natural resources. It also provides the cheapest means of transporting goods. It may be the place to sequestrate excess materials such as CO2 that needs to be removed from the atmosphere and land. Furthermore, current shipping systems and harbor design may be outdated and inefficient. Yet research and education in ocean science and engineering are not responding to the current needs of society. Shipbuilding is a very important industry to Korea. Korea builds more ships than any other nation, and ship-building contributes the most to the nation’s current account balance. Further, it appears that the demand for ships will continue to increase as the global shipment of goods and natural resources by ships continues to increase with the rapid industrialization of China and India. With increases in international trade, the need to use the ocean transportation system is likely to grow and exceed the current capacity of the infrastructure. KAIST should explore opportunities in areas related to shipbuilding, natural resource mining, sequestration of CO2 and deposition of other materials, ocean transportation systems, and environmental science and engineering of the ocean. 3. Life Science and Engineering KAIST has made and will be making a major investment in biology, brain science, bioengineering, the ME/PhD program, and other life science and engineering fields. KAIST will be seeking a major funding for research in brain science and neuroscience from abroad as well as within Korea. We need to identify new opportunities to increase the productivity of these diverse investments. Right now, the collaboration and coordination between colleagues in the life sciences and engineering is not well organized, although the KI for the BioCentury is promoting multi-disciplinary research. There has to be a better integration from life science to life engineering and technology at KAIST if we are to convince funding agencies and foundations to give us major financial support and to attract outstanding scholars in this field to KAIST. Concluding Remarks In 2007, we worked hard to make KAIST one of the world’s top universities. We are moving in the right direction in enhancing our students’ long-term personal and professional growth, for advancement of science and engineering, for technological innovation, and for the future well being of humanity. In 2008, we will continue to face new challenges that may appear to be beyond our capabilities, but we know we can achieve a lot when we work together. There are many things we have to do. We must continue to be creative in teaching and research, and we must use our resources wisely and frugally. We must support those amongst us, who are exceptionally creative and hard working, and continue to secure the necessary financial support to strengthen our educational and research programs. Thank you again for your many important contributions. I wish you and your family a most happy and prosperous New Year. January 1, 2008 KAIST President Nam Pyo Suh
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Professor Jie-Oh Lee awarded 'Scientist of the Year'
Professor Jie-Oh Lee of the Department of Chemistry was awarded the ‘Scientist of the Year’ prize for identifying the three-dimensional structure of protein that causes sepsis, and it was announced by the Korean Science Reporters Association (KOSRA) on November 26th.“Humans have about 30,000 different kinds of proteins, and they all have different structures, just like our faces,” said Professor Lee. “It is extremely helpful to know the three-dimensional shape of proteins when you are trying to understand what their functions in an organism are and trying to develop medicine for them.” When looking for the three-dimensional structure, protein must first be crystallized and radiated with x-ray, so that reflected x-ray can be interpreted. The three-dimensional structure of sepsis immunity proteins TLR1-TLR2 and TLR4-MD2 could not be found until now because they would not even crystallize. “I began to doubt if it was even possible to crystallize them because we went through so many failures,” reflected Professor Lee. In August of last year, after about three years of research, the team finally came up with a new idea. The team decided to ‘stick’ the sepsis immunity protein to protein that easily crystallizes. If the combined structure of sepsis immunity protein and the known protein could be identified, the structure of sepsis immunity protein would be a combined structure subtracted by the known structure. The three-dimensional structure was obtained with x-ray radiation from combined protein crystal. The combined protein was derived from an insect cell with altered DNA. “This method seems very simple but no one ever tried it or no one ever succeeded in it,” said Professor Lee. The result was a horseshoe shaped protein structure. The research team also expects the new protein-combining technology to contribute to the development of a new immune system treatment medicine. The prize-awarding ceremony was held on November 26th in an event hosted by the Korean Hospital Association. Also, Professor Ryong Ryoo of the Department of Chemistry was selected as the National Scientist last month.By KAIST Herald on November, 2007
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KAIST Takes Merging Steps with ICU
Plans to begin the merging of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and Information and Communications University (ICU) have emerged. ICU board members and Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) officials held a meeting at Lotte Hotel, Seoul, on November 21st. The two parties agreed upon the merging of KAIST and ICU; and an interim organization to carry out the merging procedures was to be established. In addition, a preliminary road-map was presented during the meeting. In the event that a company would show a willingness to financially support ICU, the parties agreed to take this path into consideration as well. Also at this meeting, the resignation of ICU President Huh Unna was accepted by the board members of ICU. President Huh and the executive board have opposed any proposals of unification between the two universities. The president called for an independent ICU in response to MIC’s withdrawal of funding. On November 27th, ICU Electrical Engineering Professor Hyuck Jae Lee was appointed as ICU president. The talk of merging the two universities surfaced when the Board of Audit and Inspection concluded that financial support of ICU from the government was illegal as ICU was established under the private school law exempting the institution from governmental support. When ICU was established in 1997, MIC provided 200 billion Korean Won and has continually supported the university financially with 10 billion Korean Won per year. Both universities have not released official statements regarding the merging of the respective institutions. ICU has a student body of about 400 undergraduate students and 600 graduate students. On the other hand, KAIST has a student body of around 3000 undergraduate students, 2000 graduate students, and 2000 doctorate students. Both institutions are located in Daejeon, Korea. Talk of establishing a single-department IT-convergence university where ICU is currently located surfaced as a possible merging-concept by KAIST. Organizations and groups opposing the unification of the two technology-related institutions are concerned with details of the merger, such as the personnel management of ICU professors. However, analyses demonstrate that the unification will give KAIST the competitive edge through a larger faculty, student body, and increased facilities. In July, an in-house poll was conducted at ICU and the results showed that 15 percent of graduate school students and undergraduate students were against the merger while 82.6 percent of undergraduate students and 84.8 percent of graduate students were in favor. 88.6 percent of ICU professors supported the unification of the two universities.By KAIST Herald on December, 2007
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Students Meet with KAIST Development Foundation
A group of department representatives and distinguished school staff gathered on November 21st to discuss the future funding of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). Participants of the meeting included the Vice President, Dean of Academic Affairs, Director of Welfare, the President of Undergraduate Student Association, and many more. The Vice President explained that students and alumnae are the owners of KAIST and should take pride in the successful development of KAIST. He also added that they should share the same goal of supporting KAIST to become the world"s leading institute of science and technology. Statistics show a noticeable correlation between a university"s status in world rankings and the percentage of its alumni donation participants. In the case of top U.S. universities, a large number of their alumnae donate astronomical sums of money in hopes to contribute to the school"s development. For example, in 2006, a whopping 61% of the Princeton University alumni participated in school donations, while - in stark contrast - a meager 1.1% of 31,000 KAIST alumnae made monetary contributions. Perhaps this low level of donation participation explains why KAIST is making little progress in its efforts to advance into a globally-recognized university. "Before we die, many of us look back and regret "I should"ve earned a little more"," said the Vice President. "But what we should really reflect on is how I could"ve given a little more." Throughout the meeting, he reiterated the significance of enrolled students practicing donation, no matter how insignificant the amount, when they are still young. KAIST is currently receiving support from its alumni, parents, students, corporations, foundations, professors and staff. With a growing demand for increasing the number of professors, research fees and labor budget, however, KAIST requires the full support and dedication of students and alumnae alike if it is to fulfill its vision of becoming the academic leader in science and technology- it is essential for students to get accustomed to the habit of donating to the school. To promote this practice of contributing, the Vice President urged students to look for opportunities to make donations.By KAIST Herald on December, 2007
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Gonggam Emerged as 22nd Undergraduate Student Association
After elections on November 29, Gonggam emerged as the 22nd Undergraduate Student Association of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). The election for the Undergraduate Student Association was held on November 29 from 8:00a.m to 7:00p.m. Students voted in seven different locations: the Digital Science Library, the Main Administration Building, Tae-Wul Gwan, the east and west cafeterias, the Undergraduate Cafeteria, and the Student Center. Students who participated in the election were required to bring their student cards or resident registration cards for identification. A group of avid volunteer members assisted in the election, leading students to the voting site and making sure everything was under control. Should the voting rate not exceed 50%, the election was to be prolonged a couple more days. But thanks to the high level of student participation, the election process was completed successfully without any further extension. Out of the 2790 undergraduate students, 1217 students casted their votes setting a new voting rate record of 57.7% in years. Gonggam party was the only group running for the Undergraduate Student. Voters were required to choose either in favor of or against the election of Gonggam. 1217 voters supported Gonggam while 381 opposed to their election. The Gonggam party was thereby elected by unanimous vote as the new Undergraduate Student Association. According to the student rules, their official term is supposed to begin as of March, but they will immediately take office and undertake the business of the former president council. The Gonggam party is literally based on the principle of “consensus”. During their campaign, they explained that their main goal is to bring about positive changes which the majority of the students agree upon. More specifically, their three main objectives are as follows: cultivating a culturally-vibrant environment by inviting various artists and entertainment guests to KAIST; establishing an Undergraduate Student Committee to represent the student body and make sure educational reforms reflect the students’ interests; and lastly, encouraging students to develop a social consciousness by holding discussion/debate forums on various social issues with local citizen organizations and expert panels.By KAIST Herald on December, 2007
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Intelligent SoC Robot War 2007 Has Finale
Kyung Hee University’s “Sandi2007” and “Triple K” of Korea University of Technology and Education and Chungbuk National University were victorious in the Tank Robot category and the Taekwon Robot categories of the 6th Robot War Contest hosted by Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). Boldly entitled “07 Intelligent SoC Robot War”, KAIST hosted its 6th Robot War Contest. In this contest, battles between mechanical robots utilizing System on Chip (SoC) technology are fought. The first Robot War contest was held in 2002. Before the actual contest from October 18th to 21st, preliminary assessments and the final selection was administered in August. The Intelligent SoC Robot War Contest has two sections called Tank Robot and Taekwon Robot. The Tank Robot contest has robots in the form of tanks duel with laser beams through visual recognition, wireless communication, and audio recognition. On the other hand, the Taekwon Robot contest is a hand-to-hand fight. The robots had to be capable of defending, recognizing the opponent, and attacking without external control. The 15 teams of the Tank Robot section and the 10 teams of the Taekwon Robot section that passed through the preliminary selections participated in the final battles for 3 days starting on October 18th. The Tank Robot category winner “Sandi2007” showed great ability in visual sensing and the Taekwon Robot category winner “Triple K” had effective arm and leg combinations that eventually led the team to victory. Kyung Hee University’s “Sandi2007” received 2 million Korean Won as the grand prize along with a special recognition from the Prime Minister, while “Triple K” received 1 million Korean Won with a special recognition from the Secretary of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy (MOCIE). The Intelligent SoC Robot War contest was part of the 2007 International Robot Contest (IRC 2007) which was organized by the Center for Robot Industry Promotion (CRIP) and held at Convention & Exhibition Center (COEX) Indian Hall. The individual contests included 8 competitions: Grand Challenge, Robotpiad, Humanoid Robot Contest, Robofest, Intelligent SoC Robot War, FIRA Challenge Cup, Robot Festival, and URC Robot Contest.By KAIST Herald on November, 2007
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S&T Policy Agenda of Major Presidential Candidates
Science and Technology Policy Agenda of Major Presidential Candidates The KAIST TIMES recently reviewed science and technology policy suggestions made by five major presidential candidates. Below is a summary of the information assembled based on written interviews conducted by The KAIST TIMES, gatherings on science and technology policies, and press conferences. Chung Dong-young of the United New Democratic Party The UNDP’s Chung Dong-young presented a vision to join the world’s top seven aerospace leaders in an effort to transform Korea into a science-technology powerhouse. In order to achieve this goal, he suggested five policy strategies: support research and development of creative, innovative science and technology, ; expand resources for the innovation of science and technology, ; promote academia and business partnerships, ; strengthen infrastructure to innovate scientific and technological fields, ; boost the morale of scientists and engineers, ; and promote the dissemination of scientific culture. The most noticeable striking part element of his vision is to make add Korea to join the list of the world’s top seven aerospace powerhouses. Chung included the this vision in his 20 key 20 pledges, underscoring his commitment to the aerospace industry. He said that the aerospace industry can produce simultaneous growth of various high-tech industries. Chung also vowed that he would extensively foster high-value added assembly industry in conjunction with a scheme to nurture parts and material industries. As detailed action plans to achieve his vision, he cited development of small and medium-sized aircraft carriers and upgrading air control systems as part of the efforts to make Korea as a stronghold of popular aviation of in Northeast Asia. He also revealed plans to embark on a project to explore the Moon and send an unmanned probe there by 2020. To implement aerospace development plans systematically, he suggested inaugurating the envisioned Korean Aeronautics and Space Administration, modeled after the NASA of the United States and JAXA of Japan. Lee Myung-bak of the National Grand Party Presidential candidate Lee pointed out basic sciences and open-source technologies as crucial prerequisites to achieve economic growth. As five implementation strategies to promote the development of these areas, he called for the fostering of more scientific and technological talents; a drastic increase in investment in science and technology; creation of new fusion industries that will serve as future growth engines; promotion of autonomy and creativity; and popularization of science and technology. He also pledged to carry out two large-scale projects, the creation of “an international scientific-corporate city belt” and the technological development of new renewable energy. Among them, drawing the largest attention is the creation of an “international scientific-corporate city belt” connecting several technological complexes located in Chungcheong Provinces. The city belt is envisioned to connect the Daedok Innopolis in Daejeon, the proposed Bio-Health Science Technopolis in Osong, Sceintific Industrial Complex in Ochang, and the new administrative town under construction in Yeongi-Gongju. At a lecture hosted by the Science and Technology Forum and the Korean Engineers Club, Lee said that the project has been motivated by the idea of locating research and corporate complexes in close proximity to bring about maximum efficiency of commercializing research results. Kwon Young-ghil of the Democratic Labor Party In a written interview with The KAIST TIMES, Kwon summed up his vision for science and technology as shifting from “science-technology for the rich and privileged” to “science and technology to promote public interest and participation.” As action plans to realize his vision, he suggested increasing investment into public-interest research and development projects and building the necessary infrastructure as well as boosting relevance between science-technology policies and various welfare sectors including environment, health, and medicare. He also wishes to pay greater attention to improving the treatment of young engineers and scientists. Moon Kook-hyun of the Creative Korea Party Moon Kook-hyun’s science and technology policy proposals focus on nurturing more experts in the fields of science and technology. As specific action plans to ease the tendency among high-school graduates to shun the fields engineering and science as their majors, he revealed a plan to appoint a Prime Minister with an engineering or scientific background and positively expand social participation of engineering or science graduates. He also expressed strong commitment to making Korea a technological power house, focusing on convergence of various high-tech industries including BT and IT. He would also build infrastructure to increase cooperation for technological development among large and mid and small-sized companies, and among Korea and many other countries. Independent Candidate Lee Hoi-chang Lee Hoi-chang’s vision for science and technology can be highlighted by his strong commitment to greatly increasing R& D investment in this area. He said that the move is aimed at expanding science and technology capital, which will serve as a fundamental infrastructure for corporate activities. In particular, he said that he would concentrate on fostering eight core technologies based on individual knowledge and creativity: IT, BT, NT, ST, ET (Environment Technology), CT, MT(Marine Technology), and FT (Fusion Technology).
View 15867
The US Science Magazine Published KAIST News on Nov. 30
An educational innovation of our university arouses world"s interest. The world science magazine, the U.S Science reports deeply President Suh Nampyo" KAIST reform, fund, tenure review, tuition, admission and faculty recruit in News Focus, internet version on 30 November. There is full text of the news below.http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/318/5855/1371 News FocusHIGHER EDUCATION:MIT Engineer Shakes Korean Academia to Its CoreDennis Normile Radical measures from the new president of the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology are roiling a tradition-bound system Worldly. To gain stature beyond Korea, KAIST has lured students from Vietnam, China, and Rwanda, among other countries. CREDIT: D. NORMILE/SCIENCE DAEJEON, SOUTH KOREA--When the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) announced on 19 November that an entrepreneur had donated $2.5 million to the university with promises of more to follow, it marked the latest in a string of coups for the new president, Suh Nam Pyo. A mechanical engineer on leave from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Cambridge, Suh has raised an unprecedented amount--$12.5 million--in a country where donations to universities are rare. He"s challenging other traditions as well. For example, KAIST"s latest tenure review turned down several candidates, a shocking move by Korean standards.Suh says he is aiming to make KAIST "as good as the best [universities], including MIT." Many faculty members agree that Suh"s "overall philosophy and vision are correct," says KAIST systems biologist Lee Sang Yup. But there are concerns about how Suh will implement that vision at the 36-year-old university. The KAIST community has reason to be cautious. In 2004, the university hired Nobel physics laureate Robert Laughlin as president--the first foreigner to lead a Korean university--with a mandate to transform KAIST into a world-class institution. Laughlin, on leave from Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, proposed privatizing KAIST and charging tuition, focusing on commercialization, and tripling undergraduate enrollment (Science, 25 February 2005, p. 1181; 20 January 2006, p. 321). But when Laughlin"s plans failed to materialize, "the faculty was disappointed," says KAIST molecular biologist Chung Jongkyeong. In 2006, the board of trustees decided to seek a new president. The board turned to Suh. Born in Gyeongju, South Korea, in 1936, Suh moved to the United States with his family as a teenager and earned a doctorate in mechanical engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. As an MIT professor, Suh has won plaudits for his engineering design theories, earned more than 50 patents, and helped start several companies. In the early 1980s, he was assistant director for engineering at the U.S. National Science Foundation, and he headed MIT"s Department of Mechanical Engineering from 1991 until 2001. Since arriving at KAIST in July 2006, Suh has opened undergraduate education to non-Korean students for the first time by insisting that many courses be taught in English. Suh decided that students who maintain "B" or better grades would continue to pay no tuition, whereas those with a "C" or below must pay about $16,000 per year starting in February. "We want students to take responsibility for their actions," Suh says. Agent of change. KAIST"s faculty supports Suh Nam Pyo"s reforms, so far. CREDIT: KAIST A new admissions process may also have broad impact. Previously, KAIST, like most of Korea"s top universities, selected the top scorers in a written exam. Most high school students spend their free time prepping for these tests in cram schools. But Suh says that scores "are a one-dimensional measure" that fails to identify leaders. So candidates for KAIST"s next incoming class were invited to campus this fall for interviews, to give presentations, and to engage in discussions while being observed by faculty members, who made selections based on scores and personal impressions. "We"re looking for future Einsteins and future Bill Gateses," says Suh.An even more radical step was putting teeth into tenure reviews. Traditionally, faculty members in Korea gain tenure after logging enough years. Suh insisted that KAIST professors up for tenure gather endorsements from experts in their field around the world. In September, 11 of 33 applicants were denied tenure and were given a year to find new jobs. The tenure review "is the beginning of an educational revolution," says KAIST chemist Ryoo Ryong. But he and others worry about the fate of those denied tenure. Suh understands their predicament but is standing firm. The professors who didn"t make tenure "are very good people, but in terms of the standard we set, they"re not as good as we expect our professors to be." He is asking other universities to consider giving these professors a chance. At the same time, Suh is looking to inject fresh blood--including foreigners--into the 418-strong faculty with a plan to add 300 professors over the next 4 to 5 years. (To expand the school, Suh is striving to win government approval for a doubling of KAIST"s base governmental support of $108 million.) His first catch is Mary Kathryn Thompson, who completed her Ph.D. in mechanical engineering at MIT last year. "It"s an exciting time to be here," says Thompson, who just started studying Korean when she arrived last August. Although they support Suh"s initiatives, some faculty members chafe at his blunt public comments implying that Korea"s professors take life too easy. "I cannot agree," says Choi Yang-Kyu, an electrical engineer. "Most professors here are working very hard." Biomolecular engineer Kim Hak-Sung adds: "President Suh should have sticks and carrots, not just sticks." Carrots don"t come cheap. "I"m spending most of my time trying to raise money," Suh says. Part of that effort is wooing private donors. "Giving to universities is not prevalent in Asia, but it is something I"m trying to nurture in Korea," he says. That"s a precedent all of Korea"s universities might want to embrace.
View 15587
KAIST and Carnegie Mellon University establish a Dual Degree Program
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and Carnegie Mellon University make an agreement on collaboration in research and education, and a dual degree program. KAIST and Carnegie Mellon make an agreement on ▲Exchange of Faculty Members ▲Exchange of Students ▲Dual Degree Program and ▲ Exploring cooperation in education and research. Presidents of both Universities had a signing ceremony at 11 A.M on Friday, Oct. 5th, 2007. ▲Lectures, joint research and exchange of faculty members ▲Undergraduate/graduate student exchange up to five students from one University each year ▲Dual degree program at the Ph. D. level ▲Opportunities for joint research projects and conferences will be explored according to the agreement between the two Universities. KAIST and Carnegie Mellon have created a new dual degree program for Ph.D. students in civil and environmental engineering. Students admitted through the dual degree program are required to spend minimum 2 academic years in residence at each University. The total number of the student candidates participating in this program shall not exceed five in any given academic year initially. The students who met the graduation requirements shall be awarded two PhD degrees, one from KAIST and the other from Carnegie Mellon. All of its courses at KAIST are taught in English, which is the case starting in Fall 2007. Both Universities will explore the concept of sharing courses taught in English using videoconferencing technologies. KAIST President Nam Pyo Suh said “We are delighted to have President Jared L. Cohon of Carnegie Mellon visit KAIST. I am looking forward to discussing various issues related to higher education and signing the Memorandum of Understanding between the two universities for student/faculty exchange programs, joint research, and the Carnegie Mellon- KAIST dual-degree program in civil and environment engineering. The dual degree program will initially begin in civil and environment engineering, and we hope to expand this to other areas in the future. Our goal is to generate future leaders who are able to lead global enterprises and conduct interdisciplinary research. This can be done through collaboration among leading scholars at Carnegie Mellon and KAIST. Our hope is that we can solve serious problems of the 21st century through the collaboration between our two institutions. I am especially excited to establish such a collaboration with Carnegie Mellon, my alma mater." “Carnegie Mellon is well-suited to collaborate with KAIST. We believe this agreement will be a catalyst for future educational and research opportunities. I am especially pleased that this partnership is with an institution of KAIST"s stature” said Cohon. About Carnegie Mellon: Carnegie Mellon is a private research university with a distinctive mix of programs in engineering, computer science, robotics, business, public policy, fine arts and the humanities. More than 10,000 undergraduate and graduate students receive an education characterized by its focus on creating and implementing solutions for real problems, interdisciplinary collaboration, and innovation. A small student-to-faculty ratio provides an opportunity for close interaction between students and professors. While technology is pervasive on its 144-acre Pittsburgh campus, Carnegie Mellon is also distinctive among leading research universities for the world-renowned programs in its College of Fine Arts. A global university, Carnegie Mellon has campuses in Silicon Valley, Calif., and Qatar, and programs in Asia, Australia and Europe. For more, see www.cmu.edu ..
View 17599
Cooperation Agreement with Ajou Motor College
Cooperation Agreement with Ajou Motor College KAIST Graduate School of Automobile Technology to sign a cooperation agreement with Ajou Motor College KAIST Graduate School of Automobile Technology (GSAT) signed a cooperation agreement with Ajou Motor College (AMC) on July 18th. Under the agreement, the both schools will share education and research facilities and promote mutual cooperation for joint education and researches. Lawmaker Geun-Chan Ryu, KAIST Vice President of Budget & Planning Ji-Won Yang, GSAT Dean Suck-Joo Na, AMC Dean Soo-Hoon Lee, etc. attended the ceremony.
View 14762
KAIST Business School Opens Homepage !!!!
KAIST Business School, founded in September, 2006 to efficiently manage the Graduate School of Management, founded in 1996, the Graduate School of Finance and the Graduate School of Information & Media Management, both founded in March 2006, now opens its homepage to provide more information on the school. Click here to go to the homepage
View 13522
Emeritus Professor Lee Dies
Jeong-Oh Lee, Emeritus Professor of Mechanical Engineering, died of his chronic disease on June 15, 2007 at his age of 76. The late Lee began his lecturing career at Mechanical Engineering Department in 1973 and had made considerable devotions to the education and development of mechanical engineering for 24 years. As the former Minister of Science and Technology, former President of Korea Institute of Science and Technology, and former President of Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, he also has made significant contributions to the development of Korean science and technology. Particularly, he played key roles in vitalizing Daeduk Research Complex (DRC) by planning and executing the movement of government-funded institutes despite the inactive research atmosphere in the early 1980s. He also set up the Extended Council for Technology Promotion, consisting of many distinguished persons from diverse fields under the supervision of the President, to make significant contributions to the promotion and spread of technology innovation among governmental and civil enterprises. He received Cheongjo Geunjeong Medal in 1985 and never stopped his devotion to the education of young students even after his retirement in 1997. <Funeral Notice>- Date: Sunday, June 17, 2007 at 7 am.- Place: Eulji University Hospital, Daejeon- Graveyard: Cheonan graveyard- Bereaved family Wife Ok-Hyang Kang Son Jong-Sun Lee, Professor of Handong University Han-Sun Lee, LG Chemicals Daughter Myung-Ae Lee Son-in-law Young-Soo Lee, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology- Contact Point: C.P. 019.480.2451 (Han-Sun Lee)
View 15207
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