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KAIST Hosts a Symposium on IPR
KAIST’s Graduate School of Future Strategy (http://futures.kaist.ac.kr) hosted a symposium entitled “Future Strategies to Grow Korea as the Hub for the World’s Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)” under the theme of “Patent Laws and a Revised Bill for the Code of Civil Procedures” in the National Assembly’s Memorial Hall on April 9, 2015. Experts who attended the symposium included Professor James Dator, Director of the Hawaii Research Center for Futures Studies, Sang-Wook Han, a lawyer and Vice President of Korea Intellectual Property Protection Association (KIPRA), and Min Seo, a former Chairman of Civil Law Revision Commission of the Ministry of Justice, Korea. The event consisted of special lectures, patent law presentations, a revised bill for the code of civil procedures in patent law, and a general discussion forum. Professor Dator, the keynote speaker, addressed the future of intellectual property. San-Wook Han (KIPRA) talked about new and effective changes in Korean patent law such as the compensation against IPR violations and the reduction of legal burden of proof in IPR disputes. Min Seo from the Ministry of Justice moderated a panel of eight members, which offered an in-depth discussion on the revised bill. A ceremony for “The Third Future Strategy Award” was also held at the symposium. Yeon-Soo Park, former Administrator of the National Emergency Management Agency, received the award for his work on the Northeast Asian International Business Center City Project which enabled the construction of Incheon International Airport and Songdo International City.
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KAIST and the National Assembly of Korea Create a Committee to Plan "Patent Hub Korea"
The KAIST Graduate School of Future Strategy (GSFS) and the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea held a meeting at the National Assembly building in Seoul on September 23, 2014. At the meeting, the two organizations agreed to create a planning committee that will work for the construction of Korea as a global patent hub. In addition, the two also reviewed national laws and regulations related to patents and intellectual property rights (IPR) and discussed a future action agenda. Dean Kwang-Hyung Lee of GSFS, Chairman Ui-Hwa Chung of the National Assembly, Chairman Jong-Yong Yoon of the Presidential Council on Intellectual Property, and many representatives from the academia, government, and law participated in the meeting. Dean Lee, who is the co-chairman of the planning committee, said: “Although Korea has globally ranked number five in patents and IPR, it still suffers from the lack of relevant legal systems and professionals. I hope that the planning committee will serve as a catalyst to make Korea stronger in the field of intellectual property and to accelerate the creation of the Patent Hub Korea.”
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