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Professor Ki Jun Jeong Selected As the Winner of the 'Young Asian Biotechnologist Prize'
Professor Ki Jun Jeong from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST, has been selected as the winner of this year’s Young Asian Biotechnologist Prize. Professor Jeong was invited to the 66th Japan Biotechnology and Bioengineering Society Conference scheduled in September 9th-11th, 2014, in Sapporo, Japan, where his award ceremony will be held. The award is presented to Professor Jeong in recognition of his outstanding research on microbial-based production of antibodies and efficiency improvement. The Young Asian Biotechnologist Prize is awarded annually by the Japan Biotechnology and Bioengineering Society to the researchers in Asia under the age of 45, who have achieved excellent research results in the field of bioengineering.
View 8911
2011 Wearable Computer Competition Participant Registration Started
The registration process for the ‘Wearable Computer Contest’ (WCC) held by KAST and Korea Next Generation Computing Institute. The contest is the only contest that designs wearable computers in Korea. This year’s theme is ‘Smart Wear for the Smart Life’ in response to the spread of smartphones. In 2010 the contest was run cooperatively with International Symposium on Wearable Computer (ISWC) and is fast becoming an international even with students from foreign universities attending. The participants will be putting forth an idea on wearable computers that have IT and fashion fused into it and actually produces such an outfit. The cost of producing a prototype will be provided by the holders and education of basics needed in producing a prototype like ubiquitous computing, wearable computer platform, human-computer interface, fashion and design. The restriction of theme was taken out of the equation and in its place, an idea tank involving handing in ideas in poster format was put into place. In addition the competition is no longer limited to undergraduates or graduate students. Detailed information on registration and of the contest itself can be found at www.ufcom.org .
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KAIST Professor Whang Turns VLDB Journal Into One of the Best in Its Field
Kyu-Young Whang, a Distinguished Professor at KAIST’s Computer Science Department, has developed The VLDB Journal into one of the world’s best journals on database technology. Professor Whang, Editor-in-Chief of The VLDB Journal, is credited for the journal’s remarkable success evidenced by the rise of the publication’s Science Citation Index (SCI) impact factor from 3.818 to 6.8 in the period of one year. This placed the VLDB in the first place amongst 99 information systems journals and 44 hardware and architecture-related journals registered with the SCI. With only the exception of the Survey Journal, this makes The VLDB Journal the best in computer science. The VLDB Journal is a quarterly journal published on behalf of the VLDB Endowment. The journal, launched in 1992, is dedicated to the publication of scholarly contributions to the advancement of information system architectures, the impact of technological advancements on information systems, and the development of novel database applications. The VLDB Journal’s closest competitors in database technology, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering and ACM Transactions on Database Systems, received an impact factor of 2.236 and 1.613 respectively. Comparatively, Professor Whang’s journal retains an impact factor nearly 3 to 4 times greater. During Professor Whang’s six-year term as Editor-in-Chief, he has actively pursued the use of innovative ideas, strengthened the board of editors, standardized the length of review time, and made the journal much more accessible through the Internet. Furthermore, he drastically reduced publication time and sought a policy that focused more on the journal’s readers, which led to The VLDB Journal’s SCI impact factor rising from 1.149 (2002) to 6.8 (2008). As one of The VLDB Journal’s founding members, Professor Whang has worked for the advancement of his journal tirelessly for 19 years with many accomplishments in database technology, including physical database design, determining the quality of a database, and the creation of a database management system. As a result, Professor Whang became the first IEEE fellow concerning domestic computer science. He is also a trustee of The VLDB Endowment, a fellow of the Korean Academy of Science and Technology, and of course, a Distinguished Professor at KAIST.
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Retirement of Professor Jung-Woong Ra
Retirement of Professor Jung-Woong Ra The first professor of KAIST Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department Jung-Woon Ra, who is also the former president of Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), retired. Professor Ra joined KAIST as professor in 1971, the year of KAIST foundation, and established the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. He has significantly contributed to the development of the department and is recognized for his sincere devotion to the rapid growth of GIST into a specialized research-oriented university as the head of GIST Foundation Committee and the third president of GIST. For the past 35 years in KAIST, Professor Ra has educated 37 Ph.Ds and 90 masters, and presented 113 papers in domestic and world renowned journals and 93 academic papers. Particularly, Professor Ra, world-class scholar in the field of electromagnetic wave utilization and application, invented ‘successive electromagnetic wave ground penetrating radar’, with which he discovered the fourth tunnel made by North Korean Military Forces in 1989. In recognition of his contribution to manpower education and development of science and technology, he won Moran medal of Order of Civil Merit in 1999 and was awarded as a man of merit for electromagnetic wave development in 2005. Retirement ceremony for Professor Jung was held at Dream Hall in ChungMoonSoul building last Friday, September 29, and Professor Jung was named as Emeritus Professor at the ceremony.
View 15485
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