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City of McAllen, Texas Adopts OLEV Technology
KAIST will be exporting the OLEV technology to the United States for the first time since its development. The city of McAllen of Texas will be stationing 3 OLEV buses in the 10 mile (16km) route from 2013 from OLEV Technology Corporation. The OLEV Technology Corporation based in Massachusetts and is a venture company that KAIST has 30% share of and has the OLEV technology. The corporation has sole license in commercialization of OLEV in the United States. The OLEV technology has been commercialized in the city of Seoul since July of 2011. But this is the first instance of foreign implementation of the OLEV technology. The reason for the city of McAllen adopting the OLEV is because of the support of the Department of Transportation. The Department of Transportation has been supporting Green Energy Research and Future Transportation Technology Development projects since 2009. A total of 266 research proposals were submitted in 2011 and out of that 46 were selected and given a total of 112 million USD. Representative of McAllen city commented “the operation of OLEV buses developed by KAIST will result in decrease in energy consumption and emission of greenhouse gases. The OLEV technology can be applied to existing diesel buses and therefore has high cost efficiency”.
View 7279
Bio Pharmaceutical Business Center: Now Open
The Signboard Hanging Ceremony for the Bio Pharmaceutical Business Center for the Integrated Research for the field of Bio Pharmaceutics. 150 representatives from various bio pharmaceutics related businesses and institutes were present for this ceremony. The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology placed the Molecular Process research team, Personalized Drug Delivery Medium research team, and the newly formed Cancer Cell Detection using Blood research team at the Bio Pharmaceutical Business Center at KAIST.
View 8410
KAIST Ocean Technology Center
The KAIST Ocean Technology Center was established and opened in Eureka hall. The founding Center Director was given to Professor Han Soon Heung (department of Marine System and Engineering). The newly found Center will be under the KAIST Mechanical Technology Research Center and will be actively developing ideas like deep sea marine plant, impact resistance to underwater explosion, and etc. and work to commercialize these technologies and contribute to the development of the Shipbuilding industry.
View 8044
A Step Closer to Ultra Slim Mobile Phone
Professor Baek Kyung Wook (department of Material Science and Engineering) succeeded in developing an ultra-thin conjugation technique that can perfectly replace the modular contact in electronic devices. The research team developed a compound material using ultra-fine solder-adhesive film and developed the vertical ultrasonic conjugation process thereby making a reliable utra-thin conjugation. The developed technique allowed for very thin and reliable conjugation and will be able to replace the socket type connector and is expected to revolutionize the electronic device industry. In mobile electronic devices like the smartphone, the trend is to incorporate various functional modules like camera, display, touchscreens, etc. in addition to striving for miniaturization of the device. Recently the problem was the fact that the number of modules within the device was increasing due to the incorporation of various functions, and consequently the volume that these modules took up increased as well, which made miniaturization almost impossible. Professor Baek‘s team succeeded in improving upon this problem by creating a compound material that has ultra-fine solder particles that can melt to form alloy fusion with the electrode and thermosetting adhesive film that can wrap around the electrode and provide mechanical protection. The use of this material made it possible to reduce the thickness of the connector by hundredth fold which improved electrical, mechanical properties and highly reliable. From a processing standpoint the conventional conjugation process involved heating the mechanical block and was therefore hard to manage its production and also consumed 1000W and took up to 15 seconds. By contrast, Professor Baek’s team’s new process uses only ultrasound to locally heat and melt the conjugation point itself thereby reducing power consumption to 100W and conjugation time to 1~5 seconds. The technique developed by Professor Baek and Lee Ki Won Doctorate student was awarded Excellent Dissertation Award by world famous journals like the Electronic Components and Technology Conference and is being recognized worldwide.
View 9259
Ten Breakthroughs of the Year 2011 by Science
Porous Zeolite Crytals Science, an internationally renowned scientific journal based in the US, has recently released a special issue of “Breakthrough of the Year, 2011,” dated December 23, 2011. In the issue, the journal introduces ten most important research breakthroughs made this year, and Professor Ryong Ryoo, Department of Chemistry at KAIST, was one of the scientists behind such notable advancements in 2011. Professor Ryoo has been highly regarded internationally for his research on the development of synthetic version of zeolites, a family of porous minerals that is widely used for products such as laundry detergents, cat litters, etc. Below is the article from Science, stating the zeolite research: For Science’s “Breakthrough of the Year, 2011”, please go to: http://www.sciencemag.org/site/special/btoy2011/ [Excerpt from the December 23, 2011 Issue of Science] Industrial Molecules, Tailor-Made If you ever doubt that chemistry is still a creative endeavor, just look at zeolites. This family of porous minerals was first discovered in 1756. They"re formed from different arrangements of aluminum, silicon, and oxygen atoms that crystallize into holey structures pocked with a perfect arrangement of pores. Over the past 250 years, 40 natural zeolites have been discovered, and chemists have chipped in roughly 150 more synthetic versions. View larger version: In this page In a new window Assembly required. Porous zeolite crystals are widely used as filters and catalysts. This year, researchers found new ways to tailor the size of their pores and create thinner, cheaper membranes. CREDIT: K. VAROON ET AL., SCIENCE334, 6052 (7 OCTOBER 2001) This abundance isn"t just for show. Three million tons of zeolites are produced every year for use in laundry detergents, cat litter, and many other products. But zeolites really strut their stuff in two uses: as catalysts and molecular sieves. Oil refineries use zeolite catalysts to break down long hydrocarbon chains in oil into the shorter, volatile hydrocarbons in gasoline. And the minerals" small, regularly arranged pores make them ideal filters for purifying everything from the air on spaceships to the contaminated water around the nuclear reactors destroyed earlier this year in Fukushima, Japan. Zeolites have their limitations, though. Their pores are almost universally tiny, making it tough to use them as catalysts for large molecules. And they"re difficult to form into ultrathin membranes, which researchers would like to do to enable cheaper separations. But progress by numerous teams on zeolite synthesis this year gave this “mature” area of chemistry new life. Researchers in South Korea crafted a family of zeolites in which the usual network of small pores is surrounded by walls holed with larger voids. That combination of large and small pores should lead to catalysts for numerous large organic molecules. Labs in Spain and China produced related large- and small-pore zeolites by using a combination of inorganic and organic materials to guide the structures as they formed. Meanwhile, researchers in France and Germany discovered that, by carefully controlling growth conditions, they could form a large-pore zeolite without the need for the expensive organic compounds typically used to guide their architecture as they grow. The advance opens the way for cheaper catalysts. In yet another lab, researchers in Minnesota came up with a new route for making ultrathin zeolite membranes, which are likely to be useful as a wide variety of chemically selective filters. This surge of molecular wizardry provides a vivid reminder that the creativity of chemists keeps their field ever young. Related References and Web Sites
View 11790
Honorary Doctorate Presented to President of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
KAIST presented to Dr. Svante Lindqvist, President of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and Marshal of the Realm to the Swedish Royal Court, an honorary doctorate in science and technology on the 21st of November at Fusion Hall, KI Building. Dr. Lindqvist, a pioneer in the field of history of science and technology, showed how science and technology have affected the development of human civilization. His work in explaining the relationship between science and history made it easier to the public to understand the importance of science in our society, upon which he was conferred the honorary doctorate. Director Lindqvist obtained a doctorate from the Uppsala University of Sweden in 1984 with the dissertation, “Introduction of Steam Locomotive in 18th century Sweden.” This single dissertation won him three awards, which has been regarded even today as an introductory reading text to readers in the field of science history. Dr. Lindqvist established the Department of History of Science and Technology in Sweden Royal Institute of Technology in 1989 and was the department chair for nine years until 1997. He then became the founding director of the Nobel Museum from 1998 to 2009 and developed the museum from a mere display venue of Nobel’s legacy to a multifunctional research oriented institute that supports and holds various outreach activities such as seminars and public lectures. From the visit of Dr. Lindqvist to KAIST, students had a wonderful opportunity to engage with an internationally renowned scholar and, once more, to remind the university"s vision and mission, whereby they make contributions to the development of science, and ultimately, to the advancement of humanity.
View 10024
The Hindu, "Use of microalgae helps in controlling pollution," December 8, 2011
The Hindu, an Indian newspaper, reported on December 8, 2011 a research work by Professor Ji-Won Yang from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. For the news article, please go to the link at http://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/energy-and-environment/article2695634.ece?homepage=true. The Hindu, December 8, 2011 Use of microalgae helps in controlling pollution By N. Gopal Raj
View 9373
The Chronicle of Higher Education: In an Interview, President of Kaist Insists His Reforms Will Continue by David McNeil, December 6, 2011
The Chronicle of Higher Education, based in Washington D.C., is the major news service in the US academic world. The paper published on December 6, 2011 an article on interview with President Nam-Pyo Suh. For the interview, please go to the link at http://chronicle.com/article/Elite-Korean-University-Licks/130020/ or open the attached .pdf file. Thank you.
View 7768
2011 International Presidential Forum on Global Research Universities
KAIST’s 4th International Presidential Forum Held in Seoul on November 8, 2011 The largest annual congregation of university presidents in Asia invited leaders from academia, government, and industry for talks on issues related to higher education in the Age of Globalization. Borderless and Creative Education: the ability to cross borders a crucial key to dominate the information era Seoul, Republic of Korea, November 8, 2011—The Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) hosted the “2011 International Presidential Forum on Global Research Universities (IPFGRU)” on Tuesday, November 8, 2011 at the Millennium Hilton Hotel in Seoul. With more than 120 participants from 44 institutions in 27 countries present, the full-day forum provided participants with an opportunity to discuss challenges and responsibilities facing higher education in a time of globalization that has resulted from an ever-growing demand for technological innovation. In his plenary speech, Dr. Robert Birgeneau, Chancellor of UC Berkeley, stressed that “Higher educational intuitions must be prepared to drive innovation and enhance competitiveness by educating a highly trained workforce that will have the critical skills necessary to solve problems and lead in today’s interdependent world.” “Finding solutions to the world’s most challenging problems will depend on the ability to cross borders: national borders, border between different fields of discipline and research, and borders between academe, government, and industry,” said Chancellor Birgeneau to address the importance of “borderless and creative education,” the theme of the forum. Other major keynote speakers were Jörg Steinbach, President of Technische Universität Berlin, Lars Pallesen, President of Technical University of Denmark, Paul F. Greenfield, President of University of Queensland, Marcelo Fernandes de Aquino, President of the University of the Sinos Valley (UNISINOS), and Eden Woon, Vice President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Dr. Nam-Pyo Suh, President of KAIST, gave talks on the university’s new education plan, “The I-Four Education,” at the afternoon session. The four Is are information technology (IT), independent learning, integrated knowledge acquisitions, and an international learning environment. “In this format, there are no formal lectures,” President Suh explained. “A group of students learn together by using the materials available on the internet, doing homework and conducting experiments together. Pre-recorded lectures are delivered in English by I-Four professors, some of them regular KAIST professors and some professors in other countries who participate in the I-Four Program as consulting professors.” He added, “The overall purpose of the I-Four Education Program is to encourage students to learn independently, gain exposure to the best lectures by the most eminent professors in the world, accelerate the development of a global frame of reference in the students by dealing with information available throughout the world, and provide an integrated learning environment by using diverse examples from many disciplines to achieve understanding of basic principles.” The 2011 IPFGRU, the fourth forum since its inception in 2008, rose to prominence in the past years as an international network for leaders of research universities from around the world to share information and exchange views about contemporary issues in higher education. At this year’s forum, entitled “Borderless and Creative Education,” speakers took a deeper look into the transitions and transformations many research universities are undergoing today, delving into the following topics: the development of e-learning and cyber campuses; increased student mobility and international collaborations; multi-disciplinary and convergence approaches in research and education; and methodology of nurturing future global leaders. Participants also discussed experiences and accomplishments earned from their own endeavors to accommodate such changes and presented ways to strengthen internationalization and improve the academic and research competitiveness of universities. The 2011 International Presidential Forum on Global Research Universities (IPFGRU) was organized by KAIST and sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, POSCO, Hyundai Motor Company, Samsung Heavy Industries, S-Oil, and Elsevier Korea.
View 12607
Declaration of 2011 International Presidential Forum on Research Universities
The 4th International Presidential Forum on Research Universities was held in Seoul on November 8, 2011. The forum attracted a wide range of participants from around the world, presidents and leaders from 44 higher education institutions in 27 nations. Participants had a full-day of in-depth discussion on the theme of “borderless and creative education.” At the end of the forum, 29 keynote speakers, representing 120 attendees of the meeting, released a declaration that sums up the main points of consensus on the principles and commitments to be supported by research universities for the development of higher education in the 21st century. For the declaration, please open the attached file.
View 7657
New York Times, "First, Catch Your Faculty-A Recipe for Excellence"
The World Bank has recently published a new book entitled “The Road to Academic Excellence: The Making of World Class Research Universities.” The report (book) examined the recent experience of 11 universities in 9 countries (for Korea, it sampled Pohang University of Science and Technology, established in 1986) that have undergone transformations in order to become world-class universities. The book has received a wide coverage from the media all around the world since its publication in late September, among others, the latest article by New York Times (NYT), dated October 16, 2011. The gist of the book, i.e., what elements are required should a research university to become “truly prestigious” in the global scene, is well introduced by the NYT article, and here’s the link: New York Times, “First, Catch Your Faculty-A Recipe for Excellence” http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/17/world/americas/17iht-educLede17.html
View 10717
KAIST rated 1st consistently for four years running, according to the Korean universities ranking compiled by Joongang Daily
KAIST scored 293 points out of a possible 350 points in the 2011 Joongag Daily survey on the assessment of Korean universities and solidified its position as the nation’s best university by being ranked “number one” for four consecutive years. POSTECH, Seoul National University, Yonsei University, Korea University, and SungKyunKwan University followed. The Joongang Daily Korean Universities Assessment began in 1994, which covers all four-year universities. KAIST has been rated 1st in Korea a total of nine times, and it is KAIST’s second time being rated 1st four years in a row. KAIST was assessed especially highly in quality of education, finances, and professor research categories. Joongang Daily assessed a total of 100 universities (compared to 93 of last year). The maximum number of points is 350 points comprising of quality of education (110 points), globalization (60 points), professor research (110 points), and public reputation/interaction with public (70 points).
View 8595
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