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ICISTS-KAIST Talk Concert 2014
The International Conference for the Integration of Science, Technology and Society at KAIST (ICISTS-KAIST) will hold a talk entitled “Scientific Technology and Culture” at Youngdungpo Art Hall in Seoul on Tuesday, February 11, 2014.The three main presenters will be: Jin-Hwa Kim, Director of Korbit, Dong-Hyeon Jo, Chief of New Business at Nexon, and media artist Yi-Nam Lee. They will address the meeting of culture and scientific technology in the fields of art, games, and other genres.Jin-Hwa Kim is the director of Korbit, the first Korean bitcoin exchange, and wrote The Next Money: Bitcoin, the world’s first bitcoin textbook. He will elaborate on how science and technology are constantly changing and have affected popular culture, and how public demand gave birth to bitcoin.Dong-Hyeon Jo from Nexon will explain how the appearance of new media and platforms such as smartphones has changed our lives.Media artist Yi-Nam Lee has been described as “the second Nam-June Paik,” an internationally-acclaimed video artist, for his integration of oriental and western masterpieces with modern media. During the event, samples of his artwork will be displayed.ICISTS-KAIST is a student organization which has held a conference every year since 2005 with hundreds of students attending from many parts of the world, Asia in particular.
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UN biological weapons expert gives lecture at KAIST
KAIST’s student organization, the ICISTS Organizing Committee, invited United Nations Security Council expert Terence Taylor to deliver a speech under the topic of ‘Terrorists and Scientists: Biological Weapons and its impact on Global Society’. The lecture took place on November 19 on the Daejeon campus. Taylor shared his experiences as a biochemical weapons expert at Iraq and discussed the fast-approaching future of the world with biochemical weapons. Terence Taylor is a former British military officer, who served various governmental and non-governmental organizations around the world, including UK and U.S. agencies, as well as the UN. His current work involves the non-proliferation and disarmament of nuclear or biological weapons, toxic substances and other weapons of mass destruction. ICISTS Organizing Committee is a student organization run by of KAIST students. Since 2005, it has actively held one of the largest student conferences in Asia, ICISTS-KAIST, at KAIST every year. "ICISTS" stands for “International Conference for the Integration of Science, Technology, and Society”, which conveys its vision in achieving a harmony between science and society. UN Security Council expert Terence Taylor
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Int'l Conference for Integration of Science & Technology into Society Opens
The 2008 International Conference for the Integration of Science and Technology into Society (ICISTS-KAIST) opened a four-day meeting on Tuesday (July 15) at Daejeon KAIST campus. The conference is an annual event organized by a group of KAIST undergraduate students. The fifth-year gathering is designed to provide participants with an opportunity to broaden their scientific perspectives by sharing ideas and experiences in related topics, as well as building an international human network. This year"s event has drawn about 200 students from 40 countries. The centerpiece of the conference is three workshops on the following themes; Human-Robot Symbiotic Society, Neo-brain Science and Trafficmatics. Myung-Ja Kim, former Korean Environment Minister, will appear as a keynote speaker. In the workshop sessions, two speakers will discuss specific issues and arrive at a tentative conclusion. Participants will have the opportunity to participate in the debate through Q&A for each session. The first theme "Human-Robot Symbiotic Society" delves into the current trend that robot is being transformed into a perceivable and touchable concept from an abstract one. Guests for the workship include June-Ho Oh, professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, KAIST; James Dater, professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Hawaii at Manoa, and Director of the Hawaii Research Center for Future; Michael Pollitt, CEO of Shadow Robot Company; and Steven Dubowsky, professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT. The second theme "Neo-Brain Science" focuses on attempts to shed light on brain from diverse perspectives including psychology, economics and art. Among invited speakers are Prof. Jai-Seung Jung at the Department of Bio and Brain Engineering, KAIST; Prof. Un-Jung Kang at the University of Chicago Medical Center; and Peter Geyer, a consultant for the Association for Psychological Type. The third workshop on "Traffimatics" will deal with "intelligent transport systems (ITS)" which will discusst new paradigm in transportation policy and traffic engineering. On the list of speakers are Assaf Biderman, assistant director, SENSEable City Laboratory, MIT; Prof. Richard Tay, at the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Calgary; Prof. Shoshi Mizokami at Kumamoto University; and Ho-Jong Baik, research associate professor of Virginia Tech.
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