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Newsletter Vol.26
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Professor Huen Lee to Receive Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Conference on Gas Hydrates
Professor Huen Lee of the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department at KAIST will receive a lifetime achievement award at the 8th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH) to be held from July 28, 2014 to August 2, 2014 in Beijing, China. Among his other scholarly and research accomplishments, Professor Lee achieved the development of natural gas by injecting carbon dioxide and nitrogen into the layers of gas hydrates. With this technology, ConocoPhilips, an American multinational energy corporation, successfully extracted natural gas from the gas hydrates in the North Slope of Alaska in the US in April 2012. Meeting every three years in a different country around the world, ICGH is a leading gathering of scientists and engineers in gas hydrates. The 8th conference will be held under the theme of “Opportunity and Challenge-Development and Utilization of Gas Hydrates.”
View 7167
Box-shaped Pressure Vessel for LNG Developed by KAIST Research Team
Earlier today, Korean researchers successfully showcased the installation and operation of a box-shaped, high-pressure tank for the storage of liquefied natural gas in Pohang, Republic of Korea. The development was the first of its kind in the world. Pressure vessels have many applications and are widely used within the petrochemical, energy, and other industrial sectors where the transport and storage of many types of pressurized gases and fluids are essential. Pressure vessels must be designed, manufactured, installed, and operated strictly in accordance with the appropriate codes and standards since they can, in cases of leak or rupture, pose considerable health and safety hazards. Pressure vessels are normally designed in the form of a cylindrical or spherical tank. These shapes are, in principle, highly efficient in withstanding internal pressure, but rather inefficient in terms of space utilization. The tanks fit very poorly within a typically prismatic-shaped room. They cannot be packed closely together, so they do not efficiently utilize the overall space. Moreover, cylindrical or spherical tanks are not easily scalable to very large sizes because the wall thickness of the tank must increase proportionally to its overall radius. Therefore, a large pressure vessel unavoidably will have very thick walls, which are difficult and expensive to manufacture, requiring a great amount of thick-walled steel to be rolled, forged, and welded together. KAIST researchers, sponsored by POSCO, a multinational steel-making company based in Pohang, Republic of Korea, have taken a turnabout approach to construct a pressure vessel that is neither cylindrical nor spherical. Professors Pål G. Bergan and Daejun Chang and of Ocean Systems Engineering at KAIST developed a box-type, large size pressure vessel for the storage and transportation of liquids such as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), compressed natural gas (CNG), or liquefied natural gas (LNG). The box-shaped pressure vessel has an internal, load-carrying lattice-type structure. The lattice pattern is modular in all three spatial directions, thereby effectively anchoring and balancing pressure forces on the external walls of the vessel. The modular lattice can easily be adapted to prescribed pressure levels as the overall volumetric dimensions are directly linked to the number of repetitive modules. A giant prismatic pressure vessel with a size of 20,000 m3 and a design pressure of 10 atmospheres (10 barg) can be built simply by scaling up a smaller size pressure vessel. It is interesting to note that the thickness of steel walls remains unchanged and that the weight of steel per unit storage volume goes down as the vessel size increases. Professor Chang explained the benefit of a prismatic or box-shaped pressure vessel.“If we use cylindrical pressure vessels to supply LNG fuel for a large container ship, for example, many fuel tanks will be needed. Those tanks will take up large and valuable space onboard because the cylinders have to be lined up. In our case, however, much less space is needed. The operation of a ship becomes simpler with one fuel tank rather than with many. Furthermore, our box-type pressure vessel can be designed with dimensions that precisely fit a ship. For a container ship, there may be room for a substantially higher number of containers to be loaded than when using cylindrical vessels. In a case study on a 13,000 TEU container ship, the value of the increased transport capacity tuned out USD 8.4 million for one year of operation for one ship.”The manufacturing cost of a pressure vessel has been reduced as well. Several types of special steel for cryogenic (low temperature) applications have been investigated in design and analysis studies, and this includes a new type of high-manganese steel that is being developed by POSCO. Regardless of materials, in any instance of large pressure vessels, the new lattice tank technology can offer significant savings of combined capital and operational costs. Professor Bergan was also upbeat regarding the impact of the KAIST technology innovation. “Our box-type pressure vessel represents ground-breaking research. This innovative technology will dramatically change the rules of the game for industry concerning production, transportation, and storage of fluids under high pressure and at low temperatures.”The showcased prismatic pressure vessel was a scale-down model with a volume size of 80 m3 and design pressure of 10 atmospheres. The vessel complies with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC), the international standard for the appropriateness of design, fabrication, and inspection of boilers and pressure vessels. It passed the 15 pressure testing in January 2014 and received an accreditation from the ASME BPVC (ASME U2 Stamp). KAIST’s prismatic pressure vessel will be presented and displayed at Gastech 2014, the largest global conference and exhibition in the natural gas, LNG, and hydrocarbons industry. This event will take place on March 24-27 at KINTEX in Ilsan, Republic of Korea. Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woJwc5zisxk&list=TLGOLcI7L6_YYTn0lImPqNyeppQWRXqUt5Picture 1: The prototype of a prismatic pressure vesselPicture 2: A lattice pattern that is lined inside a prismatic pressure tankPicture 3: Above is a container ship having a box-shaped pressure vessel as a fuel tank, and below are traditional cylindrical fuel tanks.
View 13515
Forbes: KAIST Pioneers "Education 3.0"
Forbes, a leading business magazine published bi-weekly in the US, wrote about KAIST’s online education program, Education 3.0, in its recent article. For the article, please go to the link below: Forbes, March 17, 2014 KAIST Doesn’t Wait for Change in Korea, Pioneers “Education 3.0” http://www.forbes.com/sites/michaelhorn/2014/03/17/kaist-doesnt-wait-for-change-in-korea-pioneers-education-3-0/
View 6230
Science Daily: Nanostructured Capsules Could Bring About Paints and Electronic Displays That Never Fade
A collaborative research by Professor Shin-Hyun Kim of Chemical and Bimolecular Engineering, KAIST, and his student, Tae-Min Choi, on nano-structural colors with Harvard University was published by Science Daily on March 14, 2014. For the article, please go to: Science Daily, March 14, 2014 Featured Research "Brighter inks, without pigment: Nanostructured capsules could bring about paints and electronic displays that never fade" http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/03/140314164214.htm
View 8527
The Korea Herald: Synthetic Biology Holds Key to Future
The Korea Herald , a leading English newspaper in Korea, published an article on the production of gasoline by a metabolically engineered microorganism. For the article, please go to the link below: The Korea Herald March 14, 2014 "Synthetic biology holds key to future" KAIST professor makes breakthrough in biorefining using E. coli’s metabolic process http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20140314001343
View 7111
Professor Kyung-Wook Paik Receives the Best Presentation Award from 2014 Pan Pacific Symposium
The Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA) hosted its 19th Annual Pan Pacific Microelectronics Symposium on February 11-13, 2014 in Hawaii. The 2014 conference, promoting international technical exchange and extensive networking among microelectronics professionals from around the world, presented over 50 papers from 17 countries. Professor Kyung-Wook Paik of Materials Science Engineering at KAIST received the Best Presentation Award for his paper titled, “Novel Nanofiber Anisotropic Films for Nine Pitch Assembly” at the conference. SMTA is an international network of professionals in electronics assembly technologies, including Microsystems, emerging technologies, and related business operations.
View 8629
Tae-Wan Kim, a doctoral candidate, receives the best paper award from ECTC
The 2014 Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) will take place on May 27-30 in Florida, USA. Tae-Wan Kim, a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Materials Science Engineering (MSE), KAIST, will receive the Intel Best Student Paper Award at the conference.ECTC is the premier international conference that brings together the best researchers and engineers in packaging, components and microelectronic systems science, technology and education in an environment of cooperation and technical exchange. The conference is sponsored by the Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT) Society of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering).The paper describes research on novel nanofiber anisotropic conductive films for ultra fine pitch electronic package application, which was written under the guidance of Professor Kyung-Wook Paik of the MSE Department. In the past ten years, two of his students have received the best paper award from ECTC.
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A research paper by Professor Myung-Chul Choi reviewed in Science (February 28, 2014)
A research paper entitled “Transformation of taxol-stabilized microtubules into inverted tubulin tubules triggered by a tubulin conformation switch” was published in Nature Materials this year, dated January 19, 2014. Professor Myung-Chul Choi and Dr. Chae-Yeon Song from the Department of Bio and Brain Engineering at KAIST co-authored the paper together with researchers from the University of California in Santa Barbara and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Science, dated February 28, 2014, has recently reviewed the paper in its section called "Perspectives."
View 8344
Visit by Sir Paul Maxime Nurse, President of the Royal Society
Sir Paul Maxime Nurse, who is an English geneticist and cell biologist, visited KAIST and gave a lecture entitled The Great Ideas of Biology on March 11, 2014. Sir Paul was awarded the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Leland H. Hartwell and R. Timothy Hunt for their discoveries of protein molecules that control the division of cells in the cell cycle. He was Professor of Microbiology at the University of Oxford, CEO of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund and Cancer Research UK, and President of Rockefeller University in New York. Sir Paul is currently the President of the Royal Society as well as Director and Chief Executive of the Francis Crick Institute. Founded in London in 1660, the Royal Society is composed of the world’s most distinguished scientists drawn from all areas of science, engineering, and medicine. Below is a summary of his lecture, The Great Ideas of Biology: Four major ideas of biology are the theory of genes, evolution by natural selection, the proposal that the cell is the fundamental unit of all life, and the chemical composition of a cell. When considering the question “what is life?” these ideas come together. The special way cells reproduce provides the conditions by which natural selection takes place, allowing living organisms to evolve. The organization of chemistry within the cell provides explanations for life’s phenomena. In addition, an emerging idea is the nature of biological self-organization with which living cells and organisms process information and acquire specific forms. These great ideas have influenced one another and changed the way we perceive biology and science today.
View 9782
KAIST Holds the 2014 System on Chip (SoC) Robot War in August and October
Domestic and international competitions for robots with artificial intelligence are organized by Professor Hoi-Jun Yoo of Electrical Engineering. KAIST will host two robot competitions this year: The Robot Integration Festival will be held in August at the Convention Center in Daejeon and the International Robot Contest in October at the Kintex in Ilsan. Participating robots are developed based on the System on Chip (SoC). SoC robots refer to an autonomous robot that has a processor, a memory, peripheral devices, logic, and other system components combined on a single chip, which enables the robots to handle tasks and make decisions without human intervention. The competitions include three entries: Taekwon Robot, HURO-competition, and SoC Drone which was added for the first time this year. The Taekwon Robot involves a one-on-one sparring match, using a Korean traditional martial art, between two robots. Competitors score points based on front and side kicks, as well as punching. The HURO-competition pits robots in a competition to perform assignments such as hurdling, barricade clearing, crossing bridges, and overcoming other obstacles. The SoC Drone evaluates robots' capability to track miniature cars and navigate between buildings while in flight. The drone should have two cameras and a SoC brainboard equipped to offer autonomous, remote-controlled flight. The director of the competitions, Professor Hoi-Jun Yoo of Electrical Engineering at KAIST, commented that with the integration of Korea’s world-class semiconductor technology, the competitions would lead to improvements in robotics engineering and unmanned aerial vehicle technology. The competitions are open to anyone interested in SoC robots and unmanned aerial vehicles. For more information about the competitions, please visit http://www.socrobotwar.org . The application deadline is April 15, 2014.
View 9942
Book Announcement: Sound Visualization and Manipulation
The movie Gravity won seven Oscar awards this year, one of which was for its outstanding 3D sound mixing, immersing viewers in the full experience of the troubled space expedition. 3D audio effects are generated by manipulating the sound produced by speakers, speaker-arrays, or headphones to place a virtual sound source at a desired location in 3D space such as behind, above, or below the listener's head. Two professors from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at KAIST have recently published a book that explains two important technologies related to 3D sound effects: sound visualization and manipulation. Professor Yang-Hann Kim, an eminent scholar in sound engineering, and Professor Jung-Woo Choi collaborated to write Sound Visualization and Manipulation (Wily 2013), which uniquely addresses the two most important problems in the field in a unified way. The book introduces general concepts and theories and describes a number of techniques in sound visualization and manipulation, offering an interrelated approach to two very different topics: sound field visualization techniques based on microphone arrays and controlled sound field generation techniques using loudspeaker arrays. The authors also display a solid understanding of the associated physical and mathematical concepts applied to solve the visualization and manipulation problems and provide extensive examples demonstrating the benefits and drawbacks of various applications, including beamforming and acoustic holography technology. The book will be an excellent reference for graduate students, researchers, and professionals in acoustic engineering, as well as in audio and noise control system development. For detailed descriptions of the book: http://as.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1118368479.html
View 11994
K-Glass: Korea's Answer to Google Glass
Wall Street Journal (blog) published an article on the K-Glass developed by Professor Hoi-Jun Yoo of Electrical Engineering at KAIST. For the article, please go to the link below: K-Glass: Korea’s Answer to Google Glass, March 5, 2014 http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2014/03/05/meet-k-glass-koreas-answer-to-google-glass/
View 7212
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