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KAIST's Board of Trustees Reappoints Dr. Jang-Moo Lee as Chairman
Dr. Jang-Moo Lee, the incumbent Chairman of the KAIST Board of Trustees, has been re-elected to head the office. His term will begin from the date of approval by the Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning of Korea and will last for three years. Dr. Lee received his undergraduate and master’s degrees in mechanical engineering from Seoul National University. He later earned his doctoral degree in mechanical engineering from Iowa State University in the United States. Joined the faculty of his alma mater in 1976, Dr. Lee held various posts within the university including the dean of the engineering college. He served as the president of the Association of Korean Engineering Colleges, the founding chairman of the Korea Evaluation Institute of Industrial Technology, the president of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, the 24th president of Seoul National University, and the 13th president of the Korean Council for University Education. He now serves as the president of the National Science and Technology Council of Korea and the chairman of Climate Change Center’s Board of Directors. Dr. Lee has received numerous honors and awards, among others, the Academic Award of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers (1985), the Order of Science and Technology Merit from the Korean government (2005), the National Academy of Sciences Award (2005), and the Order of Service Merit in Blue Stripes (2010) from the Korean government. He was also selected as the Alma Mater Proud from Kyunggi High School in 2011.
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Mobile Software Platform Research Center Recognized by the MSIP
The Mobile Software Platform Research Center (MSPRC) at KAIST received an award from the Minister of Science, ICT and Future Planning of Korea on November 29, 2016, at Coex in Seoul. The award was presented at the Conference of Software R&D Annual Report 2016 hosted by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MISP) and the Institute for Information and Communications Technology Promotion (IITP). The research center developed user experience (UX)-oriented mobile software platforms that support the invention of next-generation UX service technologies. The center has filed 37 patents and registered 15 technologies. Its researchers received ten Best Paper Awards and published a total of 133 papers in Korean and international journals. Research teams at MSPRC expect that their software platforms will offer training programs for software engineers and new UX services. They also said that their extensive event processing platforms would reduce energy consumption on mobile devices. Professor Seungryoul Maeng of the School of Computing, the Director of MSPRC, said, “This is a great honor for us. I am greatly thankful for the teamwork of participating departments--Computer Science, Industrial Design, and Industrial and Systems Engineering. We will continue to introduce our research outcomes and to work towards commercializing these results.” Members of the Mobile Software Platform Research Center, KAIST
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