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KAIST Graduate Selected As Winner of IEEE Outstanding Young Engineer Award
- First Korean winner of IEEE Outstanding Young Engineer Award Dr. Myung-Jin Rhim, Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D of KAIST, has been selected to receive 2007 Outstanding Young Engineer Award by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT) Society. Dr. Rhim will be the first Korean winner of the award. Dr. Rhim received his Ph.D of Materials Science & Engineering at KAIST in 2001 and has made outstanding research outputs, such as 28 papers at international journals covered by Science Citation Index (SCI) and 12 international patents. He has been also listed in Marquis Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who of Emerging Leaders, Who’s Who in Asia, and Outstanding Intellectual of the 21st Century, 21st Century Award for Achievement published by the International Biographical Centre of Cambridge, England. IEEE CPMT Society has yearly awarded the Outstanding Young Engineer Award to a scientist or engineer of electronic components, packaging, and manufacturing technology prior to his or her 35th birthday in recognition of his or her research achievements. Dr. Rhim is now in his postdoctoral program at Georgia Institute of Technology in USA.
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KAIST and Samsung Electrics Signs Cooperation Agreement
- Industry-Academy cooperation program for enhancing global competitiveness and for obtaining new growth momentum - Two research institutes - Power Electronics Institute and Packaging Institute - open in KAIST- Fostering customized experts through researcher reeducation, field experiences, etc. KAIST (President Nam-Pyo Suh) and Samsung Electronics (President Ho-Moon Kang) will be promoting industry-academy cooperative activities to enhance their global competitiveness and to obtain new growth momentum. The both parties singed the agreement at KAIST conference room 1 on April 10, Tuesday, and two new research institutes - Power Electronics Institute (PEI) and Packaging Institute (PI) -opened this day. As a result, KAIST holds three research institutes managed in cooperation with Samsung Electronics, including the Radio Technology Institute (RTI) which was opened in 2005. The PEI aims to develop power supply devices for high-efficiency and high-power servers of flat display power supply, and will foster customized experts through researcher reeducation and field experiences. The PI will foster experts for improving packaging qualities and for developing next-generation technologies. Packing technologies are in the core field of electronics part industries which is going for integrating, systemizing and modulization. “I’m sure outstanding industry-academy researches and student education will raise the standings of the both bodies, and I promise generous support to produce further significant research results,” said KAIST President Suh. “This cooperation program will become an example of successful industry-academy cooperation. I’m expecting KAIST will become a trustworthy partner for Samsung Electronics to jump into one of the world’s top-class enterprises,” said Samsung Electronics President Kang.
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Sungil Chung listed in Who's Who following last year
Sungil Chung listed in Who’s Who following last year Sungil Chung, senior researcher of KAIST Satellite Technology Research Center (STRC), is listed in the international biographical dictionary Marquis Who"s Who’s Who’s Who in the America Edition 2007 following last year. He is also listed in the first edition of Who’s Who of Emerging Leaders. Ph.D. Chung majored in Electrohydrodynamics (EHD) at Texas A&M University and worked at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center for a research in the field of aerospace vehicle-related thermal control. He has worked at KAIST STRC as senior researcher from September this year. He has won an Innovation and Creativity Prize Paper Award from the U.S. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 2004.
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Best Prize to Sungwook Choi and Gold Prize to Heeseok Han at Paper Contest
Best Prize to Sungwook Choi and Gold Prize to Heeseok Han at Paper Contest Best Prize to Sungwook Choi and Gold Prize to Heeseok Han at Fairchild Korea Graduate Student Paper Contest Sungwook Choi and Heeseok Han, both in doctorate course at KAIST Department of Electrical Engineering, won best prize and gold prize respectively at the 1st Fairchild Korea Graduate Student Paper Contest. The title of Choi’s paper is ‘Cost Effective Multi-Level Single Sustaining Driver for Plasma Display Panel with Dual Energy Recovery Path’. And the title of Han’s paper is ‘Digital Control IC for Electronic Ballast using Mixed Mode Excitation’. Choi’s paper proposes a new driver that can avoid the problems of IGBT, a power switch used at PDP driving circuit, gaining attention as next-generation display, for cost-reduction. Choi showed his feeling of pleasure by saying, “I’m very pleased that my paper can contribute to PDP popularization and development of power switch for PDP through cost-reduction. I’d like to acknowledge Professor Kunwoo Moon, who has instructed me with persistence and interest at all times.” Meanwhile, total 56 papers from 23 universities are applied for the contest, and total 11 papers were awarded after two rounds of examination in terms of novelty, creativeness, technical difficulties, etc. Awardees will be exempted from documentation test and are eligible for additive points when they hope to join Fairchild Korea.
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Ju-pyeong Lee won the Best Paper Award from IEEE RTAS
Ju-pyeong Lee, doctoral student of the Dept. of Electrical Engineering of KAIST, received the Best Paper Award from the 11th Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (IEEE RTAS) sponsored by IEEE TC on Real Time System and supported from the U.S. National Science Foundation. He is in the Computer Engineering laboratory, and won the honor by his research of technique of Delayed Locking Technique for Improving Real-Time Performance of Embedded Linux by Prediction of Timer Interrupt. His paper was selected to be the best because of its practicality. His research purposed the technique that can dramatically improve real time problem, which was indicated to be the big problem of Linux. Moreover, he presented the way to easily materialize this technique in the practical system. Best Paper Award is the prize awarded by IEEE Computer Society in the recognition of outstanding achievement in the field of real time system and embedded technology. IEEE RTAS is a symposium held annually by IEEE. In this year, the 11th symposium was held from March 7 to March 10, for four days, in San Francisco, United States. The purpose of this year symposium was to seek papers describing significant contributions both to state of the art and state of the practice in the broad field of embedded and open real-time computing, control, and communication. Therefore, it especially focused on online real-time and embedded applications ranging from industrial embedded applications such as aeronautics and automotive systems to open multimedia, telecommunication and mobile computing systems. Approximately 200 related erudite from almost 20 countries including United States, England, France, Germany, Italy, and Sweden participated in this symposium. Total number of papers submitted to IEEE RTAS was 158, while only 53 of them were selected. by Hye-jung Won / Staff ReporterApril, 2005 / The KAIST Herald
View 16292
133 Diplomats Worldwide Visit KAIST
THE KAIST Herald April 8, 2004by jong-kyoung Kim On March 12, diplomatic corps in Korea visited Daedeok Valley"s KAIST after taking a trial run on the Korea Train eXpress(KTX). Composed of ambassadors from 79 nations and 54 international organizations, the 133 diplomatic corps went on board KTX at 10:30 AM in Seoul and arrived in Daejeon at 11:20 AM. Shortly after arrival, the diplomatic corps attended a luncheon hosted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade(MOFAT) before paying visits to the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute(ETRI) and KAIST. After being introduced to the current issues at KAIST, the diplomatic corps returned back to Seoul at 4:00 PM. Seventy-nine embassy representatives out of eighty-seven currently stationed in Korea participated in this event, with fifty-four representatives from three international organizations. In addition, officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, a commercial relations director, and a regional representative accompanied them. The trial rides on April 1 were organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to publicize Korea as being the fifth country (after Japan, France, Germany, and Spain) in the world to own an express train and to introduce the growth of Korea"s IT industry through visits to ETRI and KAIST. Events such as this are held annually to improve the understandings of the diplomatic corps about Korea"s science, technology, culture and art and to further enhance bilateral relations.
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