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Science Daily: Nanostructured Capsules Could Bring About Paints and Electronic Displays That Never Fade
A collaborative research by Professor Shin-Hyun Kim of Chemical and Bimolecular Engineering, KAIST, and his student, Tae-Min Choi, on nano-structural colors with Harvard University was published by Science Daily on March 14, 2014. For the article, please go to: Science Daily, March 14, 2014 Featured Research "Brighter inks, without pigment: Nanostructured capsules could bring about paints and electronic displays that never fade" http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2014/03/140314164214.htm
View 8898
The Korea Herald: Synthetic Biology Holds Key to Future
The Korea Herald , a leading English newspaper in Korea, published an article on the production of gasoline by a metabolically engineered microorganism. For the article, please go to the link below: The Korea Herald March 14, 2014 "Synthetic biology holds key to future" KAIST professor makes breakthrough in biorefining using E. coli’s metabolic process http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20140314001343
View 7343
Professor Kyung-Wook Paik Receives the Best Presentation Award from 2014 Pan Pacific Symposium
The Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA) hosted its 19th Annual Pan Pacific Microelectronics Symposium on February 11-13, 2014 in Hawaii. The 2014 conference, promoting international technical exchange and extensive networking among microelectronics professionals from around the world, presented over 50 papers from 17 countries. Professor Kyung-Wook Paik of Materials Science Engineering at KAIST received the Best Presentation Award for his paper titled, “Novel Nanofiber Anisotropic Films for Nine Pitch Assembly” at the conference. SMTA is an international network of professionals in electronics assembly technologies, including Microsystems, emerging technologies, and related business operations.
View 8970
Tae-Wan Kim, a doctoral candidate, receives the best paper award from ECTC
The 2014 Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) will take place on May 27-30 in Florida, USA. Tae-Wan Kim, a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Materials Science Engineering (MSE), KAIST, will receive the Intel Best Student Paper Award at the conference.ECTC is the premier international conference that brings together the best researchers and engineers in packaging, components and microelectronic systems science, technology and education in an environment of cooperation and technical exchange. The conference is sponsored by the Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology (CPMT) Society of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering).The paper describes research on novel nanofiber anisotropic conductive films for ultra fine pitch electronic package application, which was written under the guidance of Professor Kyung-Wook Paik of the MSE Department. In the past ten years, two of his students have received the best paper award from ECTC.
View 10900
A research paper by Professor Myung-Chul Choi reviewed in Science (February 28, 2014)
A research paper entitled “Transformation of taxol-stabilized microtubules into inverted tubulin tubules triggered by a tubulin conformation switch” was published in Nature Materials this year, dated January 19, 2014. Professor Myung-Chul Choi and Dr. Chae-Yeon Song from the Department of Bio and Brain Engineering at KAIST co-authored the paper together with researchers from the University of California in Santa Barbara and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Science, dated February 28, 2014, has recently reviewed the paper in its section called "Perspectives."
View 8590
Book Announcement: Sound Visualization and Manipulation
The movie Gravity won seven Oscar awards this year, one of which was for its outstanding 3D sound mixing, immersing viewers in the full experience of the troubled space expedition. 3D audio effects are generated by manipulating the sound produced by speakers, speaker-arrays, or headphones to place a virtual sound source at a desired location in 3D space such as behind, above, or below the listener's head. Two professors from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at KAIST have recently published a book that explains two important technologies related to 3D sound effects: sound visualization and manipulation. Professor Yang-Hann Kim, an eminent scholar in sound engineering, and Professor Jung-Woo Choi collaborated to write Sound Visualization and Manipulation (Wily 2013), which uniquely addresses the two most important problems in the field in a unified way. The book introduces general concepts and theories and describes a number of techniques in sound visualization and manipulation, offering an interrelated approach to two very different topics: sound field visualization techniques based on microphone arrays and controlled sound field generation techniques using loudspeaker arrays. The authors also display a solid understanding of the associated physical and mathematical concepts applied to solve the visualization and manipulation problems and provide extensive examples demonstrating the benefits and drawbacks of various applications, including beamforming and acoustic holography technology. The book will be an excellent reference for graduate students, researchers, and professionals in acoustic engineering, as well as in audio and noise control system development. For detailed descriptions of the book: http://as.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1118368479.html
View 12503
K-Glass: Korea's Answer to Google Glass
Wall Street Journal (blog) published an article on the K-Glass developed by Professor Hoi-Jun Yoo of Electrical Engineering at KAIST. For the article, please go to the link below: K-Glass: Korea’s Answer to Google Glass, March 5, 2014 http://blogs.wsj.com/digits/2014/03/05/meet-k-glass-koreas-answer-to-google-glass/
View 7432
Seung-Han Lee, a doctoral student in electrical engineering, receives the best paper award from ISQED 2014
Seung-Han Lee, a doctoral candidate in the department of electrical engineering at KAIST, received a Best Paper Award from the International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED), a high-profile international conference started in 2000 to promote innovation and quality in electronic and engineering designs through inter- and multidisciplinary approaches. The award ceremony will take place at the 2014 ISQED on March 3-5, 2014 at the Convention Center in Santa Clara, CA, USA. Professor Chong-Min Kyung, an advisor to Seung-Han, expressed his excitement about his student's achievement. “This is the first time a Korean has ever received the best paper award at this academic conference. It’s great news to our student as well as to KAIST.” The topic of Lee’s research paper was dynamic cache data management for minimizing the energy consumption of three-dimensional multi-processor semiconductor chips.
View 9767
Professor Yong-Tak Im of Mechanical Engineering Appointed as President of Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials
Yong-Tak Im, Professor of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at KAIST, was sworn in on February 25, 2014 as the 16th president of the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM), a leading government-funded research institution in Korea. KIMM was established in 1976 to contribute to the development of Korea through the invention of source technology and technology transfer in mechanical engineering. President Im graduated from Seoul National University, obtaining degrees of Bachelor of Science and Master’s in mechanical engineering. He later studied at the University of California in Berkeley and received a doctoral degree in mechanical engineering. After working as an assistant professor of the Industrial and Systems Engineering at the Ohio State University, President Im joined KAIST as a professor of mechanical engineering in 1989. President Im took many important posts at KAIST, including Dean of Planning Office, Dean of External Affairs and Public Relations Office, and Associate Vice President of Special Projects and Institutional Relations, making a great addition to the university’s endeavors for globalization. Among the awards President Im received was the William Johnson Award in 2007 presented by the Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, the Research Achievement Award in 2010 by the Global Congress on Manufacturing and Management, and the Presidential Award in 2012 by the Republic of Korea. He was also elected as the vice president of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, the largest association of professionals in the mechanical engineering field in Korea. President Im is currently a professor at POSCO, an internationally known Korean steel company, and a member of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology and the National Academy of Engineering of Korea, respectively. President Im will serve KIMM for three years until February 24, 2017.
View 10161
Phys.org: Researchers develop non-iridescent, structural, full-spectrum pigments for reflective displays
The latest research work by Professor Shin-Hyun Kim of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at KAIST on the “microcapsulation og photonic crystals using osmotic pressure” has been published by Phys.org, a leading web-based science, research and technology news. For the articles, please click the link below:February 20, 2014Researchers develop non-iridescent, structural, full-spectrum pigments for reflective displayshttp://phys.org/news/2014-02-non-iridescent-full-spectrum-pigments.html
View 7920
Professor Hoi-Jun Yoo Appointed as the First Asian University Chairman of the ISSCC
Hoi-Jun Yoo, a professor of Electrical Engineering Department at KAIST, was chosen to be the first Asian University Chairman of the ISSCC (International Solid-State Circuits Conference) held in San Francisco, USA, from February 10 to 13, 2014. His term will last one year from April, 2014. Professor Yoo ranked tenth globally in thesis achievement over the 60-year history of the ISSCC. He ranked fourth globally over the last ten years and was the highest-ranked member from Asia over that time. He received an award for this remarkable achievement in 2012. ISSC is a world-renowned conference in the semiconductor field, where only 200 strictly selected papers are presented by semiconductor-related enterprises, research centers, and university representatives. Nicknamed the “The Olympics of the Semiconductor”, ISSCC runs for 4 days and hosts more than 3000 semiconductor engineers from around the world. It is most famous for the first CPU presentation by Intel and the first memory technology release of Samsung. Professor Yoo stated, “The Korean Semiconductor Engineering is leading the world’s technology instead of imitating it.” He aspires to devote himself to upgrading semiconductor engineering around the world.
View 9802
Man-Gi Paik Appointed as New President of KAIST Alumni Association
The KAIST Alumni Association selected Man-Gi Paik, a patent lawyer at the prestigious law firm of Kim & Chang in Korea, as its 22nd president. President Paik will hold the post from January 2014 to December 2015. After receiving a Masters of Science in Electrical Engineering at KAIST in 1976, President Paik attended the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania in the United States and obtained a Masters of Business Administration. He served as the president of the Korean Association of Intellectual Property Service and a board member of KAIST. He is currently an adjunct professor at the Graduate School of Intellectual Property, KAIST. President Paik said, “I’m honored to lead the KAIST alumni and look forward to creating many opportunities to work for the development of our alma mater.”
View 9126
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