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2018 KAIST Research Day Honors Outstanding Research Achievements
(KAIST President Sung-Chul Shin and Professor Jong-Hwan Kim) Professor Jong-Hwan Kim from the School of Electrical Engineering was recognized at the 2018 KAIST Research Day as the Research Grand Prize Awardee. The ten most distinguished research achievements of the past year were also recognized. The Research Grand Prize recognizes the professor whose comprehensive research performance evaluation indicator was the highest over the past five years. The indicator combines the number of research contracts, IPR and royalty income. During the May 25th ceremony, Professor Hyochoong Bang from the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Professor In so Kweon from the School of Electrical Engineering also won the Best Research Award prize. This year, the Research Innovation Award went to Professor Dong Soo Han from the School of Computing. The Research Innovation Award combines scores in the categories of foreign patent registrations, contracts of technological transfer, and income from technology fees, technology consultations, and startups. The Convergence Research Award was given to Professor Junmo Kim from the School of Electrical Engineering and Professor Hyun Myung from the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering. The Convergence Research Award recognizes the most outstanding research team that created innovative research results over a one-year period. President Sung-Chul Shin said, “KAIST has selected the ten most outstanding research achievements of 2017 conducted by our faculty and researchers. All of them demonstrated exceptional creativity, which opens new research paths in each field though their novelty, innovation, and impact.” KAIST hosts Research Day every year to introduce major research performances at KAIST and share knowledge about the research and development. During Research Day, KAIST also announced the ten most distinguished research achievements contributed by KAIST professors during the previous year. They are listed below. ▲ High-Speed Motion Core Technology for Magnetic Memory by Professor Kab-Jin Kim from the Department of Physics ▲ A Double Well Potential System by Professor Jaeyoung Byeon from the Department of Mathematical Sciences ▲ Cheap and Efficient Dehydrogenation of Alkanes by Professor Mu-Hyun Baik from the Department of Chemistry ▲ A Dynamic LPS Transfer Mechanism for Innate Immune Activation by Professor Ho Min Kim from the Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering ▲ A Memristive Functional Device and Circuit on Fabric for Fibertronics by Professor Yang-Kyu Choi and Professor Sung-Yool Choi from the School of Electrical Engineering ▲ A Hippocampal Morphology Study Based on a Progressive Template Deformable Model by Professor Jinah Park from the School of Computing ▲ The Development of a 6-DOF Dynamic Response Measurement System for Civil Infrastructure Monitoring by Professor Hoon Sohn from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering ▲ Cooperative Tumour Cell Membrane Targeted Phototherapy by Professor Ji-Ho Park from the Department of Bio and Brain Engineering ▲ HUMICOTTA: A 3D-Printed Terracotta Humidifier by Professor Sangmin Bae from the Department of Industrial Design ▲ Ultrathin, Cross-Linked Ionic Polymer Thin Films by Professor Sung Gap Im from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
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KAIST Welcomes Global Participants to AI World Cup 2018
KAIST will host the AI (Artificial Intelligence) World Cup 2018 in August, and this time it is open to the international community. AI World Cup 2018 will be a very exciting challenge for extending the limit of academic and industrial applications based on AI technology. KAIST, after launching its AI World Cup 2017 for domestic participants, is now hosting the AI World Cup 2018 for everyone. The AI World Cup will be comprised of three events: 1) Five on five AI Soccer 2) AI Commentator and 3) AI Reporter. Winner of each category, runner-up of AI Soccer, and 2nd runner-up of AI Soccer will receive awards with cash prizes. For AI Soccer in which AI controlled robots team up to compete, the preliminary rounds will be held in July in a league format, and the final rounds will be played on August 20-22. For AI Commentator and AI Reporter, eight finalists will be selected for each category based on scoring criteria, and their performance will be evaluated by the judges to select the winner from each category on August 22. During the final rounds, a variety of events will also take place at KAIST, including tutorial sessions on AI technology, a poster session where students present their research works on AI, not necessarily limited to the scope of AI Soccer, AI Commentator, and AI Reporter, and panel discussions by prominent experts in the field of AI. Moreover, renowned experts on AI will deliver their keynote addresses. The Cyberbotics CEO Olivier Michel will address his keynote speech on the topic ‘Simulation benchmarks and competitions: a fundamental tool to foster robotics research.’ The AI World Cup was established by the College of Engineering at KAIST to show that AI technology can be further extended to sports, soccer in particular. Professor Jong-Hwan Kim, the inventor of AI World Cup and chairman of the organizing committee said, “I hope that this event will offer a great chance to develop AI technology for use in the coming years. I wish many people can enjoy the AI World Cup 2018. I would recommend that prospective teams not worry about the technical barrier when deciding whether to participate in the games. Participants from academia and industry can test whether their code runs well in the competition simulator; this way, they will know their level of play and perhaps they can further develop their algorithms.” “We will also broadcast the final round of AI Soccer online so that people in remote areas can also enjoy watching the games. I am looking forward to seeing all of you at the AI World Cup. Any participant with a passion to prove excellence in AI technology is welcomed with open arms,” he added. Anyone interested in the AI World Cup 2018 can register online via aiworldcup.org . Registration starts from April 1. The deadline for registration and final code submission is June 30. (Cubical players in the figure for domestic AI Soccer competition have been replaced with cylindrical players for more agile movements while playing) (Opening ceremony of AI World Cup 2017) (Trophy and prize) (Interview of participant) (Casters commentating on game playing)
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KAIST to Host the 2017 AI World Cup in November
KAIST, the birthplace of the Robot World Cup in 1996, now presents a new technology matchup, the AI World Cup this November, which will be held at KAIST. The event is being organized by the Machine Intelligence and Robotics Multi-Sponsored Research and Education Platform (MIR-MSREP) of KAIST. The online, simulated AI soccer game, based on rolling updates, will be a draw for avid online gamers and tech-savvy university students from around the nation. The tournament is comprised of three events: ▲A 5 on 5 AI soccer match to be played after self-learning using AI technology in an online simulation environment ▲Commentary in which online soccer videos are analyzed and commented on, and ▲Game reporters who will write articles on online soccer event results. The participants will undergo a month-long online practice period in October and compete in preliminary matches from November 1 through 24. The top teams that scored the highest accumulated points will compete in the finals on December 1. In the finals, each team’s AI technology implementation method will be evaluated to select the final winning team. To ensure a successful event, KAIST will host a briefing session for participants on July 28. Technological prowess and early exposure to AI accumulated at KAIST led to the launching of this tournament. Professor Jong-Hwan Kim, the chair of the Organizing Committee of the AI World Cup, hosted the first ever Robot World Cup back in 1996. His concept has now evolved into the emerging technology of AI and the members of the Organizing Committee encompass the professors from the various departments of electrical engineering, computing, industrial and systems engineering, aerospace engineering, civil and environmental engineering, and the graduate schools of Green Transportation, Cultural Technology, and Science and Technology Policy. In particular, ongoing convergence research initiatives incorporating AI into a wide arrays of disciplines such as bio, nano, and IT, played a crucial role for making this AI World Cup happen. Professor Kim said, “The winner of this year’s competition will be awarded a certificate and a small gift. In 2018, we aim to expand the event to an international scale by allowing international teams.” Any undergraduate or graduate student in Korea can apply to participate in the ‘AI World Cup 2017’. KAIST will host a public trial event during the ‘Open KAIST’ event period to be held November 2-3 to help participating students understand the event better. ‘Open KAIST’ allows the general public to personally visit and experience what goes on in engineering departments and laboratories on the KAIST main campus. It is hosted by the College of Engineering every two years and is the largest event hosted by KAIST. To participate in the ‘AI World Cup 2017,’ teams consisting of Korean undergraduates or graduate students can fill out application forms and submit them by September 30 on http://mir.kaist.ac.kr .
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