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The Hindu, "Use of microalgae helps in controlling pollution," December 8, 2011
The Hindu, an Indian newspaper, reported on December 8, 2011 a research work by Professor Ji-Won Yang from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. For the news article, please go to the link at http://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/energy-and-environment/article2695634.ece?homepage=true. The Hindu, December 8, 2011 Use of microalgae helps in controlling pollution By N. Gopal Raj
View 9234
The Chronicle of Higher Education: In an Interview, President of Kaist Insists His Reforms Will Continue by David McNeil, December 6, 2011
The Chronicle of Higher Education, based in Washington D.C., is the major news service in the US academic world. The paper published on December 6, 2011 an article on interview with President Nam-Pyo Suh. For the interview, please go to the link at http://chronicle.com/article/Elite-Korean-University-Licks/130020/ or open the attached .pdf file. Thank you.
View 7681
2011 International Presidential Forum on Global Research Universities
KAIST’s 4th International Presidential Forum Held in Seoul on November 8, 2011 The largest annual congregation of university presidents in Asia invited leaders from academia, government, and industry for talks on issues related to higher education in the Age of Globalization. Borderless and Creative Education: the ability to cross borders a crucial key to dominate the information era Seoul, Republic of Korea, November 8, 2011—The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) hosted the “2011 International Presidential Forum on Global Research Universities (IPFGRU)” on Tuesday, November 8, 2011 at the Millennium Hilton Hotel in Seoul. With more than 120 participants from 44 institutions in 27 countries present, the full-day forum provided participants with an opportunity to discuss challenges and responsibilities facing higher education in a time of globalization that has resulted from an ever-growing demand for technological innovation. In his plenary speech, Dr. Robert Birgeneau, Chancellor of UC Berkeley, stressed that “Higher educational intuitions must be prepared to drive innovation and enhance competitiveness by educating a highly trained workforce that will have the critical skills necessary to solve problems and lead in today’s interdependent world.” “Finding solutions to the world’s most challenging problems will depend on the ability to cross borders: national borders, border between different fields of discipline and research, and borders between academe, government, and industry,” said Chancellor Birgeneau to address the importance of “borderless and creative education,” the theme of the forum. Other major keynote speakers were Jörg Steinbach, President of Technische Universität Berlin, Lars Pallesen, President of Technical University of Denmark, Paul F. Greenfield, President of University of Queensland, Marcelo Fernandes de Aquino, President of the University of the Sinos Valley (UNISINOS), and Eden Woon, Vice President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Dr. Nam-Pyo Suh, President of KAIST, gave talks on the university’s new education plan, “The I-Four Education,” at the afternoon session. The four Is are information technology (IT), independent learning, integrated knowledge acquisitions, and an international learning environment. “In this format, there are no formal lectures,” President Suh explained. “A group of students learn together by using the materials available on the internet, doing homework and conducting experiments together. Pre-recorded lectures are delivered in English by I-Four professors, some of them regular KAIST professors and some professors in other countries who participate in the I-Four Program as consulting professors.” He added, “The overall purpose of the I-Four Education Program is to encourage students to learn independently, gain exposure to the best lectures by the most eminent professors in the world, accelerate the development of a global frame of reference in the students by dealing with information available throughout the world, and provide an integrated learning environment by using diverse examples from many disciplines to achieve understanding of basic principles.” The 2011 IPFGRU, the fourth forum since its inception in 2008, rose to prominence in the past years as an international network for leaders of research universities from around the world to share information and exchange views about contemporary issues in higher education. At this year’s forum, entitled “Borderless and Creative Education,” speakers took a deeper look into the transitions and transformations many research universities are undergoing today, delving into the following topics: the development of e-learning and cyber campuses; increased student mobility and international collaborations; multi-disciplinary and convergence approaches in research and education; and methodology of nurturing future global leaders. Participants also discussed experiences and accomplishments earned from their own endeavors to accommodate such changes and presented ways to strengthen internationalization and improve the academic and research competitiveness of universities. The 2011 International Presidential Forum on Global Research Universities (IPFGRU) was organized by KAIST and sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, POSCO, Hyundai Motor Company, Samsung Heavy Industries, S-Oil, and Elsevier Korea.
View 12266
Declaration of 2011 International Presidential Forum on Research Universities
The 4th International Presidential Forum on Research Universities was held in Seoul on November 8, 2011. The forum attracted a wide range of participants from around the world, presidents and leaders from 44 higher education institutions in 27 nations. Participants had a full-day of in-depth discussion on the theme of “borderless and creative education.” At the end of the forum, 29 keynote speakers, representing 120 attendees of the meeting, released a declaration that sums up the main points of consensus on the principles and commitments to be supported by research universities for the development of higher education in the 21st century. For the declaration, please open the attached file.
View 7553
New York Times, "First, Catch Your Faculty-A Recipe for Excellence"
The World Bank has recently published a new book entitled “The Road to Academic Excellence: The Making of World Class Research Universities.” The report (book) examined the recent experience of 11 universities in 9 countries (for Korea, it sampled Pohang University of Science and Technology, established in 1986) that have undergone transformations in order to become world-class universities. The book has received a wide coverage from the media all around the world since its publication in late September, among others, the latest article by New York Times (NYT), dated October 16, 2011. The gist of the book, i.e., what elements are required should a research university to become “truly prestigious” in the global scene, is well introduced by the NYT article, and here’s the link: New York Times, “First, Catch Your Faculty-A Recipe for Excellence” http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/17/world/americas/17iht-educLede17.html
View 10503
"2011 Korean Language and Culture Festival" held in commemoration of KAIST 40th Anniversary
“2011 Korean Language and Culture Festival” was hosted by KAIST from the 5th of October to the 8th of October for 4 days at various locations within campus and BaekJae Cultural Complex in Daejeon City. The festival was aimed at increasing foreigners’ understanding about Korean culture and language and at the same time, introduced about KAIST, the home of the best minds in Korea’s science and technology. The festival was part of the KAIST 40th anniversary celebratory events, which included 1) Korean Speaking Competition, 2) Korean Traditional Music Performance by Daejeon City Orchestra, 3) Foreigners Talent Show, 4) Tour of BaekJae Cultural Complex, and others such as lecture given by Chairman Lee Cham of Korea Tourism Organization. In the Korean Speaking Competition, 10 foreigners who passed the preliminaries competed by giving speeches with the theme on “Korea that I’ve experienced.” The speakers were given 5 minutes for speech, and their presentations were graded based on uniqueness, fluency, appropriateness, and fluidity in spoken Korean. 200,000 Korean Won was given to a winner as prize. In addition, the chance for foreigners to visit the BaekJae Cultural Complex allowed them to experience firsthand “traditional Korean culture,” through which they had a good opportunity to develop a better understanding on Korea as a whole. Director of KAIST Language Center Michael Park commented, “The festival was a meaningful and important occasion for foreigners to appreciate Korean culture and language, and it would be a great step towards foreigners’ gaining a solid understanding of Korean culture and language to the extent that they become to know better about DaeJeon, the city they live in.”
View 8361
KAIST rated 1st consistently for four years running, according to the Korean universities ranking compiled by Joongang Daily
KAIST scored 293 points out of a possible 350 points in the 2011 Joongag Daily survey on the assessment of Korean universities and solidified its position as the nation’s best university by being ranked “number one” for four consecutive years. POSTECH, Seoul National University, Yonsei University, Korea University, and SungKyunKwan University followed. The Joongang Daily Korean Universities Assessment began in 1994, which covers all four-year universities. KAIST has been rated 1st in Korea a total of nine times, and it is KAIST’s second time being rated 1st four years in a row. KAIST was assessed especially highly in quality of education, finances, and professor research categories. Joongang Daily assessed a total of 100 universities (compared to 93 of last year). The maximum number of points is 350 points comprising of quality of education (110 points), globalization (60 points), professor research (110 points), and public reputation/interaction with public (70 points).
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KAIST's efforts begin to become the first Korean university establishing a "strategic technology management system."
KAIST completed the signing of business agreement with the Korea Strategic Trade Institute to establish a strategic technology management system on the 22nd of September. The agreement between KAIST and Korea Strategic Trade Institute (under the Ministry of Knowledge Economy) encompasses 1) the establishment of processes for strategic technology management on campus, 2) development and accommodation of management system on par with major countries, and 3) protection and management through continued education and promotion. Strategic technology management is necessary to prevent the illegal distribution of technologies developed in Korea to those countries and organizations of concern. The need for the management system arose due to the fact that technology transfer has become venerable to illegal export of strategic technologies. The agreement between the two parties offer protection to KAIST when exporting strategic technologies as it necessitates the permission of the government prior to the technology transfer.
View 7926
A frugal couple donates life savings of '35billion Korean Won' to KAIST.
Chairman Kim Byoung Ho and Mrs. Kim Sang Yeol have been the center of attention with various news articles and columns detailing their generous donation of real estate to KAIST, which amounted to 35billion Korean Won in value in total. Korean Broadcasting System (KBS) broadcasted a story on Chairman Byoung Ho and Mrs. Kim Sang Yeol on the 22nd of September. The broadcast link: http://news.kbs.co.kr/society/2011/09/22/2360159.html Yahoo News also posted their donation on September 21, 2011. News link: http://ph.news.yahoo.com/frugal-woman-donates-4-3m-science-041003479.html
View 8917
In Demand: Ideas that can change the world in 10 years.
The hot topic of the day was from KOLON group (Chairman Lee Oung Yeol) and its decision to hold a contest exhibition specifically aimed at KAIST students, professors and staff on ideas that could potentially change the everyday lifestyle in the near future. It is the first time a Korean company in the top 30 to hold such a contest aimed at a specific university. The total prize money involved amounts to 50million Korean Won which will be handed out to ten teams. The 1st prize will be given to one team along with 20million Korean Won, the 2nd prize will be given to two teams each receiving 10million Korean Won, and the rest of the teams will be given 1million Korean Won worth in gift certificates. The idea contest is planned by KOLON-KAIST Lifestyle Innovation Center (from here on referred to as KOLON LSI Center). Anyone who is part of the KAIST community can participate by preparing a two A4 page report and sending it to kolon.kaist.dreamer@gmail.com until October 31st five o’clock in the afternoon. The results and the awards ceremony will be held on the 23rd of November on ‘KOLON Day’. The Executive Director of KOLON Kim Kyung Yong commented, “The dreams of yesteryears like shrinking a room sized computer to fit in the palm of my hand and being able to communicate to anyone in the world have become reality. The KAIST community is composed of Korea’s finest in the field of Science, and it seemed fitting to search the KAIST community to find ideas that could potentially change the world in ten years’ time.”
View 8793
Professor Kim Seung Woo and Professor Ko Kyu Young Receive the 7th Gyeong Am Scholar Awards.
Professors Kim Seung Woo and Ko Kyu Young of KAIST were named the winners for the 7th Gyeong Am Scholar Awards. The award winners are: Professor Ko Kyu Young of KAIST in the Biological Sciences category, Professor Kim Seung Woo of KAIST in the Engineering category, Professor Kim Young Shik of Seoul National University and Professor Kil Hui Seoung of Sogang University in the Humanities category, and Professor Hong Byoung Hee of Seoul National University in the Natural Sciences category. In the Liberal Arts category leader of Universal Ballet Company Moon Hoon Sook was chosen, and the Special Achievement Award was given to Historian Dr. Park Myoung Sun. Professor Ko discovered that it is Angionpoietin-1 that induces the growth of new blood vessels and thus made a significant contribution to the field of blood vessel formation, immune mechanism, and causes of cancer spread. Professor Kim developed a mini extreme ultra violet laser light source using the resonance principles of plasmon and made a great contribution in the acquiring of core technologies and its industrial commercialization in the field of super precise optical instruments. Gyeong Am Education and Culture Foundation was founded by the Chairman of Tae Yang Group, Song Geum Jo who had donated his entire fortune amounting to 100billion Korean Won to society by creating a public foundation aimed at encouraging advancements in learning, training of experts, and cultural developments for the betterment of Korea. The Gyeong Am Scholar Awards was established in 2005 and recognizes those scholars and artists who are making significant contributions in the frontlines of society. The awards ceremony is to be held at Busan on the 4th of November, three thirty in the afternoon and the winner of each category is to receive 100mil Korean Won in prize money with a commemorative plaque.
View 10487
Bicycle Sharing System "Ta-Shu" Arrives at KAIST.
KAIST has begun providing a bike rental service, called “Ta-Shu,” to its students. This bicycle sharing system, implemented in tandem with the local city government, has been in service since the 7th of September and will allow KAIST students to rent bicycles for travel within campus and even to other parts of the city, Daejeon. The ‘University Pubic-Bicycle Rental System’ is a program in which numbers of bicycles are made available for shared use by students. Initiated by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, the university expects that more students will use bicycles as part of their daily mobility means through this system.
View 8031
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