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Jinkon Chung won gold prize at 'Intel student paper contest'
Jinkon Chung won gold prize at ‘Intel student paper contest’ Jinkon Chung, doctorate student at the Division of Electrical Engineering under Professor Yonghoon Lee’s supervisory, won the gold prize at ‘the student paper contest 2006’ organized by Intel Korea. Chung proposed an important key for the next-generation mobile communication technologies at his paper entitled with ‘Regularized channel diagonalization for multi-user MIMO downlink using a modified MMSE criterion’. That is a new linear processing algorithm showing superior performances to the existing ZF-based or MMSC-based methods under the circumference of multi-user MIMO, which is the most spotlighted field in the recent next-generation mobile communication technologies, which was highly evaluated in the contest. Meanwhile, Howon Lee and Sunghoon Lim, Division of Electrical Engineering, also won bronze prizes.
View 13246
Gold prize for Sungkoo Yeo and silver prize for Youngsik Kim at 'Samsung Electrics paper contest'
Gold prize for Sungkoo Yeo and silver prize for Youngsik Kim at ‘Samsung Electrics paper contest’ Sungkoo Yeo, doctorate student at the division of Electrical Engineering, and Youngsik Kim, doctorate students at the division of Mechanical Engineering, won gold and silver prizes respectively at ‘the 2nd Inside edge paper contest’ organized by Samsung Electronics. Yeo, under the supervisory of Professor Youngse Kwon, won the glory of gold prize in recognition of his highly evaluated researches in the fields of silicon-based micro mold manufacturing technologies and fine shaping technologies revealed by his paper of ‘"Fabrication of Microlens array Using PDMS Replica Molding and Oxidized Porous Silicon Bulk Micromachining’. Kim, under the supervisory of Professor Seungwoo Kim, also won the silver prize for his research performances over the thickness pattern measuring technologies of transparent thin film coated on the pattern of an opaque metal in the field of optical technology unveiled by his paper of "Dispersive white-light interferometry for in-line inspection of thin-film layers on patterned structures". Inside Edge paper contest is an academic paper contest organized by Samsung Electronics to reveal the fresh ideas and potential technologies of the young talented.
View 15974
KAIST Chong-Moon Lee Library Opens
KAIST Chong-Moon Lee Library Opens Jong-Moon Lee Library, management education library for scientists possessing the biggest amount of entrepreneurship data in Asia, opens in KAIST (President Nam-Pyo Suh) on Thursday, November 9, 2006. Jong-Moon Lee Library was planned when Jong-Moon Lee, Chairman of AmBex, donated 2 million dollar to KAIST and founded Entrepreneurship Research Center at KAIST in 2004. Chairman Lee emphasized on the necessity of management education for scientists of advanced technology-based venture companies and set the management plan for Jong-Moon Lee Library securing the biggest amount of Entrepreneurship data in Asia. Jong-Moon Lee Library possesses books for inspiring entrepreneurship, including ▲ books regarding how to prepare and evaluate business plans that support the realization of business ideas such as venture company founding, etc. ▲ administrative books necessary for company management such as leadership and finance, accounting, etc. ▲ economic books that foster reader’s insight over economy and society. The number of books is about 4,900 and various journals including Harvard Business Review are also provided. KAIST Entrepreneurship Research Center (President Tae-Yong Yang) is now carrying out ▲ the management of entrepreneurship library for Engineering students and businessmen ▲ programs for entrepreneurship education and venture-company founding ▲aid for business plan forums and academic conferences. It benchmarks Stanford Technology Venture Program (STVP) of Stanford University, which is evaluated the most excellent program in researches and realization of entrepreneurship, and manages education programs for scientific manpower with international managing minds on the basis of world’s best capabilities in scientific researches and education of KAIST. President Yang explained about the management plan by saying, “Following Chairman Jong-Moon Lee’s intention, the center will educate entrepreneurship to engineering students and properly diagnose initial values of excellent technologies, thereby making venture companies flourish.”
View 15179
Sungil Chung listed in Who's Who following last year
Sungil Chung listed in Who’s Who following last year Sungil Chung, senior researcher of KAIST Satellite Technology Research Center (STRC), is listed in the international biographical dictionary Marquis Who"s Who’s Who’s Who in the America Edition 2007 following last year. He is also listed in the first edition of Who’s Who of Emerging Leaders. Ph.D. Chung majored in Electrohydrodynamics (EHD) at Texas A&M University and worked at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center for a research in the field of aerospace vehicle-related thermal control. He has worked at KAIST STRC as senior researcher from September this year. He has won an Innovation and Creativity Prize Paper Award from the U.S. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in 2004.
View 15841
Information on the notification of student numbers for undergraduate freshmen of spring semester 2007 and input of personal information
Information on the notification of student numbers for undergraduate freshmen of spring semester 2007 and input of personal information Freshmen are asked to input personal information from November 13 (Mon) thru 24 (Fri). ▶▶▶ Please click here to view student numbers▶▶▶ Please click here to input your personal informaation
View 10821
Best Prize to Sungwook Choi and Gold Prize to Heeseok Han at Paper Contest
Best Prize to Sungwook Choi and Gold Prize to Heeseok Han at Paper Contest Best Prize to Sungwook Choi and Gold Prize to Heeseok Han at Fairchild Korea Graduate Student Paper Contest Sungwook Choi and Heeseok Han, both in doctorate course at KAIST Department of Electrical Engineering, won best prize and gold prize respectively at the 1st Fairchild Korea Graduate Student Paper Contest. The title of Choi’s paper is ‘Cost Effective Multi-Level Single Sustaining Driver for Plasma Display Panel with Dual Energy Recovery Path’. And the title of Han’s paper is ‘Digital Control IC for Electronic Ballast using Mixed Mode Excitation’. Choi’s paper proposes a new driver that can avoid the problems of IGBT, a power switch used at PDP driving circuit, gaining attention as next-generation display, for cost-reduction. Choi showed his feeling of pleasure by saying, “I’m very pleased that my paper can contribute to PDP popularization and development of power switch for PDP through cost-reduction. I’d like to acknowledge Professor Kunwoo Moon, who has instructed me with persistence and interest at all times.” Meanwhile, total 56 papers from 23 universities are applied for the contest, and total 11 papers were awarded after two rounds of examination in terms of novelty, creativeness, technical difficulties, etc. Awardees will be exempted from documentation test and are eligible for additive points when they hope to join Fairchild Korea.
View 14898
Professor Churchill listed on international biographical dictionary
Professor Churchill listed on international biographical dictionary Professor David G. Churchill (Department of Chemistry) is listed in Who’s Who in the World in its edition for 2007, international biographical dictionary published by Marquis Who’s Who. Professor Churchill majored in Organometallic Chemistry and Chemistry of Complex at Colombia University in U.S. and began lectures at KAIST Chemistry department in July 2004. Professor Churchill has presented 56 papers as member of the American Chemical Society and the Korea Chemical Society and is recognized for his excellent research performances. Recently, he is studying on a method to sense and counteract various toxic nervous substances by bonding them with metals.
View 16637
Professor Sang-Yup Lee publishes a requested paper in Nature Biotechnology
Professor Sang-Yup Lee publishes a requested paper in Nature Biotechnology “The era of commercialized bioplastic is coming” Disclose an opinion as specialist at a requested paper in Nature Biotechnology, October 2006 A team led by Barbel Friedrich, Professor of Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, and Alexander Steinbuchel, Professor of West falische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster, found out the entire genome sequence of the typical bioplastic-producing microorganism ‘Ralstonia eutropha’ and published a paper on it in Nature Biotechnology, October 2006. As the entire genome sequence of the typical bioplactic-producing microorganism has been discovered, it is expected that the efficient production of bioplastic will be available through strain improvement at a more systematic level. Regarding this paper, Nature Biotechnology requested world-renowned scholar Sang-Yup Lee, LG Chemical Chair-Professor of KAIST Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Department, an expert analysis on the future of bioplastic production as a result of the deciphering of the genome sequence, and Professor Lee revealed his opinion at ‘News and Views’ in Nature Biotechnology, October 2006, issued on October 10. In the analysis, he insisted, “The deciphering of the genomes of Ralstonia means to pave the way for the improvement of strains at a system level by combining simulation through various omics and imaginary cells and engineering at a genome level. It will be possible to produce plastic with desired properties by altering the components of plastic as desired and produce bioplastic, more efficient and economical than have been reported so far, through the optimization of metabolic flow.” Professor Lee is a world-renowned scholar in the bioplastic field, who has presented about 70 SCI papers in the field. He created a word ‘Plastic Bacteria’ at Trends in Biotechnology in 1996 and published an expert paper regarding E.Coli Plastic at Nature Biotechnology in 1997. He is now performing a research concerning the improvement of bioplastic-producing strains as an example of a research employing a systematic method for the system biological research and development project of the Ministry of Science and Technology. The followings are the contents of Professor Lee’s paper concerning microorganism plastic published at ‘News and Views’ in Nature Biotechnology, October 2006. - Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) is a high molecule that numerous microorganisms accumulate in their own cells as energy storage substance when they are rich in carbonic resources, but poor in the other growth factors. The PHA high molecule is polyester, in which the unit substances (unit chemicals) are ester-bonded, and has been studied worldwide about twenty years before. However, PHA’s worse properties than petrochemical plastic and extremely high production cost have prevented its commercialization. The production cost of PHA was 15 dollars per kg in 1980’s, twenty times higher than the price of polypropylene. Sang-Yup Lee, LG Chemical Chair-Professor of KAIST Chemical & Biomolecular Department’s BK21 Project Group, has performed a research concerning the efficient production of microorganism plastic through the combination of metabolic engineering and fermentation process under the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and developed a process that lowers the production cost of PHA to 2-3 dollars per kg. He also has developed PHA-producing bacteria, efficient enough to fill plastic tightly, and named it ‘Plastic Bacteria’. - The unprecedented rise of oil price for the past two years activated the researches on Bio-based energies and chemical production globally. PHA is also regaining attentions although the researches on it have been withered so far due to its poor economical efficiency and properties. The result of the genome deciphering of the typical plastic-producing microorganism ‘Ralstonia eutropha’ published by a German research team in Nature Biotechnology, October 2006 suggests huge meanings. That is, it will provide a blueprint over the metabolic activities of the bacteria and thus enables more systematic strain improvement. - Eyeing on these facts, Nature Biotechnology requested Professor Sang-Yup Lee an expert analysis, and Professor Lee analyzed that there would be a dramatic development of microorganism plastic production through the application of the system biological engineering method, which is now being performed actively by Professor Lee at KAIST. In the analysis, Professor Lee revealed, “As the genome sequence has been found out, it becomes possible to establish metabolic network at a genome level, and since simulation becomes available, numberless trial and errors and experiments can be replaced with imaginary experiments rapidly. In addition, It makes the more efficient development of strains possible by fusion-analyzing the omics result such as various transcripts, proteins, metabolites, etc.” He also expected that it would be possible to produce tailor-made PHA having desired properties through metabolic engineering as well as the efficient production of plastic. Besides, he prospected that his research on the production of optically pure hydroxyl carboxyl acid, Professor Lee’s international patent right, would gain driving forces and technical development would be made rapidly at biological hydrogen production, production, dissolution and application of aromatic compounds, etc. by featuring this strain. - Recently, Metabolic and ADM, U.S. companies, jointly started to produce PHA at a commercialization level, and Brazil having rich natural resources is commercializing PHA, following Bio-ethanol. In addition, Japan and Germany having a bunch of research performance in this field, and Australia having rich biomass are also performing consistent researches on PHA’s commercialization. Professor Lee prospected, “With the finding out of the genome sequence of the typical bioplastic-producing microorganism, competition for commercialization will be fiercer among nations through the development of efficient production systems.” - Professor Lee prospected that as the efficient production of PHA becomes possible, the production of plastic from various renewable ingredients (cellurose, starch, suger, etc.) through microorganism fermentation would be made practically and the white biotechnologies of existing chemicals would gain more power. He also said, “Korea also will have to try to secure the production technologies and industry of Bio-based chemicals through strategic cooperation with resource powerfuls, etc. on the basis of the technical dominancy in some system metabolic engineering fields.” - ‘News and Views’ in Nature Biotechnology is a section that publishes analyses of world-renowned specialists in the corresponding fields over the contents of some papers having great influences among papers published in the issue. KAIST Professor Sang-Yup Lee has published his second expert analysis of ‘Deciphering bioplastic production’ in the volume of October 2006, following the first paper ‘Going into the era of E.Coli plastic’.
View 15688
H.Y.Choi won BSPA
H.Y.Choi won BSPA Hyun-Young Choi, Doctor’s course at the Lightwave Systems Research Laboratory (LSRL) of Department of Electrical Engineering of KAIST (Professor in charge Yoonchul Jung), won the Best Student Paper Awards (BSPA) in the Asia-Pacific Optical Communications 2006. BSPA is awarded to the most prospective paper in the field of Optical Transmission, Switching, and Subsystems. Choi suggested an OSNR monitoring technique among performance monitoring techniques for the efficient maintenance and management of optical network in her paper. Her technique is based on a polarization-nulling method using the polarization features of optical signals. It employs polarization mode dispersion compensator and acousto optic tunable filter (AOTF) to prevent monitoring errors arising from polarization mode dispersion (PMD) and non-linear double refraction, which considerably improves the monitoring technique and makes it possible to demonstrate a technique proposed at ultra long haul network.
View 13849
Information on (specialty) interview for the first collection of undergraduate students 2007
Information on (specialty) interview for the first collection of undergraduate students 2007 · Time and place (for interviewees on October 13 and 14) o Time: 8:30 am on a designated day o Place: Creative Learning Building (E11) o Interview room: designated rooms in Creative Learning Building · Notice o Interviewees are required to bring basic data for interview, application card, and writing tools. o Interviewees are required to submit basic data for interview at the interview of selective (science) subject · With respect to specialty interview o Subjects: · Math and Science (select one among Physics, Biology, and Chemistry) o Schedule: (1) Interview will be conducted for one subject in the morning and the other in the afternoon. (2) Interview schedule will be taught on the interview day. o Details: Interviewees arrive at the designated place (Creative Learning Building) - move to a waiting room of each subject (Math or Science) - move to a preparation room of each subject in order of designated number - solve test problems for interview for 30 minutes - interview with interviewer (three members) for 20 minutes o After morning interview Interviewees can enjoy free time after morning interview, but should be back to Creative Learning Building no later than 1: 20 pm for afternoon interview. o Afternoon interview will be conducted in the same sequence as the morning one.
View 12495
Information on (personality) interview for first collection of undergraduate students 2007
Information on (personality) interview for first collection of undergraduate students 2007 · Interviewees on October13, (Friday) o Time: 1:10 pm, October 13 (Friday) o Place: Undergraduate gymnasium (N2) o Interview room o Staffs will bring interviewees to interview rooms · Interviewees on October 14, (Saturday) o Time: 1:10 pm, October 14 (Saturday) o Place: Creative Learning Building (E11) o Interview room: designated rooms in Creative Learning Building · Notice o Interviewees are required to bring basic data for interview and application card.
View 10885
Notification of student numbers and input of personal information for freshmen of the first master's, doctor's, and unified course 2007
Notification of student numbers and input of personal information for freshmen of the first master’s, doctor’s, and unified course 2007 Notification of student numbers and input of personal information for freshmen of the first master’s, doctor’s, and unified course 2007 Enrolled students are requested to input personal information. ▶▶▶ Click here to move to student number notification page. ▶▶▶ Click here to move to personal information input page.
View 11968
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